***ENEMIES OF KNOWLEDGE & LEARNING - THIRD TRAGEDY IN THE OFFING*** As documented in the Qur’an, Islam strongly promotes knowledge and learning. Almost all Muslim scholars believe that the very first verse of the Qur’an that was revealed to our Exalted Prophet (SAW) was verse# 96:1, which reads as, “Read! With the Name of your Lord Who created.” Our Exalted Prophet (SAW) also stressed upon all Muslims (Any human being, man or woman, who lives his/her life according to Divine Laws) to acquire knowledge. One of his saying is: “It is THE DUTY of every Muslim MAN and WOMAN to acquire knowledge.” According to the Qur’an, one of the fundamentals of EEMAAN (Belief or Faith) is to believe in all Divine Books that were revealed to all the Prophets of God. FIRST TRAGEDY: Burning of books and destruction of library in Jerusalem by the armies of second Caliph of Islam, Hazrat Omar (RA). I strongly believe that Hazrat Omer (RA) would not have ordered or condoned this heinous crime. The armed forces when excited and emotionally charged, tend to lose their senses and forget moral values and commit heinous crimes on humanity. Imam Ali (RA), son-in-law of our Exalted Prophet (SAW), is reported to have been deeply saddened by this heinous crime committed by early Muslim armies. When someone asked him about his feelings, he replied with utmost grief and sorrow stating that even if he had lost his two beloved sons, Hassan (RA) and Hussain (RA) in a battle, it would not have hurt him that much that he was grieved by the burning of precious books and destruction of library in Jerusalem. SECOND TRAGEDY: The second heinous crime was also committed by the Muslim armies of Changez Khan and Hulagu Khan. They pillaged cities and towns of neighboring countries, and burned thousands of precious books, destroyed libraries of Baghdad, and threw thousands of rare books into river Euphrates and Tigris (Dijila) rivers. THIRD TRAGEDY: The perpetrators of third tragedy are also the Muslim armies led by Taliban and their god-fathers (descendant of Changez and Hulagu). They have already started destroying schools and books in Afghanistan and in the northern parts of Pakistan. Are people of Sindh prepared to fight back against those criminals and ignorant, protect and preserve their national heritage and precious books and libraries?
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 00:54:48 +0000

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