ENHANCING YOUR POWER TO MANIFEST RONNA / SACRED SCRIBE Meditating regularly on the Sacred Heart, and consciously activating the incoming Adamantine Particles of Creator Light that you integrate, will result in a major transformation in your life as you become a cocreative Self-Master of the highest order. In a relaxed state, begin the Breath of Infinity-(a figure 8). With each breath, imagine your consciousness expanding to incorporate all of the solar system………. then the galaxy…………… and then this Sub-universe. Envision, however you perceive, the magnificence of the planets, star systems, galaxies, and also feel within your Sacred Heart the power and majesty of the vastness of space…….the “Great Void” filled with the unmanifested potential of Love/Light (the Adamantine Particles of Creation, powered by Love). Now envision yourself as the center, the focal point within this Sub-universe, as the “Flow of Divine Light” radiates forth from all directions toward you. See the prisms of Light refracting into Rainbow Colors, which contain all the virtues, qualities, attributes and potential of Creation. Breathe deeply as you ingest this gift of Love/Life, as you begin to feel the flow to you and from you…….the never-ending supply of Divine Light Substance. Breathe in………..breathe out………… breathe in………..breathe out…………..as you see this magic elixir flow forth from your Sacred Heart center in an Infinity Sign, from both the front and back portals of your heart. Be aware that, with you as the receptacle and the conduit on the material plane, the Creator particles of pure Light substance will pour forth into you and from you in a never-ending supply. These particles will stream outward into the material world to be molded into an unlimited variety of physical manifestations via your visions, seed thoughts and pure intentions / will / actions! AFFIRMATION: SAY TO YOURSELF: “I RECLAIM MY DIVINE BIRTHRIGHT AND MY CONNECTION WITH MY HIGHER SELF AND MY SOUL FAMILY. I ASK TO BE ALIGNED WITH THE MASTERS AND THE BEINGS OF LIGHT THAT I AM TO COMMUNE WITH, IN ORDER TO ACCESS AND RELAY THE COSMIC WISDOM AND TRUTH WHICH I AM TO INTEGRATE AND SHARE. HERE AND NOW, I RECLAIM MY SELF-MASTERY AND THE APPROPRIATE QUALITIES, GIFTS, VIRTUES AND ATTRIBUTES OF MY DIVINE SELF. I DESIRE TO BE A LIVING PERSONIFIED EXAMPLE OF LOVE, HARMONY, ABUNDANCE AND JOY. I AM DIVINE LOVE, I AM DIVINE LIGHT, I AM DIVINE WILL, AND I AM DIVINE WISDOM IN ACTION. SO BE IT! SO IT IS! I AM THAT, I AM!” Lastly, but of vast importance, always maintain an attitude of gratitude for all things, large and small. A constant state of thanksgiving generated from within the Sacred Heart will magnify and enhance your ability to cocreate in alignment with the Divine Plan for the greatest good of all. How will you use this gift which is a treasure beyond imagining? What are your greatest desires? What will be your legacy to the world and humanity? Reach for the stars, beloved friends, for there is no limit to what you can manifest and share when your desires are in harmony with Spirit. Forever love and angel blessings, Ronna
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 15:05:16 +0000

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