ENERGY UPDATE BY TOM KYPACHA LESCHER. POST NEW MOON IN AQUARIUS JAN 20th 2015. WARNING, THIS SHARING AND VIDEO MIGHT EXPLAIN A THING OR TWO THAT SOME MIGHT NOT BE READY READY TO HEAR. SO FLOW WITH IT AND JUST BREATH DEEPLY. TAKE WHAT RESONATE AND AS ALWAYS, LET THE REST GO. BUT I HAVE TO TELL YA ... WOW, HE HITS THIS NAIL (spike) RIGHT ON THE HEAD. FOR WE MUST GO INWARD AND LET GO OF BLAMING OTHERS (victim-hood) FOR OUR CURRENT REALITY - IF ITS NOT TO OUR LIKING. INDEED. - Little Fox (WaGOSH) AN IMMATURE ACTION WILL ALWAYS COME BACK HOME TO ROOST. SO LOVE YOURSELVES BELOVEDS. WITH PATIENCE, TRUTH, GRATITUDE FOR WHAT BLESSINGS ARE PRESENTLY AVAILABLE TO US, HUMILITY FOR WHAT WAS ON OUR PATH ... AND ... A DEEPER REVERENCE IN HONOR OF THE TRUE YOU/WE ... ALL REALLY ARE. WITH SELF MASTERY AS A DE-TERMINATING SEED GERMINATING WITHIN THE HEART ... WE BLOSSOM OUTWARDLY AS SHINING STREAMS OF DIVINITY TOGETHER . . . WOOOOOSH ... teheheheh ... :) Thanks for this one brother Kypatcha. And by the way ... you have an awesome laugh. NOTES: Finding our PLACE in the new world that is evolving before us is about dropping the Egoic Me-ism (fear based desires to control or play victim) in order to feel powerful, or good enough, wealthy enough, safe enough, secure enough, heard enough, worthy enough, seen enough, acknowledged enough, righteous enough ... or ... loved enough. For ignorance and the Narcissistic (obsessively self focused) behaviors can come in and ruin your day. Or, (g)od forbid you may perhaps be irresponsible with your energy and spill your negative emotional @$%^&* ... onto others in an unloving way. *PLEASE remember dear ones, there is a difference between self love and selfishness that is based in energy feeding/manipulating or controlling. These are fear based without a doubt. True? There is a difference most certainly. For one nurtures the self and shines brightly upon all beings, the environments and all realities they pass along the way ... uplifting it is. While the other, well it can ONLY bring a dark cloud filled with energy feeding actions, shadow doubts from immature origins, a constant cyclical repeating merry-go-round of debilitating drama, many self fulfilling negative prophecies and eventually illness, dis-ease and full on dis-empowerment of the spirit within from shining. For it is said that selfishness (Me-isms based in fear) can be a trap some may fall into when the curtains exposing the true veneer like shallowness of this old Matrix is unearthed ... from within us. For beloveds, are we not really here for a larger purpose than just to seeek out the temporary, truly limiting, addictive and shallow trappings of the 4/5 senses and their abuse through self satisfaction. For these tendencies can never be TRULY satisfying to the soul when rooted in personal gain mainly. And as always of course, we are here to do the human journey, but it is to be in a W diffrant way than what has transpired before. You are here for the renewing. All else has just been about a reviewing. So, do your review and then RELEASE what no longer serves the truth of love. Simple yes ... ?!?!? ;) OK. Enough of that for now ... Indeed, remember lovelies, ALL that we put out into the world, or in energy of any kind towards others, comes BACK to its point of origins 3-10xs the original power sent out. So, we are now given the warning and info to tread lovingly, think and speak lightly and use that incredible passionate power you/we have to instead ... BE-Come the CHANGE we wish to SEE in others ... BUT ... within ourselves FIRST. In grace and ease may all do their utmost to accomplish this. YES! Be the Sovereign still ... yes for certain ... For only the courageous of heart and stout of minds will continue with Mother Earth in her next phases of becoming. And so it is. :) Well see you on the other side of the New Aquarian Moon. Indeed, Love yourselves ...BUT ... in new and more expansive ways than ever before. Try it out, you just might enjoy it. Blessings. P.S. Although we always admonish integrity and loving actions in everything with our soul family ... We also say DO NOT STAY in any kind of TOXIC situations if they are detrimental to your soul. Indeed, but of course we are also do our best to be patient with others who may act out in the way brother Tom mentions above. Its a fine thing to remember, its NOT the real version of them engaging in these actions. Its just something they (their shadow selves) are going through. Peace. The Peaceful One and The Mt Shasta FGI team
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 00:53:34 +0000

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