ENGLISH 3. ROLE –PLAY CARD Test card 1 You are at a conference. - TopicsExpress


ENGLISH 3. ROLE –PLAY CARD Test card 1 You are at a conference. Start a conversation with a partner, ask and answer questions about the followings: - Names - Jobs/job position / job responsibilities - Companies - Nationalities/ home country - Phone number - Email address - Other questions Test card 2 Talk with a partner, ask and answer questions about your workplace, include the following: - Location of your office - What your office is like? - Which amenities are available in your workplace (Parking lot, restaurant, games room, etc) - Your likes and dislikes about your office -One thing you would like to change in your office. Test card 3 You are at the break time of a conference. - Greet your partner -Introduce your colleagues to your partner - Offer him/her something to drink - Give some comments and discuss the presentation of the conference Test card 4 Work with a partner Student A : A web designer with an IT company. Student B : You are interested in the web design. You phone student A and arrange a date for a meeting to talk about web design Student A: Say you are busy on the first suggested day and agree to meet on the other day. Confirm the place, date and time of the meeting. Test card 5 You are going to write an article about an office life. Role- play with your partner an interview about his/ her office life, include the following: - Working hours everyday - Clothes at work - Office regulation ( eg: smoking. making personal call, late to work, go home early, entertaining guest during office hours…) - Vacation - Sick leave - Other questions Test card 6 A: Call the Marketing Department of the ABC company and ask for a new catalogue B: You work in the Market ting Department. Politely refuse the request and offer another alternative option A. Accept an offer B. Thanks Test card 7 A: You are a customer, order by telephone 2.500 Sony TV and you want them to deliver on the 25 of this month. Use your real name, your company name and give contact email address. B: You work at the Sale Department of Sony company. Receive the order, give order number and confirm the order by sending the details of the order by email. Test card 8 You are interviewing your partner about his /her company. Include the following: - Name of the company - When/ start up? - Location - Main business areas - Objectives - Current projects or activities - Future plans Test card 9 A. Ask your partner about his/ her preference in: - Cars - TV channels - Laptop Computers - Newspapers B. Give your preference and reasons for your choice. Test card 10 A. You are a customer at the restaurant. Order the food for your starter, main course and dessert B, You are the waiter/ waitress at a restaurant. Welcome the guest , take the order, confirm the order, bring the food to the table, take care of the guests and bring the bill at the end of the meal.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 15:51:00 +0000

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