ENCOURAGEMENT FROM Gina Barker: NEVER ALONE...God said, I will - TopicsExpress


ENCOURAGEMENT FROM Gina Barker: NEVER ALONE...God said, I will personally go with you, Moses... One day Moses said to the Lord, You have been telling me, Take these people up to the Promised Land. But you havent told me whom you will send with me. You have told me, I know you by name, and I look favorably on you. . . . The Lord replied, I will personally go with you, Moses, and I will give you rest-everything will be fine for you. Exodus 33:12,14 NLT ------------------------------------------------------------------ Thoughts for Today We all face challenges. Moses understood challenges. God called him to lead the Hebrew people out of Egypt and to the Promised Land; talk about a challenge! Moses had serious doubts about his ability to meet the challenge . . . and he asked God about it. He wanted to know who would go with him to help. God knew Moses by name. He knew him personally. He told Moses he would go with him . . . and everything would be fine. And of course, he did. God guided Moses and the Israelites. He provided miraculously for their needs. He protected them. He taught them. He was always with them. Consider this ... Are you facing a challenge right now? Going through a difficult time? God knows you personally too. We may be quick to say, Oh yes, I know God knows everyone. But do we really personalize that? God knows YOU intimately. He knows your name and everything about you. And he cares. Whatever you are facing, you are not alone. You may sometimes feel very alone. But you arent. Gods presence is with you. Always. He will guide you. He will protect and strengthen you. He will teach you. Your Heavenly Father has promised this: I will never fail you. I will never abandon you (Hebrews 13:5 NLT). ------------------------------------------------------- Isnt God fantastic! Sometimes people can be so cruel, your own family, your own friends, and even your husband or your wife. Sometimes we all face things that hurt and that is so tough, but God is giving us the most wonderful message, that God is always with us, even if no one else cares or loves us. Today, I want to assure you that this message is for you and for me. God loves us. God cares, God is with you. It is so difficult not to cry when people are cruel. It is so difficult to keep quiet, but I have learned to be still when things are tough. Remember one thing, when God uses you, Satan doesnt leave you alone for one minute. Satan wants us to loose hope, but even before things become calm and things go in the right direction, dont loose hope, dont worry, God is always with you. Satan scratches and scratches, but be still and be calm. Tell God everything, or you can just say, Lord, You see, sort it out please, because I havent got the strength. God will do it for you. Remember, those who work for God, get the hammering all the time from Satan, because Satan wants to put a stop to it. Satan, doesnt want the truth to come out. So Satan needs to hammer you all the time. Remember Job, and how many sufferings did all Jesus disciples experience, and what about Jesus himself. Jesus took it all, Jesus gave it all. Please remember to pray for those that God puts in your path and on your mind. Shalom, Gina Barker
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 23:47:27 +0000

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