END TIME MESSAGE FROM THE THRONE ROOM……. THUS SAYS THE LORD GOD OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC AND JACOB….. because of GROSS REBELLION and the detrimental effects of what is coming in this critical YEAR, 2015 year of MY REDEEMED, you will also see very SWIFT CHANGES. JUSTICE. JUDGMENT. BALANCE. You must flee from those who will not take HEED and insistently continue in their own REBELLION. God will have mercy, but some are being taken out. God Says, they are being used by satan because of their own REBELLION AND WICKED WORKS OF WITCHCRAFT to try to kill, steal from and destroy My Flock. (John 10, 15, 17). I will not allow one to be plucked out of My hands. I will never allow it! I will honor My word. I will honor what I spoke through My choice End Time Elect vessels. My word says thus, You must work out your OWN SOUL SALVATION with FEAR and trembling! Will I not honor My word. Am I a God of only Mercy and not a God of Justice and Judgment?? How can I not be a God of judgment, when I sent the WARNINGS of Judgment to the CHURCH…?? Am I not a God who honors My Word. False teachers who say I will not JUDGE MY OWN CHURCH, have been WARNED….but do not believe or take heed. Never take your God for granted so much that you don’t FEAR HIM. This is hypocrisy at its finest. FEAR OF GOD IS THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM. Nineveh was spared because they FEARED GOD AND REPENTED….. GOD is not your equal. HE is the SUPREME RULER. The SUPREME JUDGE. Age God says, His Order must and will be ESTABLISHED. On earth as it is In Heaven. In Heaven there was JUDGMENT UPON THE REBELS, and they were cast out of His presence. So shall it be on the EARTH (Matthew 28:18). GOD THE FATHER IS SURELY CUTTING OFF EVERY BRANCH IN HIM, THAT DOES NOT BEAR FRUIT….. TAKING THEM AWAY……. FOR IT IS WRITTEN! (John 15:1-2). “I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: And every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit” John 15:1-2 KJV. Be happy you are being PURGED AND PRUNED, some will be cut off. David even feared God. And he was a man after God’s own heart. REBELLION IS COMING UNDER JUDGMENT IN THE HOUSE OF GOD, and in the CHURCH of Jesus Christ across the Globe. TIME IS SHORT…!!!! (Revelation 1,2,3). JUDGMENT in unimaginable ways. Depending on whose side you’re on. You win or lose as in a real court of LAW. HEAVEN’S COURT OF LAW COMING TO EARTH! JUSTICE. JUSTICE. JUSTICE IN MY SIGHT..! And I hear God saying, “I already warned them, and they would big take heed. I already sent My Prophets yet they refused Me. I sent My Messengers to offer them healing, but they heard them not. Just as I cast then out, who followed the chief of REBELS, Satan himself, these who have refused me repeatedly will see the same JUDGMENT. I Am not a man that I should lie. I Am a God of justice. And I sent them all Warnings, in My word, and through My Servants. Let My words penetrate the four corners of the EARTH, as I bring JUSTICE FOR MY OWN NAMESAKE. I Am that I Am.” Apostle-Prophetess Adrianne Kendell
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 20:14:18 +0000

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