ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, imran Khan claims to have proofs of - TopicsExpress


ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, imran Khan claims to have proofs of rigging and stolen Mandate for the year or so bit have never obliged the nation by showing to the nation. Now we have a new news breaker on the scene who is blaming every while admitting that he does not have proofs!!!!!In my humble opinion, who ever blames the other, should share it with authentic proofs, be it Imran khan or Afzal Khan. They should present documentary evidences to a credible & impartial forum and invite the accused as well to respond to their blames on the same forum rather then just playing to the Gallery and leading people astray. As for as I am concerned, IK have still not proved even a single allegation. How long does he want this media circus and partying to go on. I know our youth is entertainment starved and deserve to be entertained but one dimensional entertainment + sensational blame game without any substance is very destructive. Think of the day when this disillusioned youth turn against their own Guru?? I fear that happening in near future!!!
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 06:44:25 +0000

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