ENTREVISTA COM O KISKE, FALANDO DO AVANTASIA A parte da entrevista,onde o Avantasia é citado,está abaixo, em inglês. Quem quiser ler a entrevista inteira, onde Kiske fala de seus outros projetos, visite o seguinte link: rock-and-metal-4-you.blogspot.de/2013/10/exclusive-interview-with-michael-kiske.html Of course, we are all humans. So now you are totaly back on track, when it comes to Metal and Hard Rock and all that stuff. My question is: which role played Avantasia in this context? M: A very big role. When you look at the first Avantasia record, we recorded in 1998 – that was in a phase where I was still pretty angry and I did not want to have much to do with the Metal scene anymore. It was just the time where I wasnt ready, so I didnt want to do it at first. But I liked Tobi (Sammet), I just liked his attitude, I just liked the way he just called me up and he was just straight forward and I liked his sense of humor and I just liked his personality. So I said: „OK, Ill do it, but Ill do it just for you and you call me Earny on the record.“ I know, its quite funny, but in those days it was something I wanted to have there. When you look at it, how successful Avantasia got over all the years. We can headline festivals all over the world and play venues with 4.000 people, which not many bands can do. Its beautiful and the thing is: 2010 I said finally „yes“ to play live with them. Tobi asked me before the first tour , because I was part of the first record already, but I wasnt ready. He offered me a lot of money, but I turned it out, because I just wasnt ready, I didnt want to go on tour. But in 2010 I said „yes, OK“. That was like medicine to me, it just felt right and then there was Kai on stage and we started to talk to do something again and thats how Unisonic got Kai into the band. So its not only Im now very happy to be part of Avantasia. It is just too much fun to tour the world with them. It was the first time I got on stage again. So, over the last ten years you served nearly every sub-genre in Rock and Metal, whether if it comes to AOR, Hard Rock, Melodic Metal and Power Metal. So, which sub-genre you feel most comfortable with? M: I did a lot of different stuff. I like bands like Kings Of Leon, Queens Of The Stone Age, you know just interesting stuff that has a bit of attitude. I love Foo Fighters – all this energy and I love the guys. It just need to have balls and thats something that is very rare these days. There is a lot of posing, a lot of fake attitude and showmanship. I also love certain melodic kind of melodies, like „Eagle Fly Free“ - this singing type. I just like energetic music and I like it when it has an uplifting spirit. Tobi has this a lot! I think he is an amazing songwriter. Yeah, in my opinion Tobias Sammet is the best songwriter we have in Metal right now. M: Absolutely! He writes such great stuff and in so many different styles, too. He can write an almost Bon Jovi – kind of song and he can write a Power Metal song and I think thats part of the success. The material is just so good, the melodies are so great. I like that kind of stuff. AOR is also fun to sing. Its very melodic and you sing that love-lyrics I would probably never write by myself. Its always interesting. Its the same when you eat. You dont eat the same meal every day. You like to have something different every day. If you would eat the same meal every day you would probably even get sick. I think music is pretty much the same. You gotta keep the spirit up, you gotta keep the fire burning and keep it exciting for yourself. Thats why you have to grow and you have to be brave enough to try new things, whether if its accepted by the market or not. Because if you dont, you might loose the fire and then you get boring.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 05:01:22 +0000

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