ENJOY A MEANINGFUL THANKSGIVING CELEBRATION, everyone ... THANKSGIVING DAY TRADITION, as you might be aware, caught on through centuries from the day the gesture was first and originally celebrated in New England which is part of the Eastcoast America. The modern Thanksgiving Holiday tradition, though, is commonly but may not be universally traced to a 1621 celebration held in Plymouth, Massachusetts by the Puritans and European pilgrims who sailed and crossed the vast Atlantic waters during the 16th century and migrated in throve to Newfoundland or the present-day America – with Massachusetts as the common port of entry. From the present day Commonwealth of Massachusetts as having been identified with the rest of the so called New England states (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and, yes, Massachusetts), the Thanksgiving Tradition was carried on by the European migrants as they farther walked across Newfoundland (now America), exploring new life and eventually settling in other areas away from the Eastcoast or the New England area, some going to as far as the Midwest and farther on to the Westcoast. Today, New England is a major world center of education, high technology (for one, Facebook was an idea that was conceived and born in Massachusetts), insurance, and medicine. Boston, capital and largest city of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, on the other hand, is the seat of New England’s cultural, financial, educational, medical, and transportation center. Thanksgiving tradition in America, and part of Canada, is celebrated as the jumpstart of the oncoming holiday festivities which is generally known as Yuletide or Christmas season. The year-end celebrations are never complete without the usual family-gathering, home-cooked meals playing up on the ‘turkey’, and gracious gift-giving, expressing the kind act of gratitude which was originally practiced by the early Americans way back beginning the early 16th century. Thanksgiving Day is the time of the year when we look back and give thanks to our neighbors for their kind support, to our friends for being there for us, to our family and loved ones for their unconditional care and affection, and to the Lord GOD for our life and all the blessings that HE had generously and lovingly bestowed upon us ... Have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING celebration, folks … -- Louis G. Valenzuela
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 01:03:17 +0000

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