ENG:So it always starts : Step 1 : Crimes in the name of the - TopicsExpress


ENG:So it always starts : Step 1 : Crimes in the name of the Prophet. Step 2: Islamophobia saves the Europe, the Reason, Christianity, whatever you want. Step 3 : Bombings, attacks in the name of the Prophet. Step 4 : Sanctions , embargoes, bellicose statements of the West. Step 5 : Other various murders and bombings in the name of the Prophet. Step 6 : Step 4 . Step 7 : Step 5 . Step 8: Step 4. Maybe even an invasion. It doesnt matter where to, turbans to have! Step 9 : Jihad and death to the Crusaders and the infidels. Step 10 : Step 8 v.1.1 . And v 1.8. And v.2.0 etc. The balance sheet: Hundreds of thousands or even millions of people with broken destinies, politicians re-elected, sheiks becoming martyrs or hiding in caves (and being, of course, great preachers of anti - Christian fatwas), dead soldiers, kamikaze fanatics, public markets and museums exploding, crippled children, refugees etc. After a few years, TV series, movies and the Oscars, doctorates in intelligence made with Google translate (yes , plagiarism is present everywhere !). But the streets are full with homeless veterans, orphans with severe maniac syndromes, men and women surviving in conditions of slavery , Guantanamo v 2.0 ( beta 3). But, of course, intellectuals should debate the confrontation between the Enlightenment and the conservatism. Halal! RO: Asa incep mereu: Pasul 1: Crime in numele Profetului. Pasul 2: Islamofobia salveaza Europa, Ratiunea, Crestinismul, ce vreti voi. Pasul 3: Atentate in numele Profetului. Pasul 4: Sanctiuni, embargouri, declaratii belicoase ale Occidentului. Pasul 5: Alte crime si atentate de fel si chip in numele Profetului. Pasul 6: Pasul 4 bis. Pasul 7: Pasul 5 bis. Pasul 8: Pasul 4. Poate chiar o invazie. Nu conteaza unde, turban sa aiba! Pasul 9: Jihad si moarte Cruciatilor si necredinciosilor. Pasul 10: Pasul 8 v.1.1. Si v 1.8. Si v.2.0 etc. Bilant: Sute de mii sau milioane de oamenii cu destine frante, politicieni revotati, seici martiri sau pititi prin grote (si mari propovaduitori de fatwa anti-crestine), soldati morti, fanatici kamikaze, piete si muzee explodand, copii schiloditi, refugiati etc. Dupa vreo cativa ani, seriale TV, filme si Oscaruri, doctorate in intelligence facute cu Google translate (da, plagiatul e prezent oriunde!). Numai ca pe strazi sunt veterani fara case, orfani cu dispozitii maniacale severe, femei si barbati supravietuind in conditii de sclavagie, Guntanamo v 2.0 (beta 3). Dar, bineinteles, trebuie ca intelectualii sa dezbata confruntarea intre Ilumninism si conservatiorism. Halal!
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 18:03:46 +0000

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