ENVIRONMENT 1. Global warming (n.): the heating up of the - TopicsExpress


ENVIRONMENT 1. Global warming (n.): the heating up of the earth’s atmosphere by pollution (hiện tượng trái đất nóng lên) Ex: Global warming is having a significant impact on our planet. Rising temperature is causing melting of the polar ice caps. 2. Greenhouse gases (n.): the gases and other substances which come from human activities, that cause the rise of earth temperature. (khí nhà kính) Greenhouse effect: the greenhouse gases that trap heat from the sun and the process makes the planet becomes hotter and hotter. (Hiệu ứng nhà kính) Ex: The burning of fossil fuels creates the huge amount of greenhouse gases which leads to global warming. 3. Renewable energies/ sustainable energies (dùng để thay thế nhau được nhé): năng lượng tái tạo, có khả năng tái tạo nhanh Ex: There are many kinds of renewable energies - solar energy/ solar thermal power: năng lượng mặt trời - biomass/ biofuels/ biogas: sinh khối/ nhiên liệu sinh học/ khí sinh học - wind power: năng lượng gió - tidal energy/ oceanogenic energy: năng lượng sóng/ năng lượng từ đại dương - geothermal energy: năng lượng địa nhiệt - hydropower: năng lượng nước 4. Emission (n.) - the production or sending out of LIGHT, HEAT, GAS... (sự phát thải) - UNCOUNTABLE - gases and other substances that come from vehicles or industrial activities. ( Khí thải) For example: Carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide... - COUNTABLE Ex: Factories and vehicles produce emissions and exhaust fumes. 5. Untreated output waste (phr. n.): chất thải từ các hoạt động công nghiệp hoặc sinh hoạt chưa được xử lý Ex: The Vedan company had broken the environmental-industrial rules when the untreated output waste was poured out into Thi Vai River. 6. Biodegradable (adj.): a substance or chemical that is BIODEGRADABLE can be changed to a harmless natural state by the action of bacteria, and will therefore not damage the environment. (dễ dàng phân hủy qua quá trình sinh học hoặc quá trình vật lý đơn thuần như bị phân hủy bởi vi khuẩn, bởi ánh nắng mặt trời, nước, biển...) Ex: In order to protect the environment, we should buy packaged goods whose packaging isbiodegradable, meaning that easily decomposition. - non-biodegradable packaging: plastic bags 7. Erosion (n.): the process of gradually destroying the surface of something through the action of wind, rain, heat... Especially used for soil, metal... (sự xói mòn, sự bào mòn) Ex: Planting trees provides some protection from the erosion of soil in the highland area. 8. Contaminate (v.): to make a substance or place dirty or no longer pure by adding something dangerous, poisonous or carrying diseases on it. Ex: Drinking water was contaminated by sewage and wastes. SYNONYMS: - pollute - poison - spoil - Contamination (n.) 9. Recycle (v.): treat and process waste materials so that they can be used again, maybe in other forms and purposes. Ex: This company aims on recycling bottles, packaging, paper, plastic and waste. 10. Ecosystem (n.): all the living creatures in a particular area considered in relation to their physical environment. (hệ sinh thái) => Ecosystem = living things + environment/ surroundings Ex: Human beings have had a devastating effect on the ecosystem.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 03:03:49 +0000

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