ENOUGH IS ENOUGH The President of Nigeria, Mr. Goodluck Ebele - TopicsExpress


ENOUGH IS ENOUGH The President of Nigeria, Mr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan should better get to understand that,he is not only ruling a particular segment of the country. The entire responsibility of the whole Nation, rests on his shoulders. The extent to determine and measure the strength and capability of any sovereign Nation and leader,is dependent solely on the ability of that Nation to defend and protect its territorial boundaries from any form of external invasion.Today, this has failed with Nigeria, which for long has been answering the emblem of the THE GIANT OF AFRICA, and which most African Countries emulate and give reference to.This glory is gradually fading and paving way to Terrorism. Nigeria is no longer living to its past glory as one of the most peaceful countries in the World. We cannot understand what the mission of Mr. President is, on the the North Eastern part of the country. Though whatever his mission may be, He should note that, the power of God Al-Mighty is greater than his individual self and interest. If Mr. President intends to enforce himself to power, in definitely, and is entertaining fear that,the North East might not vote him the second time to power, he needless exterminate the lives of the North Eastern People just to suit his political interest. Thousands of our people have been displaced from their homes.Beside the over two (2) Million lives lost in the region within few years. We cannot bestow our confidence on you as the President of Nigeria any longer. Your in ability to provide security and to fight the activities of the insurgents,is a clear evidence of your incapability, so much so that, it has become too obvious that we are not left without any option that, you cannot exonerate yourself from the happenings at this axis of the country. If not, Why North?, Why not any other part of the country?, Why not Bayelsa State? I challenge also those representatives of the Northern region at the National Assembly (Both members of the house of Senate and Representatives), whom were elected on the basis of trust vested upon them by their electorate to protect their interests at all times, at the National, but have closed their eyes and folded their arms and refused to integrate to protect their regions,all in the bid of over zealousness for the quest for power and fear that you may cease to belong to the clique of those in governance, bearing in mind to have immunity,forgetting that,you may not provide immunity for all your relations.Meaning if care is not taken, it may also have a bearing on you as well. Non of you have come publicly to challenge the act, or to say anything to anyone of us regarding your efforts at the National Assembly to end this unwanted incessant challenges of the terrorist in the North East.Instead struggling too hard to continue with the leadership. Nowhere is safe in the region; The homes, markets,schools,Banks, Motor parks,roads e.t.c only for us to have a manifest of your posters all over the walls of our towns aspiring and struggling and campaigning to still maintain the status - quo. I do not think that, you can be so callous to forget the popular saying that goes once beaten, twice shy we are all watching you with keenly. For the promoters of the Transformation Ambassadors of Nigeria (TAN) in the North Eastern media stations, it is either you include from amongst Mr. Presidents achievements as;The massacre/massive killings and destruction of lives and properties in the North East, or you stop this advertisement in our media stations.We do not want the promotion of anything that has to the President, Mr. Goodluck Jonathan, we have had enough of the dividend of his governance. Our people are dying! Our People are being killed unnecessarily!! Our Children are no longer going to schools!!! We have been displaced from our homes!!!! Women are giving birth on the streets as a result of displacement. STOP THE GENOCIDE.! Lives are no longer being protected by the government what more of properties. Innocent Children are being killed in schools for no reason. Beside the over two (2) hundred school girls abducted for over six (6) months without any attempt to finding them. Part of the North Eastern Nigeria has been invaded and captured without any effort to reclaim them, The tradition rulers have ran out of their homes for safety of their lives. Yet you still clamour for continuity. Who do you think is the fool to vote you in the North East under this situation? You have destroyed the long term legacy of Nigeria,as one of the most peaceful Nation within a limited period of your rule and also the sweat of our Nationalist. If it is your interest, as it is so speculated to seccede Nigeria, it most not be at the detriment of our lives and properties in the North East. We sleep with our eyes half opened for the fear of attacks at anytime. We are not enslave unto you,neither we are a sub- servant unto you, Mr. President. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 16:14:05 +0000

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