ENGLISH MEDIUM TOPIC O N E N E S S Saints say - TopicsExpress


ENGLISH MEDIUM TOPIC O N E N E S S Saints say with love Dhan Nirankar Jee The environment is equally pure and serene & we are enjoying a blissful environment and listing to devotional songs and speeches. Devotees inspired us to march on the path of Truth and lead of life full of devotion. Today everybody is enjoying these blissful moments because saints have graced this place with a spirit of devotion. The thoughts expressed by the saints have contributed to this blissful environment and at the same time these are source of inspiration for everyone to lead a pious life. All of you are present here in an environment which is full of bliss. It is so because you have gathered here with those pious feelings. The thoughts which we have heard here are based on truth, devotion and humanism. All seers and prophets longed for this oneness of mankind. Their teachings were based on oneness of mankind and were inspiring during those times and today as well. To promote the spirit of the same oneness, you have gathered here and are listening to these kinds of feelings. You all have gathered here with the feeling of goodwill and you want to promote love and harmony so that it is established everywhere globally. We are seeing so many divisions all around. The world is divided into various regions. There is so much racialism, there is so much communalism. People are fighting with each other. The more the prophets wanted that mankind should be united, the more this mankind is in fragmentation. So this effort to establish that state of mind and thought which saints had, lots of efforts have to be made towards it. The state of affairs in the world is such that despite being the children of same Almighty God, we the members of this Global Family are divided lot. The dividing walls created by man have become the cause of conflict among mankind. There are discords within individuals, societies and nations. But in reality it is the man himself who is the loser in the process. We may consider man as a unit, a family or for that matter a society, a nation or the whole world, but there is obviously a discord amongst men, and that is where maximum damage has been caused to man himself. That is why teachings of seers and prophets were such as would bridge the gap between man and man would lead to refinement amongst men,, families, society and then nations, which would finally lead to peace and harmony in the whole world. You are aware of the importance of teachings of seers and prophets, and to promote those teachings you are participating in this Satsang/Smagam so that those teaching can be further spread in the world. Mati Ek Anek Bhanti Kari Saaji Saajenhare We have been preached that the whole world is a creation of the One God. All of us are made of the same five elements, whether one belongs to England, China, India or Pakistan. This similarity of mankind is not based on the physical appearance, height language or culture, rather oneness is there in the sense that our souls belong to same Super Soul. “We are all in fact part of this Glorious Oneness. Because of glory to God Almighty we often say, Glorious Oneness. We are talking about oneness; so the journey which we going on and the journey of becoming that which we already are, that’s a paradox. We are on a journey of becoming that which we already are but we not realizing it. The journey is going on but we do not know that we are from the same source. We are from the same God Almighty. We are composition of those common five elements. So, it is a paradox and that depicts our ignorance. We have to have that realization and when that awareness takes place our pursuits and journeys in that context stop. Then journey begins as enlightened souls who are attaining bliss and who are now above narrow-mindedness, above hatred, seeing everybody as their own and not considering others as aliens or strangers. They see them a reflection of their ownselves.” Now we have to cover the distance between man and man so that the ‘Truth’ could be established everywhere since it is the requirement of the entire human race, One in all and all in one, that’s what is to be realized, God is omnipresent, it is all pervading and the whole universe is located in it, when we are focused on this ‘One’ then as Bulle Shah has said ; “Hasti Chhad Ke Vekh Bulley Shah Jida Naam Jape Tu Oh Hain.” That only after total surrender you can become one with God, it is only till the feeling of duality is there that you cannot achieve oneness. It has been aptly said: “Tohi Mohi ,Mohi Tohi Anter Kaisa” And “Hasti Chhad Ke Vekh Bulley Shah Jida Naam Jape Tu Oh Hain.” “Eiko Padya Te Eiko Ditha Phir Kaun Kahe Tue Do Hain” It means that there is one and one only who is to be read and seen. The whole world is reading it, but not accepting it. It is because they have not seen it yet. Those who have not seen it are reading it and those who have seen it are also reading the same thing and to that extent there is a similarity. But after realizing it one attains that state of mind where there is no duality. For all those who have attained that state of mind, there remains no duality, meaning thereby that the feeling of duality exists because of those people who have not realized the ‘Truth, and are living in darkness. Various efforts are made so that all the nations of the work may work in unison. We need to live in this world in such a manner that unity should be brought about by all means. At every step, such efforts must continue to be made. Those who contribute in this direction and move with the aim in their lives are indeed worthy of appreciation. Because there are people who are moving in the opposite direction and have caused havoc since centuries. So what is required is the contribution in the direction which would lead to refinement in the world. Efforts are being made incessantly so that man can perceive, understand and conduct in such a manner that: “ Na Koi Bairi Nahi Baigana Sagal Sang Hum Kau Ban Aayi” That is no one is an outsider, all are our own. If this kind of perception prevails in every being, there would be no scope left for differences and reservations. There is such a diversity of languages that we may not be able to understand them, but if the spirit of love prevails, there will be no conflicts despite diversity of languages. There are no conflicts among those who are aware of the ‘Truth’. But this diversity of languages becomes the cause of conflict amongst those who are not aware of the ‘Truth’ and are living with limited vision, raising wall all around. For them, the diversity of these languages, culture, societies and nations become the cause of discords; we wish to rise above all this. All the seers and prophets have made efforts in this direction so that whole mankind rises above the slush of narrow-mindedness. Man should not tread that path which has caused losses during all eras and ages. Holy men wish that man should have such consciousness that he does not follow the path which has caused great harm to man in all eras. It is time to be cautious because birth in human form is a time to realize the TRUTH. The path treaded during human form is an opportunity to make or mar one’s life. It is obligatory that we embellish ourselves with human values, refine ourselves as human beings and help others in the world. Better than a thousand words, one word which brings peace ….. O N E N E S S (Peace not pieces lets work for it). “There should be a spectacle of love, happiness, respect, cohesion and harmony everywhere. All are wishing well of others, irrespective of whether one is a devotee of Hazarat Mohammad Sahib, Lord Rama, Lord Krishna or Hazarat Isa Masih, Breaking the shackles of religion, all are embracing one other. There should be a pleasing sight of peace, fellowship, love, compassion and empathy. All those who have faith in humanism, wish to see such a spectacle everywhere. They give importance to teachings of seers and prophets and also implement in their lives,. Such people always long to see the world in this beautiful form. It is obligatory for man to follow the teaching of holy men, saints and their true followers.” People belonging to different regions, languages, cultures or nations should present such a united form as in a bouquet, different types of flowers co-exist instead of being intolerant to one another. Such people are contributing collectively to make this world a beautiful place. With these good wishes we are all gathered here so that such message can be promoted and propagated since the welfare of the world lies only in it. Because: A garden is beautiful only when flowers are colourful and fragrant, If either is missing, the beauty is lost. Means necessary holy fragrance of devotion are required in the real practical life of every Gursikh. Xug suNdr sidXW suNdr hr pl suNdr gr mwnv jIvn ho suNdr At last I pray into the holy feet of present true master His Hilliness Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj, may all are blessed with this God Knowledge and those who are already blessed, may lead their lives in awareness of God. It is heartening to see the enthusiasm of all the saints here at this Satsang. This bliss has been possible due to the cooperation of all. May Almighty bless all so that everyone contributes his bit for strengthening humanism. May all make Eternal Truth the basis of their life. Saints say with love, Dhan Nirankar Jee
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 05:34:59 +0000

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