ENDURE TEMPTATIONS James 1 verse 12 Blessed is the man who - TopicsExpress


ENDURE TEMPTATIONS James 1 verse 12 Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. Most of the times we cry foul when we are tempted, but I am also tempted to say, these temptations are part of the victory package, we can not get to the point of success without having gone though them! Victory that comes through a lot of trials and temptations normally brings the original glitter in you. Lets look at the process of Gold Refining. The ore that contains gold is fed through a crusher, which crushes the stones to pebble size, these are wheeled to a ball Mill , this is a gigantic wheel with still balls the size of an average babys head, these pebbles are further ground in the ball mill to powder, cyanide is a very dangerous chemical which when you are exposed to it at levels above 270 parts per million, you resign from the surface of the earth speedily in less than a minute and even without sending a whats app message home to say you have inhaled cyanide. This poisonous chemical is pumped into the Ball Mill . It helps brings the Gold out of the stones, the process goes on, it passes through cyanide tanks sedimentation tanks, and other processes before you get Gold in the Gold room. The ore is tested and tried in the process , before the Gold room, they test the ore for the amount of Gold in it, its crushed and chemically treated , these processes are done to bring glitter at the end of the day, Man also has to go through such testing, trials, and refining through the temptations we may go through, those that endure normally emerge victorious, perfected and shinning, I am tempted to say, you want to live better, pray for more challenges and temptations in your life knowing that victory over them means more crowns for you. In conclusion, every situation, trial and temptation is an opportunity for success! Its not all the time when success comes in a silver plater, it may have the face of Goliath, it may have the face of sickness, the face of poverty, etc! If sulk and face away you will remain with the face of success and not have the actual success. If you face your challenge, temptation and trial head on, never to avoid any step of the way, a crown will be awaiting you in the Gold room.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 09:19:44 +0000

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