*ENJOY YOURSELF WITH THESE TEN (10) COLLECTION OF JOKES* 1. Okpoto complained to the police, Okpoto: sir, all items are missing except the T.V in my house. Police: How comes the thief did not take your T.V? Okpoto: Maybe its because I was watching T.V news by then. 2. One day a lecturer was talking about marriage in class. Lecturer: What kind of wife would u love to marry? Okpoto: I would love to marry a wife like the moon. Lecturer: Wow! What a choice..do u want her to be round like the moon? Okpoto: No no no! Lecturer: Oh! So u want her to be fair and beautiful like the moon? Okpoto: No, nooo... I want her to arrive at nights and disappear in the morning. PLS CLICK & LIKE...True Friend Is A Sweet Gift 3. Okpoto was having a conversation with his aunty. Okpoto: Aunty, pls how old are you? Aunty: Never ask a woman her age. *After about 5 minutes silence* Aunty: How much is your salary Okpoto? Okpoto: Never ask a man his salary! 4. A man caught his wife in bed with his best friend. Out of anger, he took his gun and shoots his friend. Out of fear, his wife shouted, FRANK! FRANK! If u continue like this, u will lose all your friends o! 5. OKPOTO: Mom, grandma is so annoying, I wish she will just die. MOTHER: Idiot, its your mother that will die not mine. 6. MOTHER: How was your exams son? OKPOTO: It was fine mom. MOTHER: I am very sure u cleared all the questions right? OKPOTO: Yes mom! They gave me questions I dont understand so I also gave them answers they would not understand! 7. A man was so jealous of his new baby that he puts poison on his wifes nipples. The next day, the gate man died! 8. A woman losts three (3) of her pants in her house and keeps blaming her maid in front of her husband. In annoyance, the maid said, Sir you are my witness; you know I never wear panties!! 9. A man was dying of fever but he keeps telling people he was dying of AIDS. His son asked, Dad why? The man answered, So that when Im dead, no one would sleep with your mother! 10. Okpoto was discussing with his mum. Okpoto: Mum, today on our way back on the bus, dad told me to give up my seat for a young lady. Mother: Well, thats responsible of your father. I hope you stood up? Okpoto: I tried not to but dad insisted! Mother: Well, you shouldnt have hesitated. Im sure your dad felt embarrassed. Next time, dont do that Okay? Okpoto: But mum, I was sitting on daddys lap!!! Hikikikikikikikiki..­....ki!!! : : PLS COMMENT.... Which of the jokes was more interesting to YOU???
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 20:26:15 +0000

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