ENGLISH MEDIUM TOPIC PREPARED BY BRANCH JOGIAL. S A T S A N G Saints say with love, Dhan Nirankar Jee. We are enjoying a blissful environment and listing to devotional songs and speeches. Devotees inspired us to march on the path of Truth and lead of life full of devotion. Their message of Truth has been Universal and Timeless not pertaining to any particular period. Today everybody is enjoying these blissful moments because saints have graced this place with a spirit of devotion. The thoughts expressed by the saints have contributed to this blissful environment and at the same time these are source of inspiration for everyone to lead a pious life. The words of the saints here are not just music to the ears, but these are realistic thoughts meant for the welfare of the mankind. The thoughts expressed by the devotees who have gathered here, give importance to Formless God in their lives and this is the reason that they are enjoying the bliss in reciting and listening to the praises of Almighty. We often refer to the quotation: “Sut Dara Aur Lakshmi Papi Ke Bhi Hoye, Sant Samagam Hari Katha Tulsi Durlabh Doye” It means that even the sinners are also bestowed with children and mundane possessions but only a few fortunate ones are able to enjoy holy congregations, eulogizing God. You are amongst those fortunate ones who are participating in this holy congregation. Devotees render their services and contribute to the welfare of the mankind. All these moments are very precious. We all live and die but everyone does not get a life worth living. Those who enrich their life with such attributes like love, cohesion, humility, compassion and with their sweet talk good nature and righteous actions, help others, they live life in a true sense. Saints have always shown us the way to lead a worthwhile life. There is a quotation which reads as follows: “Kabir Sangati Kariye Sadh Ki Ant Kariye Nirbahu, Sakat Sang Na Kijiye Ja Te Hoyi Binahu” The company of saints purifies our mind and beautifies our thoughts and leads to salvation while evil company leads to downfall in life. If a person had a thousand virtues but a single vice all the virtues were overshadowed by that one vice. Gagan Chadhe Rajj Pawan Prasanga, Kichiyo Mile Neech Jal Sanga By keeping the company of saints, we not only inculcate saintly virtues but rather we are able to virtues that are attributes of Almighty God. But bad company always leads to our downfall. Dust in the wind can touch the skies while in the company of water it becomes mud which soils the body as well as the clothes. Likewise, only the company of saints is beneficial. But often one evades the company of saints. One can find time for worldly pursuits by all means, but there are excuses galore for not attending Satsang. Hence man is unable to reach sublime status. How can one beautify one’s mind and how can one learn the art of living without the company of saints. There are those who deviate from the right path and become a cause for downfall of their own as well as of others. Such men have sinful mind and are arrogant, full of hatred and jealously towards others. They cheat others, get addicted to intoxication and speak bitterly. They do not give importance to truth and devotion in their life. One should shun the company of such people and instead keep the company of saints. So Saint Kabir jee said : “Ganga Ke Sang Salita Bigri So Salita Ganga Hoi Nibri Chandan Ke Sang Tarbar Bigrio So Tarbar Chandan Hi Nibrio.” It is well known that all the rivers and drains that end up in Ganges are revered as a part of Ganga river only. Likewise a tree in the vicinity of Sandalwood tree starts giving out a scent like that of sandalwood itself. The piece of iron metal gets converted into gold when it contacts Paras (Precious Stone). Similarly by keeping the company of saints, we not only inculcate saint’s virtues but rather we are able to imbibe virtues that are attributes of Almighty God. But bad company always leads to our downfall. If a child gets spoiled, you would invariable notice that the reason would always be bad company i.e. the company of those who are worthless, addicted to intoxication, indulge in gambling and bring disrepute to their families. The elders earn respect in the society with so much hard work but the young ones by indulging in bad company earn a bad reputation for themselves and also bring a bad name to the family. Normally bad company is easily found but good company is rarely available. That is why saints always feel that we should kill our ego and merge ourselves with the higher self. Like a river on merging with the ocean loses its limited form within its two banks and becomes a part of the vast ocean. The great saint Kabir has said: “Kabir Tu Tu Karta Tu Hua Mujh Mahi Raha Na hu Jab Apa Par Ka Mit Gaya Jat Dekhun Tat Tu” When one merges oneself with the higher self, one attains the bliss and is revered by others. Devotees are always vigilant about their company. A virtueless person become virtuous in the company of saints but Egoistic people do not get respect from others, no matter even if they are skillful, resourceful and powerful like an emperor. Rather they will always be labeled as arrogant. “Kabir Garab Na Keejiye runk Na Hasia Koi, Ajhu Su Nau Samundr Mehi Kiya Janau Kiya Hoi” Holy beings always say that one should not make mockery of a helpless person and should not feel proud of one’s material possessions as future is uncertain and any upheaval can change the whole course of life. And that is why saints have warned against taking pride in one’s physical strength or beauty as it is bound to fade away with the passage of time. People who are too proud of their physical prowess are often seen to be bedridden and not being able to even pick up a glass of water for themselves. What is then there to be proud of? Even an emperor cannot save himself from the clutches of death. Hazarat Yeshu Masih has said: Man cannot stop even his aging process, what is there to feel proud of? The company of saints brings humility in us and it has been said: “Unche Pani Na Tike Niche Hi Thehraey Nicha ho So Bhar Piye, Uncha Pyasa Jaye” Only by bowing down we can drink water otherwise we shall remain thirsty. Even in the case of nuclear energy it is for us to make use of it. Its misuse by way of bombs can cause great devastation. The adverse effects of nuclear bomb dropped in the Hiroshima and Nagasaki many years back can be seen even today with generation after generation afflicted with various diseases. But on the other hand, nuclear energy is being harnessed for productive purposes, like producing electricity. Saints teach us to give direction to energy to make proper use of it. Like a butcher uses the knife to kill a person whereas a doctor uses the same knife to treat a patient. If the teaching of saints is imbibed in life, where will be no exploitation of people and the rulers will work or the welfare of people and take the nations forward on the path of progress. The example of King Janak who worked for the welfare of his kingdom, is there in front of us. Holy beings teach us to give respect to others and nurture human values in life that will keep us away from the path of confrontation and instead create harmony in society. A devotee prays that he may every sing glories of God. “Sabar Sidak Da Chola Hove Tera Ek Sahara Rahe Sadhu Reheke Duniya Andar Vang Kamal De Nayara Rahe.” Saints also make us emulate the virtue of contentment. A contended person is the richest person on the earth. One the other hand, if one is not contended he will remain impatient and feel a void in his life despite his immense material possessions: “Shikayat Zindagi Se Unhe Bhi Hai Jinhe Zindi Ne Sb Kuch Diya Hai” Those who are not contended, they remain restless. But saints tell us that contentment does not mean that we stop working hard and shun our responsibilities. They caution us that while we should be contended we should not become escapist and sit idle to become a burden on society. That is why it is Said : Mann Neevan Mat Uchhi. We can imbibe high thinking only from saints. Holy men caution man against the company of such wicked people in similar manner as a child is persuaded to refrain from touching fire even to the extent that we even slap him to save him from burning. We know that in our childhood we were daily taught certain Do’s and Don’ts inq kr inq kr inq kr, mq kr mq kr mq kr, In the same manner saints teach us good things which must be adopted in our day to day life, for instance, generosity, love, service, beneficence, God remembrance and attending holy congregations etc. At same time there are certain things which ought to be avoided in our lives, like vanity, hatred, bitter speech, exploiting people and making them fight in the name of caste, creed and religion. But despite such teaching we indulge in activities which are prohibited, and abstain from doing things which ought to have been done. This is foolishness and with such acts one loses out in life. There should be sweetness in our life. We should not hurt anyone and instead our sweet words should provide solace to others. And we should eulogies God. “Deen Garibi Bandagi Sabse Aadar Bhaav Kahe Kabir Banda Bada Jaka Madhur Savbhav.” Sweet tempered persons are able to handle even tense situations which may otherwise lead to far reaching consequences like riots and family breakups. This is why saints always encourage us to be broadminded. Otherwise people have a very narrow outlook like that a frog settle in a well. Such narrow minded people do not tolerate people Rom other parts of country or abroad. They are also intolerant towards other’ caste, religion, prophet and religious scriptures. Saints have always been propagating the concept of Vasudev Kutumakam (Global family) Even today efforts are being made so that with self realization and awakening every one lives in a state of bliss. “Even a life time is short to love. How do people find time for hatred?” Holy men have been cautioning man against rebuking others, infesting pain or committing atrocities against other fellow beings. Today similar prayers were made and such prayers have always been made for the well-being of everyone. That is we should discard none and embrace-everyone. And since God dwells in our heart, we should not hurt any one’s feeling and wish everyone well. Like it is said: “Sab Ka Bhala Karo Bhagwan, sab ka sab vidhi ho kalian” sbkw Blw kro Bgvwn sbkw sb ibDI ho klXwx” Those who have such feelings, become truly religious. It is not any dress, building or ritual which symbolizes religion. Saints have said it long back that religion is identified by the humanly feelings. May all be blesses with such divine feelings. Mwwnv ko mwnv ho pXwrw, Ek dujy kw bny shwrw We are human beings and we must respect all the human beings. This too is the way to express our devotion to God. Man is the creation of one God and it is our moral duty to respect all the mankind. Love and Compassion are the foundation of the true religion. But if hatred creeps into it, it shall weaken its foundation and demolish the edifice. We should be human first and then play our rightful role in society. If man reforms himself, the world would be reformed automatically. Service to humanity is service to God. Man is a man if he is human, he is human when the entire mankind is his family, mankind is his family when the all pervading God is his home. God can be his him when he actually knows Him and blissfully identifies himself with Him by living up to the teaching of the True Master. Having attained the human form, man should conduct himself as a True Human. Be what you wish to be, but first be a human. We have not learnt to be humans. There is a need of awakening; otherwise humanism will not be imbibed by man. A true religion inspires human. A fish is happy in water but flutters out of it. Similarly a devotee is blissful if he is God conscious. Spirituality is the mark of a True Religion. Due to greed, people kill even their near & dear ones. Human is conducting himself like a demon. Holy being wish that, imbibing humanism, human may tread the path of humanism. affection and fellowship. Realization, lets live in harmony. Holy beings says that We have not learnt to walk on the earth, though we have left our foot prints on the moon. One cannot attain true happiness by having many friends but by remembering God. If one wishes to be ever happy, one should take refuge in God. So saints say that: “Without congregations of saints, wisdom is not attained; and Same is possible only through the blessings of Rama, Congregation is the root of all joy and bliss.” A man known by his company which he keeps. The company of Saints beautifies our thought, no matter how improper these had been before Sajjan Thug was a fraud who used to cheat and rob people, but when he came in the contact with a Brahamgayani he imbibed saintly traits and his life was transformed. But the path of saints is different from that of a worldly person. Bad company destroys a person while company of saints saves him. Focusing of the truth, saints always think of doing well to people. A better world cannot be created only by materialistic achievement but a better world can be created when human being become better, when the thoughts, feelings, intentions, the integrity and the legacy left by man become better. Holy message of Truth has been Universal and timeless, not pertaining to any particular period. Uth Farida Sutya, Duniya Bhalan Ja Mt Koi Theeve Bakshya Tu Vi Banshya Ja It mean that instead of trying to find God on his own way, the man should approach a brahmagyani who is already in communication with God. Devotees by following the Holy Teaching and imbibing Love and Humility are strengthening the spirit of devotion. Devotees are inviting the attention of the people to the truth that by realizing God the environment can be sublimated. May such sublime environment prevail everywhere. May the whole of the humanity imbibe love and affection and humility and peace so that all may enjoy and share love, peace and bliss. Without God realization salvation is not possible and God can be realized only by the grace of True Master. The one, who has realized God is freed of misconception and liberated from the birth-death cycle. Today spiritual awakening is necessary to every human life in the whole of the world. God knowledge is the way to spiritual awakening. With the grace of the true master, one can realize God, because only on God realization all the misconception will be dispelled and the mental barrier create by the man on the base of languagism, castism can be demolishing. Man live like a man and peace prevail throughout the universe. May all are blessed with the God Knowledge and those who are already blessed, may lead their lives in awareness of God. May almighty bless all so that everyone contributes his bit for strengthening humanism. May all make Eternal Truth the basis of their life. I also pray in the lotus feet of Baba Jee may all realize God in good time and thereby realize their origin, so that all difference be eliminated and all walls created by the man on the base of Cast, Creed, Colour, languagism, rationalism etc. be demolished and peace prevail throughout the universe and man leads a blissful and contented life. Saints say with love, Dhan Nirankar Jee
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 05:18:00 +0000

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