ENCOUNTER WITH JESUS (WALKING IN YOUR HEAVENLY IDENTITY) Christians are very mysterious people.We have the fullness of Gods nature dwelling in human form.Basically we are supernatural beings operating in natural.Meaning we are to function like God.In John 15 JESUS made us aware that He has chosen us to show the world the mystery of how we are to function here on earth. We are to operate as Kings, but speak as Emperors.Meaning whatsoever we desire , we must see it as we speak it into existence.Simply it means that we are to live out our potentials as heavenly beings on earth. Before that can happen,one must know the sources of his/her abilities and connect to that. We must understand how we were made to function,only by abiding in CHRIST the vine.Then we can know our purpose as we come to understand the provision or the resources available in CHRIST for us.Finally we must work out our potentials,by finding the place,the area or the right environment of our domain. Prophet Ezekiel was one of the Old Testament prophet who walked like the person CHRIST want us to be.In Chapter 37:1-12 ,In a vision he was carried by the hand of God in the spirit. Thus the best area of our domain,he was shown a valley full of dry bones.He was given a voice to speak in the name of our Lord TO the bones, not ABOUT the bones. These were army of Israel dead in their sin and trespasses.He called life back to those Hopeless bones,what a miracle could this be? Oh yes! When you and me take sin out of our lives, we will become the spokesman and the mouthpiece of the Almighty,omnipotent God. The whole creations is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God.We have been chosen as the sons of God.Meaning Gods approval is on us.We cant fail God and the creation. We must speak what God speaks,because that is the sources of all creation And God said All things has their components in the word of God,and maintain their purpose in their sources.Everything around us must work for our good, however until we develop an ultimate intimacy with Jesus,we will not fulfill our purpose,regardless the demand placed on us by the creator,because the source will sustained and released our affections and our impact in this world. God has built the power to perform and all the ability we need to fulfill our assignment here.We came from Him, therefore we share his heavenly nature.He had place a demand on us, because we have the essence of Him,we are what He says we are and can do what He says we can do.But unless we remain attached to Him , we will abort all that He had determined for us.Come back to God,Remain only in Him for His endorsement,and none of your words will not produce the fruits of His nature. Please listen to this video for more and I will pray with you to become who ,where and what you were born to be in CHRIST youtu.be/Riil7gKwRSo
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 07:55:35 +0000

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