EP 27 Bisade didnt get to talk to Segun before he traveled, so - TopicsExpress


EP 27 Bisade didnt get to talk to Segun before he traveled, so immediately he got there, he calls Segun telling him what happened with Made...) RECEIVER : but really we cant blame him for reacting that way. BISADE : yes I know. He doesnt know half of what Mary did. To him, Mary is the model of a good mother....well, till.... RECEIVER : but its your fault. You should have told him what Mary did. BISADE : I didnt want him to have a bad image of her. RECEIVER : I know, but you know Mary was his all in all, though till she got to know that hes not her son. BISADE : but Made had no idea. I didnt even tell him why Marys countenance changed towards him. RECEIVER : then its your fault. If he knew, he wouldnt have acted that way. BISADE : Im sure he will come around, once he needs money. RECEIVER : (laughing) haba nau...thats bad of you. So you think Made is after your money, abi? BISADE : no, I just feel his needs will bring him back. RECEIVER : but seriously if you ask me, Id say Made wouldnt have acted that way if hes so money conscious. I mean, he wouldnt be keeping the interest of a dead person at the detriment of his own future. BISADE : hmm....(Thinking about it)...so you dont think he reacted out of impulse? RECEIVER : looking at the way Made has being with you since he got to know that he was adopted... BISADE : (cuts in)...thats the reason why I said its out of impulse, because he has been extraordinarily nice to me. RECEIVER : thats the point, if hes been nice because he now knows he was adopted, that means he knows he may loose everything, he really would have controlled himself when you told him about Bola. If it was out of impulse, he would have called back to apologize immediately he got hold of himself. BISADE : (thinking about it)...hmm...you may be right, because theres no Mary to spoil him anymore... RECEIVER : so we cant blame him. If he doesnt react that way, then I will say hes an ingrate, because Mary was nice to him, its only normal for him to take sides with her....not taking sides with her means hes not showing his loyalty to the only woman that showed him motherly love. BISADE : hmm.... I hope he calls me back and if he doesnt, Ill get in touch with him. RECEIVER : alright. BISADE : Ill get back to you later. RECEIVER : okay, enjoy your stay and extend my regards to Bola. BISADE : alright. ******Proudly Achievers Youth Network ****** Bolanle went to take some of the things she left over at Esthers house and they got talking for a while...) ESTHER : look at how happy you are... BOLA : Aunty, Daddy is a blessing to me. Hes the father I never had and Im so blessed to have him... ESTHER : you can say that again. BOLA : he treats me just like his own daughter. In fact, sometimes, I believe Made will be jealous of me with all the attention he gives me. He loves me too much. ESTHER : hmm... BOLA : even my father cant do this much... ESTHER : are you sure? BOLA : of course Aunt. A man that neglected my Mum and later me...Im sure he only hates me. I wish hed see me and know how good Im doing now. ESTHER : hmm... BOLA : I should go now...Dad will soon be bored now....(Carrying her bag) ESTHER : alright Dear...tell him Ill come and say hi. BOLA : okay...bye! ******Proudly Achievers Youth Network ****** Meanwhile, Julius noticed Mades strange mood since he got back, he suspected something strange apart from Marys death happened in Lagos. He decided not to say anything. Julius health is getting worse, since his diabetes is getting out of hand, each day, he knows hes closer to his grave. He knows he needs to give all he can to his only son no matter how poor he is. One day, they got talking...) JULIUS : (talking slowly now because of his condition)...Made, please can we talk? MADE : (reading a novel, he rises up his head to look at Julius)....hope theres no problem? JULIUS : you know Im not getting any younger or better, and at anytime, I may join my parents up there... MADE : yes... JULIUS : and even though I wasnt the one that brought you up, I know a little about you because you have more of my characteristics......(He pauses)...since you came back from Lagos, youve really changed. Did something happen with your father? MADE : (he drops his book)....wait a minute, the last time I checked, you were my father... JULIUS : that is exactly what Im saying....before you went to Lagos, if I called Mr Bisade your father, you dont reply me this way but since you came back, you didnt even mention anything about him or how hes coping with the loss of his wife. MADE : thats because I dont care...(He picks up his novel and starts reading again).. JULIUS : Made....before now, I have the confidence that after Im gone, you will be in safe hands with Bisade, but with the way youre talking now... MADE : (drops the novel again).. as far as Im concerned, that man is a forgotten chapter of my life and thats it. JULIUS : a man that gave you over 22 years of his life? He brought you up without prejudice... MADE : (cuts in) who says its without prejudice? JULIUS : I know its without prejudice, because he knew you were not his, yet he took you in... MADE : please spare me the preaching. You talk like hes a saint! JULIUS : dont bite the fingers that fed you Made. MADE : no, its not me Im doing this for but Mum. JULIUS : (surprised)....you mean Mary? MADE : of course. JULIUS : the same Mary that neglected you later on? MADE : well, thats because she was going through some hard times with the company then. JULIUS : so why the undeserved favor? MADE : (surprised at the statement)..undeserved favor? You call that undeserved favor? JULIUS : yes. MADE : (he stands up)... who do you think you are to talk about her that way? She was there when you were not. She treated me like her own son, when you were nowhere to be found. She was there when I needed my parents most and you stay there criticizing her? God, I cant believe this! JULIUS : now that Mary is a saint, I wonder why Bisade isnt, after all if Bisade had not agreed with Mary they wouldnt have adopted you... MADE : oh...please! Thats because he has his own agenda! JULIUS : (surprised)....how do you mean? MADE : oh, youre shocked right? So stop calling him a good man. JULIUS : what did he do exactly? MADE : okay, Ill tell you....(He tells him about how Bisade brought Bola home and how he later got to find out Bola is Bisades daughter) JULIUS : gracious God, youre wonderful... MADE : now, you see hes no saint right? (He sits down) JULIUS : so Bisade has a child finally without Marys knowledge... MADE : well from the note, she kind of found out and Im sure thats why she killed herself. Thats why I hate him. JULIUS : this is what I call karma... MADE : (surprised at his words)....karma, karma? JULIUS : yes. MADE : what are you saying? JULIUS : there are so many things you dont know Made. If you get to know, believe me, you will do worse than Bisade did. MADE : (surprised and confused)....how can you say that? (He sits up) JULIUS : Mary did not just neglect you when we came for you... MADE : (cuts in)...I know its because she was hurting that you will take me away and may be because of the company too, so? JULIUS : oh...so you think, but its not like that... MADE : how would you know? You know nothing about her so you have no point. JULIUS : (he smiles)...Made, Mary was my girlfriend in the University. MADE : (shocked) what! JULIUS : yes...(He explains everything about the adoption to him)....so the reason why she neglected and rejected you then was because she got to know youre not her son. MADE : (he couldnt believe his ears)...wait....so thats why she totally ignored me? JULIUS : yes, because for more than twenty years she thought she was taking care of her own son. MADE : but.....but......(Thinking)....Wait did Dad know about that? JULIUS : well, with the way I saw them that day he knew nothing. He only knew they were going to adopt a boy his wife really got to like, he didnt know that she had a child in that orphanage. MADE : got to like....not her son.....?(Confused) JULIUS : hmm mm.... MADE : so, Mum wanted to bring in her own son for Dad to nurture...? JULIUS : exactly... MADE : but are you sure she didnt tell Dad shes bringing in her biological son? JULIUS : well, with the way I perceived things that day....I dont think so. MADE : Oh my....and with the turn out of things, she only got to find out later that Dad fathered Bola. Meaning that both of them were ignorant of the other having a child somewhere... JULIUS : well...karma must have made Bisade impregnate another woman because of his wifes betrayal... MADE : but why didnt she just tell Dad she had a child, Dad is nice, he may have allowed her... JULIUS : Made, she had the child after their marriage... MADE : (cuts in) what! Its a lie. JULIUS : dont forget she told me about the pregnancy herself though late, but she told me every detail. MADE : then they are even, just that Mums child didnt live. JULIUS : exactly. MADE : damn it!...no wonder Dad was saying he wants to explain things, but I didnt listen. JULIUS : so dont blame him... MADE : hmm....Mum must have been so disappointed that Im not her son... JULIUS : hence, her behaviour towards you. MADE : I have to call Dad...(He brings out his phone and dials but the line is dead)...shit! He must have gone to the US....(He dials the land line and no one picks it too)...where the hell is Comfort for Gods sake! I want her to send me the US phone number, I forgot to pick it before leaving the house... JULIUS : you must have thought you didnt need it anymore... MADE : I messed up totally, I should have allowed him explain himself... JULIUS : but would you have believed him if he had? MADE : (thinks about it)..well, he should have told me about the adoption issue earlier... JULIUS : he didnt want you to feel she rejected you because she found out youre not her son.... MADE : all in a bid not to create a bad image of her before me....(Angry with himself)...shit! I messed up big time! I have to beg him.... JULIUS : you really have to. ******Proudly Achievers Youth Network ****** Bisade still refused to tell Bolanle anything about her paternity.. After thinking about how to go about it for sometime he calls Segun up....) RECEIVER : hows everything over there? BISADE : all good. RECEIVER : hope your vacation is paying off...no stress, no... BISADE : (cuts in)...at all. In fact I forgot to tell you that Bola is now driving. RECEIVER : really! BISADE : Im telling you! She was the one that came to pick me up from the airport. RECEIVER : wow! Thats my girl!...let me speak to her... BISADE : oh shes not here, she has gone to get the groceries. RECEIVER : oh....then why not call me when she gets back.... BISADE : okay.... RECEIVER : Bisade... BISADE : yes RECEIVER : have you told her? BISADE : told her what? RECEIVER : dont play smart with me Bisade. Have you told her youre her father? BISADE : but we agreed to do it together? RECEIVER : you and who? Ive told you Im not in that with you. Do it yourself. Look, Im giving you till the next three days to tell her, if not, Ill spill the beans and you know I can be blunt in that... BISADE : how can you do that to me...you know youre my brother.... RECEIVER : Bisade, Im not joking this time! (He hangs up) BISADE : Segun hold on... Segun!...see this man...(Takes a deep breath)....what hes asking me to do is very difficult...how do I tell her Im her father, and I left her in the village for that long... How will she take it?....we have never had a rift, hope this is not what will bring a rift between us....(Thinks about it)...how do I even tell her? How do I start? (Few minutes later, Bola came back with the groceries....) BOLA : Dad, I had to go to a Nigerian store to get these few things....(Bringing out the yam, egusi etc) BISADE : so youve located a Nigerian store here already? BOLA : haa...yes o. In fact, that was where I was eating when I first came here, before I now gradually adjusted to their food. Nigerian dishes are quite expensive here. BISADE : okay. But how did you get to know the store? BOLA : Aunty Esther shops there. BISADE : oh...no wonder. BOLA : almost everything is there. I dont know how they manage to bring it in. BISADE : I wanted to bring egusi, since I know you love egusi soup, Comfort packed it for me, but they removed it at their airport here and dumped it. BOLA : dont mind them....let me see, what should I cook today.... BISADE : lets eat out today at one of the big restaurants. Lets do the father-daughter outing... BOLA : (smiles)...hmm....okay. Then go to the movies afterwards... BISADE : Movies! Me...Im too old for that... BOLA : come on Dad, its Friday, if were gonna have fun lets have it fully! So, go dress up. Ill do the same!.....(Going to the room) BISADE : but... BOLA : no buts Dad lets go...(Not turning back) (They went to the restaurant and thereafter to the movies. They got home and went to bed straight. The following morning Bola woke up and made breakfast for Bisade. While they were eating, Bola said nothing and Bisade wonders whats wrong...) BISADE : (looking at his daughters mood)...Bolanle BOLA : (snaps out of it) sir.... BISADE : you look like youre millions of miles away from here...whats wrong with you?(Drops his cutlery) BOLA : em....no its nothing. BISADE : thats a lie. Somethings wrong. Tell me... BOLA : no, I dont want to bore you. BISADE : bore me?....Then I wont eat again...(He relaxes) BOLA : oh no, please dont do that.... BISADE : then tell me... BOLA : its...its just that I remember the fun we had yesterday and wonder why my own father cant spend time with me like that. If you, who is not my father can spend time with me that way...(She pauses)....Do you know sometimes, I feel like Im cheating Made, cause you give me more attention then him. I feel like Im taking you from him, Im being unfair to him. BISADE : oh not Made, Made is doing fine. Dont worry about him. BOLA : was even thinking youd come with him. BISADE : but you know we were really not that close ever since... BOLA : yeah...he just doesnt know how lucky he is. If only I can have my own father like that... BISADE : (surprised)...but am I not making you happy? BOLA : oh no, Im not saying that, Im just wondering what really happened to him. I really wish I knew. I have questions to ask him. BISADE : hmm...(he stands up from his seat and walks towards the window)....Bola BOLA : (looking back at him) sir... BISADE : you want to know your father, right? BOLA : ever since I was a kid. BISADE : (takes a deep breath)....sweetheart... BOLA : yes Dad?... (He moved closer to her, sat down and held her hand. Seeing hes moody countenance, Bola talks first...) BOLA : Dad, are you afraid of loosing me if I get to know him?....(Seeing he didnt talk)..e on Dad, you can be sure you wont. BISADE : (he smiles)....no Im not afraid of that because.....(He pauses and looks at her in the eyes)....because, I only dont know how to tell you ever since....coupled with the fact that I didnt want you to have problems with my wife...(He stood up again and walks away from her, feeling so reluctant to tell her) BOLA : how to tell me what? (She stands up and moves close to him)...you know him, right? BISADE : ....(Takes a deep breath again, closing his eyes)...I am he. BOLA : (confused)... I didnt kind of get that? BISADE : (he turns to look at her face)...its me. Im your biological father... BOLA : (cuts in)...what!....(Looking at him with disappointment in her eyes)... No, but thats not true....(Tears in her eyes)...it cant be you...(Tears running down her eyes profusely, she moves back)....it just cant be you. BISADE : its me child. Thats why you were brought to me when your grand mother died. BOLA : you mean you were the man that left my Mum for years, came back one day, slept with her, and got her pregnant! You neglected me for years! I had no fatherly love, did all kinds of odd jobs with my grandmother? BISADE : sweetheart, (trying to hold her)...I didnt... BOLA : (cuts in)...dont touch me! (She moves away from him)...You left us to do all kinds of odd jobs just to survive! (Tears running down her eyes profusely).....You only came to my rescue because granma died, if not, I would have rotted away there in the village! BISADE : please just listen to me...(Moves closer to her) BOLA : no, I dont! You had no reason to do that to me or granma. Granma died trying to clear peoples farms for money, just to pay my tuition fees. That woman died because she kept working even with her sickness, just to make sure I go to school.... BISADE : sweetheart...just listen to me... BOLA : I dont want to hear anything from you! You brought me to your house and was ashamed of me! You couldnt tell everybody youre my father! (Crying) ....Im sure you were ashamed of me... BISADE : (cuts in)...no, I wasnt...(Close to tears)...please dear, give me a chance to explain... BOLA : no!....(She runs out of the house without looking back at Bisade who was calling her....) BISADE : sweetheart! Bolanle!....(Going after her but she didnt answer him)...damn it! Damn you Bisade! Before it was Made, now your only daughter has left you too...(He picks his phone and calls Segun...) RECEIVER : hello... BISADE : now see what youve caused! RECEIVER : (confused)...whats that I dont understand. BISADE : I told you that we should allow sleeping dogs lie, now see, I told her Im her father and she couldnt take it. She has left the house now. RECEIVER : oh my God, where did she go? BISADE : how am I suppose to know? May be to a friends place or something, I dont know, because she was really crying when she left. RECEIVER : but didnt you explain everything to her? BISADE : she didnt even allow me say anything, she just stormed out of the house. RECEIVER : lets give her sometime, Im sure shes in still in shock, thats why. Shell come around. BISADE : everything was going fine till I talked. I shouldnt have said anything. RECEIVER : but shell still have to know someday and its better she heard it from you rather than hearing it from someone else. BISADE : where will I search for her now... RECEIVER : wait, give her sometime. If she doesnt come home by tomorrow, then well call her... BISADE : what! Tomorrow, hell no, I wont wait till then, what if something happens to her? RECEIVER : what then do you want to do? Do you know her friends over there? BISADE : all I know is I cant just sit here doing nothing! RECEIVER : alright then let me call Esther to ask if shes there. But lets wait for sometime since she just left the house. BISADE : I cant believe this is happening... RECEIVER : take it easy on yourself, she will come around soon. ******Proudly Achievers Youth Network ****** Immediately after Segun dropped the call, he calls Esther who says Bola hasnt shown up. He asks if she knows anyone Bola may have gone to, but she said they should wait and see if Bola will come around....) CALLER : please immediately she shows up call me up. ESTHER : but what happened? Bola is a very good girl, what did he do to her? CALLER : he finally told her. ESTHER : (surprised)...thats hes her father? CALLER : yes ESTHER : hmm...I can imagine. Its normal for her to be mad at him. CALLER : yes but hes worried. ESTHER : weve talked so much about her father and shes told me how angry she is with him. But its okay, Ill talk to her. Ill get in touch with her. CALLER : alright dear thanks. And please keep me informed on the turnout. ESTHER : alright Bro, take care. Love you. CALLER : bye. To be continued...
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 00:10:56 +0000

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