EP 18 Meanwhile, Bisade got to Seguns house and explains what - TopicsExpress


EP 18 Meanwhile, Bisade got to Seguns house and explains what Sister Anna had said to him...) SEGUN : I dont think those parents can just show up now and expect their son to follow them like that. BISADE : this wont go down well with Mary at all....(Shaking his head) SEGUN : well...let me know when they want to come over, I hope this wont end in a court case. BISADE : no matter what has happened between Made and I, hes still my son. I love him. SEGUN : I know...I understand you... BISADE : I dont even know how to tell Mary... SEGUN : I advice you let her come home before you tell her anything. BISADE : yes...I called her on my way here and she said shell be here next weekend. SEGUN : I really pity her...someone just coming to take your son away from you after so many years.... BISADE : a child were now so used to. We see him as our son you know...(Shaking his head)...hmm...thank God I have Bolanle... SEGUN : you see what I was telling you that day?...what is yours will keep being yours... BISADE : blood is thicker than water. SEGUN : Im happy you have Bolanle, either by mistake or not....shes a God sent. BISADE : shes my happiness. SEGUN : how is she doing? BISADE : very fine. Shell be writing this next GCE starting next week. SEGUN :waow! Already? BISADE : shes in SS3. Her result last term was outstanding. SEGUN : really? BISADE : yes, its only her english that needs brushing up. SEGUN : wow! Thats remarkable. BISADE : yes. She brings me joy....I wish Id brought her here earlier...she would have been something else. SEGUN : its not too late... BISADE : I want her to study in the US. SEGUN : she deserves it. I can tell my wifes sister to get her a good school there. BISADE : alright...Ill appreciate that. SEGUN : what are friends for.... ******Proudly Achievers Youth Network ****** Bisade didnt tell Mary exactly what Sister Anna said, he only told her that Sister Anna will come visiting and would want her to be around when she comes. The following week, after Mary came back...) MARY : when did sister Anna say shes coming around? BISADE : you are calling the shots. Will you be home this weekend? MARY : well....(Thinking about it)...Made will be coming back on friday so Sister Mary can come on saturday. BISADE : (surprised)...really? MARY : yes....That way she can see Made is now a big boy. BISADE : hmm...(Nodding)....Mary....(Looking at his wife) MARY : yes.... BISADE : you didnt tell me why you went to Abuja... MARY : I told you I went on a business trip. You will find out why later on. BISADE : okay...(Trying not to interfere unnecessarily) ******Proudly Achievers Youth Network ****** Made came back from the UK and was picked up by his parents who are so elated to see him. After giving him a warm hug, they set out to go home. In the car, as the driver takes them home...) BISADE : how was your trip son? MADE : not bad. MARY: Ive missed you so much son... MADE : I missed you too...(Looks at Bisade)...and Bola, Dad? BISADE : shes doing GCE.... MADE : already? BISADE : of course. Shes in SS3 now. MADE : oh thats good....so its already a year since I left...wow..(Looks at Mary who seems not to show any interest in their discussion)...Mum, my visa has expired. MARY : oh...no wonder you came home... MADE : (smiles)...but Ive missed home too. MARY : youve missed home, not me? MADE : oh come on Mum...of course I miss you too...(Smiling at her) MARY : hmm...I see... BISADE : hope you had a nice time over there? MADE : (giving off a fake smile)...I did. (When they got home, Femi was in the garden with Bolanle. As the car drove in, they both look up at the rest of the family dropping from the car. Bolanle goes to Bisade....) BOLA : welcome Daddy...(Turns to Mary)...welcome ma... MADE : hey...wont you give me a hug... BOLA : (looks at Bisade and Mary)...um... BISADE : wont you greet your brother? BOLA : welcome...(Goes to give him a cold hug)... MADE : (hugging her warmly)...how are you? BOLA : fine. MADE : wow...youve become so big...Dad what are you giving her? BISADE : (smiling)...this one? Shes so used to pringles and ice-cream o...lets go inside...(Then he noticed Femi is standing behind them)...haha wont you greet your friend? MADE : oh Femi....how you dey?...(Shaking hands and hugging the way men do) FEMI : Im good.... BISADE : are you people true with lectures? FEMI : em...n... BOLA : (cutting in before he could finish pronouncing his word)...yes. BISADE : (notices Femis words)...Bolanle, I dont think hes true with you... MADE : oh come on Dad...let Bolanle be for today. We need to have family time nau, abi...moreover, we saw them just playing and laughing so Im sure Femi is through with her for today... BISADE : but she has exams.... FEMI : yes, she has english on Monday.. MADE : huh! English on monday?...wait when did they start doing GCE english paper on monday? Is it not suppose to be on saturday? FEMI : (taken unawares)..em...oh sorry, I mean on saturday... MADE : that means theres still time. (Turns to Bisade)...Dad let Femi go so we can have our family time....) BISADE : okay, thats true. (Turns to Femi)...You know its been a while since brother and sister saw each other last, so let them have some bounding. FEMI : (giving off a fake smile)...okay sir. MADE : so see you later Femi...(Feeling good he has conquered) FEMI : (looks at Made)..okay bye....(He leaves for his house) (Mary has been listening to their discussion for a while but said nothing. After they got into the house, she follows Made into his room....) MARY : Made, when did you become friends with that village girl? MADE : haha...Mum, Friends? Is she not my cousin? MARY : what if shes your cousin? I thought youre on my side? MADE : of course Mum... MARY : then why are you all friendly with her? Telling her tutor to leave that we need to have family time? Whos her family member here? MADE : oh come on Mum...(Going to hold her)...lets just be happy in this house...in fact, I was going to tell you that you and Dad should improve your relationship. You guys are behaving more like enemies than a married couple. MARY : (wondering why the sudden change)....ehen... MADE : yes Mum....anyway, I need to freshen up now...(Going to pull his clothes) MARY : okay. Come down soon for dinner. See you later...(She leaves for her room) MADE : okay Mum... (As Made freshens up he could not stop thinking of Femi and Bolanle...) MADE : that Femi is sure up to something. Even if Bolanle is my cousin and I cant have anything with her, I definitely wont let them take advantage of Bolanle...just look at the way he was playing with her....even I, dont play with her like that...(Hisses)...and that Chidi...how dare he call me up to tell me hes interested in her....why cant they just get their eyes off her...with all the flings they had in camp....(Hisses)...after messing up different girls, they now want a good girl....who knows their intention...may be they just want to mess her up too....no, I wont allow it... (After freshening up, Made goes to look for Bolanle in her room but did not see her there. Then he notices shes in the kitchen and decided to come into there; a place he hardly goes except to get a drink when Comfort is not around, he saw Bola there with Comfort....) MADE : so Bola hows school? BOLA : fine...(Ignoring his eyes) MADE : any boyfriends yet? BOLA : boyfriend? Me I dont have boyfriend o....(Eating a slice of melon)... MADE : (turns to Comfort)...can I have melon too? COMFORT : its for Bola o.. MADE : haha...(Looks at Bola)..you mean Daddy bought melon for her only? COMFORT : no, it was teacher Femi that bought it for her o. MADE : (surprised, he turns to Bolanle sharply)...hey you! So you now collect gifts from men, right? BOLA : gift, me? I dont collect gift from any man o... MADE : what of the melon youre eating? BOLA : (looks at the melon)...melon is not gift nau...gift is perfume, roll on, blouse, skirt... MADE : (cuts in)...keep quiet! Anything someone gives you is a gift no matter what it is...he gave you melon as a gift and you collected it, thats what I mean! BOLA : (puts down the melon)...ehn...but...he is my teacher nau, Daddy say...said is like my brother. Shey my brother can not give me gift nii? MADE : (shaking his head, he decided to calm down and talk to her)...look Bolanle, its wrong for you to collect gifts from any man at all...Femi is not your brother, hes your teacher so you shouldnt collect anything from him... BOLA : but why? MADE : because, when a man gives you something, he wants something in return... BOLA : ehen....(Wondering what Femi will want)...something like what? MADE : like sleeping with you...like you see them kissing on TV...do you want that? BOLA : haa! No o... COMFORT : (cuts in)..hes not saying thats what teacher Femi wants o, hes just telling you that most men are like that... MADE : they wont tell you with their mouth, they will just keep giving you things and one day they will take advantage of you... BOLA : ehen...(Thinking of how they can take advantage of her)...advantage... COMFORT : thats true Bola, taking advantage of you can make you get pregnant o... BOLA : (throws the melon away)...I wont collect anything again. MADE : so...(taking a pack of juice from the fridge)...back to my question, are you saying nobody has toasted you all these while? BOLA : toasted? (Confused as she washes her hand)...What is that one? MADE : oh dumb-head...as anyone asked you out? BOLA : ask me out...(Thinking about it)....to where? MADE : (shaking his head)...oh God....forget it. BOLA : (trying to change the topic)...how is London? MADE : (whispering to himself)...like London is a human...at least thank God your english is better...(Speaks out)...London is fine...which reminds me...hope Femi is not doing anything funny? BOLA : hes doing o... MADE : (shocked he drops the drink)..huh?! BOLA : yes. He always do funny funny things o... MADE : (hisses)...mtchewww! BOLA : (surprised he hissed at her)....he always make me laugh every time nau, is that not funny things.... MADE : ehen...(Feels relieved but does not like the sound of that)...hope he doesnt touch you... BOLA : he touch me o.... MADE : (cuts in)...huh!...how can you allow that...did you tell Daddy? BOLA : yes...he always beat me on my head...and I tell Daddy, but Daddy say...said he is my teacher and he can beat me. MADE : (gives off a sigh of relief)...oh my God! Youre such a dummy!....(He walks away) BOLA : (turns to Comfort)...I don know why he jus hate me o, haha... (Comfort couldnt stop laughing as she cleans up) ******Proudly Achievers Youth Network ****** Early the following morning, Bisade goes to Mades room...) MADE : good morning Dad... BISADE : morning son...em, please can you take Bolanle to her school? She has her practical lessons and you know today is saturday, Amed needs to do some things for me. MADE : okay Dad... BISADE : (surprised he agrees to go so quickly)...thanks son...but youll have to get up and dress up now because you have to leave in the next 30 minutes. MADE : (looks at the time)...so early? BISADE : yes. Shes getting ready too. MADE : ...okay... BISADE : thanks son...(Stands up to leave)..oh..(Turns back)... Just take any of the cars... MADE : alright Dad...(Standing up to get dressed)...em Dad.. BISADE : yes son? MADE : dont let Mum know Im taking her to school... BISADE : (smiles at him)...okay...once Bolanle is ready, Ill tell her to go and wait for you in the car. (Made left the house, telling his Mother he had to go somewhere. After Bola and Made left, Sister Anna came visiting...) Bisade, Mary and Sister Anna went into the study to talk...) ANNA : Im really sorry this is coming at this time...but Mades real parent showed up... MARY : (shocked)..what?! ANNA : yes they did..but not to worry, they are not taking him away from you... MARY : (laughs)...they dare not.... ANNA : I understand you Mrs, but remember that clause in the form you filled. MARY : I dont care about that clause...what Im saying is, its not possible...(She stands up) BISADE : (stands up to hold her back)...wait dear...lets just listen to her... MARY : ...leave me alone! (snatches her hand from Bisades)...I said its a lie.... ANNA : I understand how you feel...(Going towards Mary)...but the boys father does not intend to take him from you and thats the truth...his mother is dead, she died after she gave birth to Made.... MARY : (laughs)..I said that is a lie! Whoever said that lied to you, its a bloody lie...! BISADE : (seeing her anger, he walks up to her again)..sweetheart...you have to listen to her...lets see how we can settle this case amicably... MARY : (cuts in)..settle what case? Theres nothing there to settle...those people that said they gave birth to him lied. BISADE : (notices the seriousness in her voice).... why are you talking like youre so sure of what youre saying... ANNA : (surprised with what Mary is saying)...Mrs Aderinluwo, I didnt just bring this thing up, I investigated this issue and saw they are right...I can bring them here if you dont mind. MARY : (facing Anna)...yes I want to see the thieves that claim Made is theirs. We will do a DNA test if possible! BISADE : (surprised with Marys words)...Im confused here....(Walking up and down)...what DNA test are you talking about? Sister Anna just said she investigated the whole issue...(Turns to Anna)...before coming to us, isnt it Sister? ANNA : yes. BISADE : and since you and I know that we adopted Made, it is logical shes right because we know nothing about the birth of Made...why then are you talking about a DNA test? MARY : all I know is well do a DNA test because I know those people are lying. ANNA : madam...please I want you to remember that in the agreement you signed, it was stated that if ever the real parents show up, you will give preference to them...I know you have done a lot for Made, I mean hes spent almost twenty years of his life with you, but please, his father is dying and he needs to just know and acknowledge him. BISADE : please Sister, can they come over here? ANNA : yes, in fact theyre in lagos, ready to come whenever you want them. BISADE : okay...tomorrow is okay then. Let them come tomorrow afternoon. ANNA : very well then...(Looks at Mary) Madam, Ill see you tomorrow....(She leaves) (After thinking for a while, Bisade moves closer to his wife...) BISADE : (looks at Mary and changes his mind from talking any further)...I think you need to take it easy...Im going to talk to Made...(Stands up to leave) MARY : hell No!...talk to who? I just told you those people are lying. Dont you dare tell Made anything. Dont say anything to my son...(Blocking his way) BISADE : what is wrong with you....do you want them to take him unawares by showing up here tomorrow? Is it not better we talk to him now before they get here...so he can know exactly whats going on? MARY : I said youre not telling my son anything! (Still blocking the way)...I will not allow you tell him a lie. BISADE : okay....(He sits down) have it your way. MARY : Im going to call my lawyer...(She storms out of the study) BISADE : (takes his phone and dials Seguns number)...hello? RECEIVER : hello BISADE : I think I will need your presence here tomorrow. RECEIVER : what happened? BISADE : you need to see Marys reaction today... RECEIVER : what happened? What did she do? BISADE : Sister Anna came today....(He explains what happened to Segun)...and now she doesnt even want to tell Made anything. RECEIVER : haha....why was she sounding like she knows Mades real parents? BISADE : I dont know...she became so defensive.... RECEIVER : and the Sister said she investigated? BISADE : yes she did. RECEIVER : I really dont know what to say. BISADE : I think you should be here tomorrow because the way Mary was shouting DNA test, DNA test...in fact she has said she will bring in her lawyer. RECEIVER : okay, I will come around. BISADE : and I will still have to talk to Made. I dont want him to see them here tomorrow and start wondering whats going on. RECEIVER : may be you should wait till after everything is settled. Lets wait and see what happens tomorrow first. Then we can talk to him afterwards. BISADE : okay. RECEIVER : what of Bola? BISADE : shes gone for her paper. RECEIVER : I mean for tomorrow...how do you intend to keep her away from the event that will ensue? Or you want her to hear all this? BISADE : at all....Ill think of what to do about her. RECEIVER : alright then. When tomorrow? BISADE : I told them to get here in the afternoon. RECEIVER : alright. Ill come there straight from church then. BISADE : good, I prefer you get here before they do. RECEIVER : alright. BISADE : okay...till tomorrow....bye (he hangs up, thinking of the situation at hand).....what do I do now....(Thinking)...I need to keep Bolanle out of the house tomorrow....what do I do?....(Thinking).....yes....I think thats better...(He picks up his phone)...hello? RECEIVER : hello sir, good afternoon sir... BISADE : how are you? RECEIVER : very well sir. BISADE : please I need you to come over tomorrow, say by....12-1pm and take Bolanle out somewhere. RECEIVER : (surprised and extremely happy)...really?!...I mean...hope theres no problem sir? BISADE : at all. Im going to be having some guests and I dont want her to be around when they come. RECEIVER : okay sir. No problem, Ill be there sir. BISADE : just take her somewhere safe and when the guests are gone Ill call you to come back. RECEIVER : alright sir. BISADE : okay. Thanks. RECEIVER : youre welcome sir... To be continued....
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 22:12:32 +0000

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