ENGLISH BELOW!!!! Un mic adapost din Vatra Dornei care are nevoie - TopicsExpress


ENGLISH BELOW!!!! Un mic adapost din Vatra Dornei care are nevoie de ajutorul vostru! Avem multe nevoi de la hrana zilnica pana la treburi gospodaresti ca la fiecare casa unde iarna se face car si vara sanie! Avem nevoie de bobite, cele mai ieftine, nu suntem deloc pretentiosi dar si noi mancam in fiecare zi ca si voi! Am vrea sa construim o magazie pentru iarna grea care vine in care sa putem adaposti lemnele necesare, sa reparam soba care sta sa cada, sa avem un mic spatiu inchis pentru tratamentul cateilor, pentru sterilizari/castrari. Cea mai mare parte din materiale le avem deja procurate(material lemons, cuie, usi, ferestre, plase) insa nu ne pricepem s-o construim (suntem doar 2 femei), nu avem cu cine, iar cine ne promisese ca ne va ajuta nu s-a tinut de cuvant…asa este cand de aici nu ies si bani….aici se face doar munca voluntara in timpul liber si nimeni nu e dispus pentru asta din pacate si totusi este un adapost public al unei comunitati ! Cine crede ca poate sa-si rupa din timpul lui liber cateva ore pe saptamana sa se ajute ?! ...bineinteles PRO BONO?! Pentru toate aceste nevoi zilnice incepand de la mancare , tratamente medicale pana la reparatii, intretinere padocuri, si lista poate continua, ne puteti ajuta donand bani, mancare, materiale constructie sau/si va asteptam sa participati alaturi de noi macar o zi din viata voastra ca si VOLUNTARI in cadrul adapostului . Sau cine poate sa doneze bani pentru acesti catelusi?! Nu ne trebuie multi bani, foarte putini de la cat mai multi , orice leu conteaza enorm! Va suntem recunoscatori si va tinem la curent cu toate actiunile noastre asa dupa cum v-am obisnuit. Credeti ca ne puteti ajuta intr-un fel?! Daca DA asteptam un semn de la voi, stiti deja unde si la cine: Roxana Pasat si Mirela Gatej . Multumim Oameni Buni! cont PayPal : roxanapasat@yahoo Pasat Mihaela Roxana , cont lei, cont IBAN: RO 09 BTRL 0570 1201 P278 49XX, deschis la Banca Transilvania Vatra Dornei, cod SWIFT: BTRLRO22. Pasat Mihaela Roxana, cont EURO, cont IBAN: RO72BTRLEURCRTOOP2784901, deschis la Banca Transilvania Vatra Dornei, cod SWIFT: BTRLRO22. Pentru cei din Vatra Dornei strangem banuti si mancare la Hotelul Carol - Roxana Stanisor Pasat A small shelter in Vatra Dornei needs your help! We have many needs starting from the food to household activities daily like every house! We need the cheapest dry food, we are not at all pretentious but we eat every day like you! We want to build a shed for the coming tough winter where we can accommodate wood necessary to have a small enclosed space for dogs treatment, sterilization / castration. Most of materials we have already purchased (wood, stone, windows, doors, nets) but we are no able to build (we are only 2 women) and the guy that promised us that will help us not taken the word ... so... here is just volunteer work in your spare time and nobody is willing that, unfortunately! This shelter is still a public shelter of a community! Who thinks can break in his free time and a few hours a week to help us?! For all the daily needs starting from the food, medical treatment, to repair, maintenance the paddocks and the list goes on, you can help us by donating money, food, construction materials or / and welcome you to join us at least one day in your life as and volunteer at the shelter. Or who can donate money for these puppies? We do not need much money, we need little as many as possible, matters enormously! We welcome and keep you up to date with all our actions so as you already know. Do you think you can help us somehow? If so we expect a sign from you, you already know where : Roxana Pasat and Mirela Gatej. Thank you good people! cont PayPal : roxanapasat@yahoo Pasat Mihaela Roxana , cont lei, cont IBAN: RO 09 BTRL 0570 1201 P278 49XX, deschis la Banca Transilvania Vatra Dornei, cod SWIFT: BTRLRO22. Pasat Mihaela Roxana, cont EURO, cont IBAN: RO72BTRLEURCRTOOP2784901, deschis la Banca Transilvania Vatra Dornei, cod SWIFT: BTRLRO22.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 18:14:35 +0000

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