ENCOUNTER WITH JESUS THAT SET US ON THE PATH FOR AN INTIMACY In Jesus is life, It is a distinguishing mark of a true follower of Jesus that he sees his Lord and Master when he is not to be seen by the bodily eye; he sees him intelligently and spiritually; he knows his Lord, discerns his character, apprehends him by faith, gazes upon him with admiration as our first sight of Christ brought us into spiritual life, for we looked unto him and were saved, so it is by the continuance of this spiritual sight of Christ that our spiritual life is consciously maintained. We lived by looking, Faith is still the medium by which life comes to us from the life-giving Lord. It is not only upon the first day of the Christians life that he must needs look to Jesus only, but every day of that life, even until the last, his motto must be, Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. The world sees him no more, for it never saw him aright; but ye have seen him and lived, and now, through continuing still to see him, you remain in life. Let us ever remember the intimate connection between faith and spiritual life. Faith is the life-look. we must never think that we live by works, by feelings, or by ceremonies. The just shall live by faith. My brethren, it is in proportion as you get near to God that you enter into the full enjoyment of life—that life which Jesus Christ gives you, and which Jesus Christ preserves in you. In his favour is life. Psalm 30:5. The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life. Prov. 14:27. To turn to God is repentance unto life. To forget God is for a man to be dead whilst he liveth. To believe the witness of God is to possess the faith which overcometh the world. He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son. And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. This life within the soul bears fruit on earth in righteousness and true holiness. It blooms with sweetest of flowers of fellowship with God below, and it is made perfect in the presence of God in heaven. The life of glorified spirits above is but the life of justified men here below; it is the same life, only it is delivered from encumbrances, and has come to the fullness of its strength. The life of heaven is in every believer even now. The moment a sinner believes in Jesus he receives from God that selfsame life which shall look down serenely upon the conflagration of earth, and the passing away of those lower skies. Blessed is that man who has everlasting life, who is made a partaker of the divine nature, who is born again from above, who is born of God by a seed which remain in him, for he is the man upon whom the second death has no power, who shall enjoy life eternal when the wicked go to suffer the eternal judgement.. If you are willing and obedience you will begin to live this life of hope,joy and eternal peace with Christ.Please listen to this video for a revelation that will change your life eternally.May you be bless as ,you are changed on the path of Holiness,Righteousness and truth. youtu.be/XtxeER3AXok
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 18:34:29 +0000

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