ENGLISH MEDIUM TOPIC PREPARED BY BRANCH JOGIAL FOR EMS CHILDREN. REAL PURPOSE OF HUMAN LIFE Saints say with love Dhan Nirankar Jee Today every moment is blissful and peaceful because you have created here an atmosphere of bliss due to your spirit of love and devotion. The moments of bliss that we are enjoying here are not be found in the world where we hear only commotion and hardly get to listen any songs of love. The songs of love sung for Almighty are an expression of love for the Lord. Only those who imbibe the good feelings for humanity in their hearts love God in true sense. The saint here filled with such feelings, have expressed the same through their songs, speeches in order to motivate people to follow the preaching’s of the holy saints. The preaching’s are not meant for animals like horse, cows, bullocks, tigers or for birds, fish etc., but are rather for the welfare of human beings so that man may value the precious human life. The divine message of saints points to this so that man may not depart from the world having wasted the human life. He should not spend his life like animals do. Like it is said: Nidra bhojan bhog bhai ye pasu purakh samaan, Gyan adhik ik narn mein, gyan bina pasu jaan. It means man is living life like an animal, or rather worse than an animal. You have been blessed with human life by the grace of Almighty God. Though God has bestowed sublime status of a human being but how much man has valued it and benefited from it. This is why saints try to draw the attention of man to follow the right path and this message has been given to all irrespective of whether they are residing in hills, deserts or in any part of the world be it in Japan, China, Australia, New Zealand, Europe or Middle East or for Eastern countries. All are human beings and it is not that human beings are residing in any particular part of the Earth. However man does not realize that God has made him a human being for some special purpose. It has been said: Awar joni teri panihari, Is dharti mahi teri sikdhari It means all other forms of life have been created for your service. Man has been given sovereignty over all forms. But on account of his actions he has given bad name to humanity and tarnished religion itself. So called followers of religion are turning human beings into demons instead of deities. Divisions have been created in the name of religion. Minds have been so much polluted with hatred that man has become heartless to the extent that he does not mind killing, slaughtering or burning human beings alive. If we see it in that sense, religion itself has gone astray. How will such religion make men a true human being and a deity? Today religion itself has become a reason for imparting devilish characteristics and making man devil and demon, cruel and stone hearted. The definitions of religion have been described as follows: Parihit saras dharam nahi bhai Parpeera sum nahin adhmai Man has indulged in harming others instead of doing well to them. Today religion has been misguiding men towards path of destruction. But saints have always emphasized that true religion teaches divine virtues and only those who imbibe such virtues are religions. Religion without virtues is only for name sake. It is imperative to know as to who guides us to attain the objective of human life and inculcates in us the virtues of humanism and love. Therefore saints have always advised us that we should adopt the company of such saints who make us religious in true sense, enlighten us with Truth and redeem the soul during life time. By bestowing the light of God knowledge, saints remove all our doubts and illusions and teach us how to live with love. So, we are blessed with the art of living which is so beneficial for us that it is like a boon. Therefore it is obligatory for man to keep the company of such saints. It is said: Kabir Sangat kariye saadh ki annt kare nirbah, Sakat sang na kijiye jate hoe binahu, Kabir Sadhu ki Sangat rahun jau ki bhusi khaun, Honhar so Hoe hai sakat sang na jau. Shabri was told that the first of the nine steps towards devotion is to keep the company of saints who apprise us of the core and crux of life, rid us of illusions and brings us face to face with Truth. The company of such saints redeems us. But often we get the company that misguides us. Instead of making us get rid of our doubts, such people rather put us deeper into doubts. It adds to the chain of misconceptions and binds us all the more. The deluded man keeps on living his life like that. It is impossible to get rid of misconceptions without the light of ultimate Truth. How can one be redeemed of bondage if misconceptions are not cleared. Saints tell us that there is a certain process for dong all things in the world. For instance for preparation of Jaggery one has to first sow seeds which will grow into sugarcane and only then Jaggery can be prepared. How can one get Jaggery directly? In the same way, saint and sages tell us that the first step towards enlightenment is the company of saints who will inspire us to seek God-knowledge. And with God realization all our doubts get removed and we are freed from our bondage and are positioned in our real self. That’s why saints have said: Uth farida sutya dunia bhalan jaa Mat koi thive bakshya tu vi bakshya jaa. We need to look for such saints who can tell us the way to refine our life here and thereafter. Today also saints were giving us the same message through the form of songs, speeches that formless and timeless God who is remembered by innumerable names, needs to be realized. That is how we shall be able to live in real sense otherwise our life will end up in misconceptions. We may not get this opportunity again. Earlier also saints have said: Pauri chutki haath na aye ahila janam gavaya, Oh man! If you miss this opportunity nothing shall be achieved. You have spent whole life in ignorance. The precious life is lost in ignorance, bondage and misconception and you could not learn the righteous way of living. Saint caution us that if soul does not realize the Super Soul, it cannot get freedom from bondage. Soul cannot get freedom from the shackles of life and death: Jam jam mare mare phir jammey bahut sajai paia des lame, If we do not get rid of misconceptions our soul will ever remain bonded in the cycle of birth and death. It will continue to take bodily form and it cannot be redeemed from the cycle of birth and death. On the one hand there is the issue of redemption of soul and on the other making the journey of life worthwhile. Saints tell us that if we realize God and get enlightened we can well understand the righteous way of living and come to know what kind of life is worthwhile. Life lived in the righteous manner really important and earns respect. Then man attains the sublime status, earns fame and makes history. Holy saints tell us that we need to follow such persons who live a worthwhile life, otherwise we are condemned and are considered burden on the earth as living dead. A mere beat of pulse and heart do not make us living beings. Therefore, it is said: Mritak kahiye nanka je preet nahin bhagwant. One who has no love for God is not living life in the real sense. He is just like a living dead. He is yet to learn to live like a human being. Enlightenment means enrichment of spirit, thought and action. Because of his loving disposition, man then starts conducting himself in a gentle and pious manner, renounces hatred and instead of uprooting, he uplifts the downtrodden. Instead of inflicting wounds he acts like a balm. This is the way of saints. They tell us such ways as would change our thinking which will not only make us human beings but angels or rather an image of God. Ganga Ke Sang Sarita Bigri, So Sarita Ganga hoi nibri, Chandan Ke Sang Taruvar Bigrio, So taruvar chandan hoi nibrio. It means a river that falls into Ganges takes the form of Ganges itself. Similarly a tree in the vicinity of Sandalwood tree, gives out the fragrance of Sandalwood. A piece of iron by the mere touch of ‘Paras’ is converted into Gold. Kabir in the company of such saints imbibed the kind of virtues which transformed him not merely into a saint but he acquired the stature of Lord Rama. This is how it is explained: Brahmgyani ka sagal aakar, brahmgyani aap Nirankar. This state of Godliness is attained by god realized souls only and mere so they live in awareness all the time. Saints and holy men have always put their efforts in this direction so that every human being attains such state of mind. They have always given this message of Truth to every human being so that we may not waste this human life in useless activities. We have been told to lead our lives with love. There should be no place for hatred on the basis of caste, creed, religion or any other basis. We need to conduct ourselves with love and live lovingly. The speakers highlighted the importance of love by quoting. Jin prem kiyo tin hi prabh payo, and Prem se pargat hoi main jana Thus love is God and loving is living. All those who have hatred in their minds have spread hatred and have inflicted atrocities on mankind and are turning this earth into a hell. Because of hatred people do not see eye to eye with each other. If a person belongs to another caste or utters the name of God as Allah instead of Rama or follows the teachings of his prophet or visits different holy places or speaks a different language or wears different attire than what I like, gives me enough reason to hate him. On the other hand the holy men have repeatedly said: Pothi par par jug mua pandit bhaya na koi, Dhai akshar prem ke padhe so pandit hoi. It is not that one becomes a learned man merely by reading holy books or taking birth in a high class family. Saints have said even to this extent: Unche kul ka janmian karni oonch na hoe. Only those who have become aware of the Eternal Truth, and have adorned themselves with human virtues like love compassion and kindness, actually belong to high caste. It’s man’s state of mind that decides to which class he belongs to and not his birth in a particular family. Therefore, if we are full of hatred or jealousy, our state of mind is low. Saints always teach us to be humble. Only humility decides our stature. If we are humble we have a higher status but if we are egoist our status is extremely low. We do not become a higher being merely on account of our worldly knowledge, wealth, position, possessions, physical strength or birth in a particular caste or culture. Saints have clearly said those only such men who have high thinking and noble feeling are superior beings. These very principles to live a great life have been enunciated in all Holy Scriptures. Nobody can become great by taking pride in his power and pelf. One has to imbibe the humility of Hanuman to attain lofty heights. Apas ko jo jane niche, Soi ganiaye sabh te oocha. It means that one who is humble is counted among the sublime. But in the world people consider others to be inferior and do not give up an opportunity to belittle them. Like a husband asked his wife to serve him food fast as he was getting late for a dog race at 4 o’clock. The wife retorted, you cannot even walk properly and want to participate in a dog race. The poor man wants to go to watch the dog race while the wife is indirectly calling him a dog by suggesting the he wants to take part in a dog race. Everybody is out to catch an opportunity to belittle others. The holy man say: Har ji hanker na bhaey God does not like ego. But still we think that we are in the good books of Almighty God since we are proud of our birth in a higher caste, we recite Holy Scriptures regularly while others are stupid. We leave no stone unturned in appeasing God. But is it possible to appease God by merely lighting the lamps and incense or undertaking pilgrimage, taking holy baths or going through religious books? That’s why holy men have said that God does not like ego. Jati ka garb na kari moorakh gawara, Is garb te Upaje bahut vikara. It means that one should give up pride of caste and wealth. Kabir garb na kijiye rank na hasie koi, Ajhe to nau samunder main kia jane kia hoe. That’s do not laugh at poor. Do not feel happy at his plight or reprimand him. No one knows what is going to happen tomorrow. In today’s time of uncertainty we are witnessing examples of people investing in stock market in a hope to become millionaires. They get elated when the value of their stocks reach at peak level but the next morning they set to hear that the stock market had crashed. Now the same person say; How shall I survive; I am under debts, should I commit suicide. So one cannot predict as to what is in store the next moment. Like that it is said: Jo nirdhan sardhan pai jai aage baitha peeth phirai. It means if a poor person visits a rich person, the latter turns his back towards the former. The rich person is so much proud of his wealthy that he does not like to look at the face of the poor man. The holy men say: Kabir Garb Na Kijiye Dehi Dekh Surang, Aaj kal taj jaogey jioun kanchuri bhujang. The human body is not forever. There is nothing to be proud of. The way a serpent sheds its skin, in a similar manner when the soul departs, the body shall be left behind. So, it is suggested. Kabir garb na keejiye uncha dekh awaas Aaj kaal bhuin letna upar jame ghas. Saint Kabir says that one should not be proud of one’s palatial residence in comparison to the hut of a poor man. Irrespective of one’s place of dwelling, when one’s body turns into ashes and mixes with the dust on the earth, the same people whom one has rebuked shall be walking over it. Saints have tried to awaken men by giving examples like; Jin loyen jag mohia se loyen main deeth, Kajal rekh na sehndian panchhi sue baith Saint Farid Ji say, Jin Loyan Jag Mohya, Loyan means eyes. Beautiful eyes that one captivated others and could not bear the pain of even an eyeliner, lie on earth unclaimed after the death and birds are laying eggs on the skeleton of the eyes. Farid Ji has sketched a poignant scene to convey his point. This does not mean that beauty is not to be appreciated. God’s creation must be valued, but one should not be proud of one’s beauty, might, wealth, official status or caste. We can only love God if we love its people. There is absolutely no other way out but to love God if we have not learnt to love His men: So man should value human life. If you live your life in a manner as told by saints and sages you will be a blessing for the earth. This way you will contribute in making your home a heaven. It will lead to a clean society. There will be an end to social evils and we will have a refined society. There shall be no exploitation. Man instead of exploiting others will nurture them. When man attains such a high state, there shall be love and peace in the family and society and he will become a protector of the religion. Holy men have always wished that man should retrace his steps before it is too late and should proceed in the right direction. Even if he did not conduct himself in the right manner in his youth he can still come back and follow the right direction in his old age. Farid Ji has said: Kalian naal bigaraia te dhoulian naal sanwar. That when you were young you had destructive tendencies, now when you have grown old, you should improve yourself. It is not that if you did not live righteously life there is no scope to make amends for acquiring a higher state. If one thinks that he has not lived a decent life, he cannot attain salvation; he should know that he still has a chance to enrich his life in the remaining years of his life. Subah Ka Bhulah Sham Ko Aa Jaye To Usey Bhula Nahi Kehte. We have been listening to these sayings since our childhood. Had there been no improvement for the distracted ones. Sajjan Thug, Kauda Rakshas or Gankka Papin would not have been able to redeem themselves. They had committed such evil acts that they were considered unfit for realization of God and not entitled to devotion. But no, God has given equal opportunity to all. So anybody can improve in the company of saints at any stage his life and get the divine light. May God bless that all the devotees remain steadfast in their pure and pious dedication after realizing the Ultimate Truth during human life. May Nirankar bless all with material possessions also. May the Lord bless all with the wisdom and strength to tread the path of Truth. May such sublime environment prevail everywhere. May the whole of the humanity imbibe love and affection and humility and peace so that all may enjoy and share love, peace and bliss. At last I pray into the holy feet of present true master His Hilliness Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj. May all are blessed with this God Knowledge and those who are already blessed, may lead their lives in awareness of God. It is heartening to see the enthusiasm of all the saints here at this Satsang. This bliss has been possible due to the cooperation of all. May Almighty bless all so that everyone contributes his bit for strengthening humanism. May all make Eternal Truth the basis of their life. I also pray in the lotus feet of Baba Jee may whole of the universe realize God in good time and thereby realize their origin, so that all difference be eliminated and all walls created by the man on the base of Cast, Creed, Colour, languagism, rationalism etc. be demolished and peace prevail throughout the universe and man leads a blissful and contented life. Saints say with love, Dhan Nirankar Jee (Email: Id: kuldeepchand70@gmail)
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 05:42:50 +0000

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