ENOUGH! Are people too lazy, to type the extra O or just too damn - TopicsExpress


ENOUGH! Are people too lazy, to type the extra O or just too damn stupid to know the difference between TOO and TO? TOO to͞o/ adverb adverb: too 1. 1. to a higher degree than is desirable, permissible, or possible; excessively. he was driving too fast synonyms: excessively, overly, over, unduly, immoderately, inordinately, unreasonably, extremely, exorbitantly, very; More informaltoo-too invasion would be too risky informal very. youre too kind 2. 2. in addition; also. is he coming too? synonyms: also, as well, in addition, additionally, into the bargain, besides, furthermore, moreover, on top of that, to boot, likewise More he was unhappy, too, you know moreover (used when adding a further point). she is a grown woman, and a strong one too ============================================================ TO preposition \tə, tu̇, ˈtü\ —used to indicate the place, person, or thing that someone or something moves toward —used to indicate the place where someone participates in a particular activity —used to indicate the direction of something Full Definition of TO 1 a —used as a function word to indicate movement or an action or condition suggestive of movement toward a place, person, or thing reached b —used as a function word to indicate direction c —used as a function word to indicate contact or proximity d (1) —used as a function word to indicate the place or point that is the far limit (2) —used as a function word to indicate the limit of extent e —used as a function word to indicate relative position 2 a —used as a function word to indicate purpose, intention, tendency, result, or end b —used as a function word to indicate the result of an action or a process 3 —used as a function word to indicate position or relation in time: as a : before b : till 4 —used as a function word to indicate addition, attachment, connection, belonging, possession, accompaniment, or response 5 —used as a function word (1) to indicate the extent or degree (as of completeness or accuracy) or the extent and result (as of an action or a condition) (2) to indicate the last or an intermediate point of a series 6 a —used as a function word (1) to indicate a relation to one that serves as a standard (2) to indicate similarity, correspondence, dissimilarity, or proportion b —used as a function word to indicate agreement or conformity c —used as a function word to indicate a proportion in terms of numbers or quantities 7 a —used as a function word (1) to indicate the application of an adjective or a noun (2) to indicate the relation of a verb to its complement or to a complementary element (3) to indicate the receiver of an action or the one for which something is done or exists and often used with a reflexive pronoun to indicate exclusiveness (as of possession) or separateness b —used as a function word to indicate agency
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 10:55:42 +0000

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