EP 52 Kurt holds her hand more tightly wishing she would change - TopicsExpress


EP 52 Kurt holds her hand more tightly wishing she would change her mind immediately...) KURT : please...I beg of you, dont say that... BUKOLA : thats the truth, its late...Im with someone else now. I cant possibly break his heart just like that. KURT : (re adjusts)...tell me, how do you feel about me? Can you? BUKOLA : but thats not important any more...(She looks away) KURT : of course it is...tell me....please. I really need to know... BUKOLA : Jide, let it be, okay... KURT : I cant. (Re adjusts again facing the road, he lives her hand)...Ive lived the past six years wondering how you really feel about me. I think I deserve to know... BUKOLA : I...I....no Jide, lets just forget it. Its better that way. KURT : know something...(Sighs)...Ive been fond of you ever since high school. But....(Chuckles)... you were way out of my league and Ken was after you...moreover, I didnt know what it was I felt then. When the whole thing with Carols murder came up, it brought out so many negative feelings in me, from anger to hatred to the thirst for vengeance, due to the loss of my folks. Those negative feelings overshadowed almost every good thing in me, till that day I spoke to you so harshly. Id hated myself since then for doing that to you, most especially when I heard youd risked your life to prove that I was innocent. I knew I owe you my freedom, my life, my everything.... BUKOLA : no, you owe my nothing....you were implicated all because of me Jide. KURT : nah. I was framed cause of my goodness, naivity...(Chuckles)...more like my stupidity... BUKOLA : yet you owe me nothing. Knowing you lost your parents and 5 years of your life was a pain no one could relieve... KURT : you had no reason to risk your life just to save me from prison...if you had ignored me, it wouldnt have been a sin... BUKOLA : I had to do it. I cant stay unconcerned seeing the only man I ever...(She stops)... KURT : (looks at her)..e say it...the only man you ever loved, right. BUKOLA : (looks away)...take me back home Jide. Take me back home... KURT : (smiles)....you still owe me that date, you know? BUKOLA : (smiles)...I cant possibly go out this way...dressed in a skimpy gown and a flip-flop....and my phone is still at home....hey and I didnt even lock my door! This is Nigeria Jide not the UK or US. KURT : (laughing)...my bad...lets go BUKOLA : hey, why dont you pick the little boy along and lets go? KURT : (starting the vehicle)....nah...three is crowd...(He drives off) ......................................................................... (Meanwhile, Lara is very devastated after receiving Kurts call she storms inside the Nikes room...) LARA : mummy, this is the first time Kurt will be like this. Can you imagine? He called me and said he wants this farce to be over. NIKE : you see, thats what Ive been saying ...that you should hook that boy up before some other girl comes up. Now in less than 24hours in Nigeria, all this hungry Nigerian girls have found him. LARA : I wont allow it Mum!..I have to do something...(Starts pacing) NIKE : yes, you better do something now. We cant let that boy go. With all the money with him. Moreover, you have more right over that money than any other girl. LARA : I will do everything possible. Even if its to drug Kurt to sleep with me. NIKE : (looks at her at disgustingly)...you are very foolish o. LARA : (surprised)...haha, why did you say so? NIKE : why didnt you think of that when you two were staying together in New York? LARA : because...because I didnt see any other woman with him. There was no threat for me over there. NIKE : oh....so now that you two are staying apart, you now want to drug him? It will be so easy abi? LARA : (pacing)...Ill see what to do... NIKE : you better do...and fast too. LARA : I have to think of what to do.... (She starts thinking of what to do next, then she remembers Ken and decided to look for his card and call him...) LARA : hello? RECEIVER : hello, who am I speaking with? LARA : this is La...I mean Toyin. RECEIVER : Toyin...which of the Toyins? LARA : hmm...(Shaking her head)..Andrews friend, we met again at the reunion, remember? RECEIVER : oh ...whats up? LARA : em....that girl, the one you were showing me with my husband that day... RECEIVER : yeah..Bukola..what about her? LARA : do you know her very well? RECEIVER : of course...why? LARA : shes messing around with my husband... RECEIVER : Bukola? Are you sure? LARA : yes. I was at her place yesterday to warn her but she refused to listen. RECEIVER : wait...you went to Bukolas house to confront her about it? LARA : of course... RECEIVER : I see... LARA : shes bent on taking him from me, I guess. RECEIVER : where does she leave? LARA : somewhere in omole estate. RECEIVER : I see...so how do you want me to help you? LARA : do you know her very well? I need to know how else I can get her off my husbands back. RECEIVER : hmm....lets hook up. LARA : okay. RECEIVER : is this your number? LARA : yes. RECEIVER : okay...em, lets meet up tomorrow...Ill send you the address and the time. LARA : okay. Thanks! ........................................................................... (Kurt and Bukola both had a silent ride back to Bukolas house. They both enter into the compound, walking towards the house...) BUKOLA : Jide... KURT : hmm BUKOLA : you have a lot of explanation to do, you know...I mean where did you get all the money youre throwing around? KURT : (chuckles)...yeah, I know I have a lot of explanations to give to you... BUKOLA : its not like you have to give me...I mean, youre not obliged or something...(Getting to the door) KURT : of course I am. Youre the only one Ive got now... (They get inside...) BUKOLA : so this is my humble abode...make yourself comfortable. Ill get you some juice...(Walking towards the kitchen) KURT : are you staying alone?...(Looking around) BUKOLA : yeah...(Opening the fridge) KURT : your Mum? BUKOLA : shes in the UK with her husband. KURT : husband?...your Dad?...(Taking his seat) BUKOLA : nope...she never married my Dad...he only got her pregnant. KURT : oh...and where is he now? BUKOLA : he died some two years ago and left me this house as my inheritance. KURT : oh I see...so do you have other siblings? BUKOLA : yeah two from Mum and I dont know how many from Dad. He sent the whole document and everything to me even before he died...so I dont know them...(Placing the drink before him) KURT : ...my condolences. BUKOLA : thanks.. KURT : do you miss him? BUKOLA : miss him?....(Chuckles)...if I have to sum up all the hours I spent with him, I dont think its up to 168hours, thats a week in days....(Goes back to the Kitchen to get him some potato chips) KURT : what!....(Sits up)...are you serious? BUKOLA : yes, very. We were never close even though I needed him so much. All my friends would talk of their Dads, how he carries them on his neck, swings them, told them bedtime stories...Id wished I had one... KURT : hmm...(Shaking his head) BUKOLA : but Mum tried though...its just that its incomparable. KURT : you know what hes like? BUKOLA : really, I dont. I only know him from a distance. He calls me only once in a while to say hi. I must not call him except he calls me...weird right?... KURT : hmm... BUKOLA : I dont know what kind of relationship he shared with my Mum and I never asked. I believe it may bring back some old wound or something so I never bothered asking. KURT : its better thats way...you know what they say, what you dont know may never hurt you. BUKOLA : yeah...may....(Sitting in front of him)... KURT : you really need to get a gate-keeper you know. BUKOLA : yeah..so that someone wont come and yank me away just like you did. KURT : (laughs)....yeah thats true...but mine was necessary. BUKOLA : if there had been a gate keeper there, he sure wouldnt have allowed you. KURT : yeah....thank God there was none. BUKOLA : anyway, enough about me...tell me exactly what happened. KURT : (takes a deep breath)...Carols lawyer, Barrister Charles took a special interest in me... BUKOLA : yeah Stan told Suz and I... KURT : so, with the evidence you got, him and Stan spoke to Stans Dad and he pleaded with the state governor to give me a pardon, that was how I got out... BUKOLA : I heard all that. KURT : now theres this other Lawyer that took a kin interest in me, he was Barrister Charles friend....he was the one that took me to the US. He took up not just my case, but my whole life. He helped changed my name here and saw me through school.... BUKOLA : (cuts in)...thats so nice of him...but, come to think of it, its almost five years since you left, how come you have 2 degrees and a masters already? KURT : the US universities run 3 semesters in a year. Spring, Summer and Fall. Most people do two - Spring and Fall, having summer as their holiday...but I ran the three semesters in the year. No holiday, no fun. And I ran both courses concurrently. BUKOLA : yeah I know about the three semester stuffs, thats why some of those that study there can have their degrees in less than 3 years. But how did you run 2 degrees at a time? Thats not possible... KURT : it is. There are online schools remember? BUKOLA : oh.....but...wow...you must have studied like crazy....(Shaking her head) KURT : it wasnt easy... but I finished and went into business immediately. In fact, after my 4th semester, I had the best ideas in business and involved my mentor in it... BUKOLA : hmm mm.. KURT : yes. We started buying companies here in Nigeria and reselling...but the moment I finished, he retired and transferred his wealth to me... BUKOLA : (surprised)....why? KURT : I have no idea myself. He just said he wants to go away. He only waited for me to finish from the University. BUKOLA : but doesnt he have a family or something? I mean, its not like youre related to him or are you... KURT : Im not. But seriously, thats a question he never answered. In fact, all the companies he purchased when I was in school were left untouched but running till I finished. I had to sell some off. BUKOLA : hmm...thats weird.. KURT : yeah... by the time we sold some of those companies and gave back the money to him, he was worth about a hundred billion naira, which he transferred to me... BUKOLA : a hundred billion! KURT : yeah.... BUKOLA : how much did he start with? KURT : cant remember exactly, but I think it was about sixty something billion or there about. BUKOLA : to about a hundred.... Does selling companies pay that much? KURT : hahaha....it does...this is what we did....(Sits up)...after I got the idea, I told him about it and we tried the first one...buying a company that should worth about 2.5Billion naira for less than one billion... BUKOLA : haha...why? KURT : because we were gonna pay up their debts. And theres one thing about business; transfer of debts can be cunning. Debtors will have to comply with our terms and conditions, if not, they wont have their money on time. BUKOLA : haha can you do that with a bank.... And isnt that cheating? KURT : (laughing)...no, not banks and its not cheating. We still pay them but with time. BUKOLA : Im confused... KURT : this is it....being the new owners, they dont have a choice, thats why this company owners sell before they are sued. They give us time to bring the company up again... BUKOLA : okay.... KURT : so, in order to bring up the company, I liaised with my lecturers to help prescribe the best business analyst and consultants there is in the US to bring back the company. They did and in less than a year we sold the first company back for 4 Billion...holding back some assets... BUKOLA : wait, I dont understand, your lecturers how? KURT : yeah, they know the best people for such a job. They are professionals, even some of them work as consultants themselves. So these consultants know what to do to bring up a company in its declining phase, so they come over and the management of the company works with whatever reforms they propose. Thats after theyve done a good scrutiny of the market down here though, both competitive and demand markets. BUKOLA : wow... KURT : weve bought so many other companies like that both here and abroad. Its pays off like anything. There was this company started up by some chinese in Nigeria, a big time ice-cream company. They brought down all their new equipments, equipment that were not even used by fan milk, as big as it is. I dont know what happened but they were not allowed to operate, after all theyve invested. So they got in touch with me and I bought them out. They sold for just 50 million naira a company thats was worth about 100 million dollars. BUKOLA : what! thats a loss for them. KURT : I dont do the bargaining, my team does. And trust me, I have the best business team working for me. Those guys are good economists! We started business, about three years ago when I decided to go fully into company sales and you wont believe theyve tripled my income. BUKOLA : I see... KURT : anyway, I shouldnt bore you with my business stuffs...so when will I be able to take you out? BUKOLA : (chuckles)....Jide...its not so easy....I have a boyfriend you know... KURT : (takes a deep breath)...is he strong enough to compete with me? BUKOLA : (laughs)...youre not serious. KURT : (starts getting serious)....Bukola....whats going on with Kola? BUKOLA : (shaking her head)...oh Kola, thats another person I dont know what to do with.... KURT : why? How? BUKOLA : I think that guy wants something I cant give him... KURT : I dont understand him either. There was a time he was after Lara, and Id even promised to help him. I was surprised to see hes changed his mind... BUKOLA : does that mean he knows youre not married? KURT : of course. He was like a brother to me...he knew everything. BUKOLA : hmmm....so he lied... KURT : how? What did he say? BUKOLA : never mind...its not important. KURT : okay....(Moves closer to look at her in the eyes)...Im not going to rest till you and I are together. BUKOLA : lets not talk about that now... KURT : go and dress up, lets go out. BUKOLA : I....I cant do that Jide, Ill feel like Im cheating on him. KURT : what? (Chuckles)...How do you mean cheating on him....? Its not like Im asking you to do something with me...moreover, did you feel that way when you decided to come with Kola to... BUKOLA : (cuts in)...no...thats different. I dont feel anything for Kola so I cant feel that way.... KURT : meaning you feel something for me, isnt it? BUKOLA : em.....(Trying to change the topic)....Ill cook something for breakfast fast....(About to stand up but Kurt holds her back) KURT : you didnt answer my question... BUKOLA : youre late Jide and whatever I feel...felt doesnt matter anymore....(Looks away) KURT : Bukola, Im nothing without you. I cant continue without you. I really need you beside me to go on, please dont do this to me... BUKOLA : Jide...lets just be friends okay, please let it be like that...Please. KURT : (thinks for a while)....alright... BUKOLA : Ill make you breakfast...(Stands up and leaves for the kitchen) ............................................................................ (Two days later, Kurt, Stan and Kola are in Kurts place discussing...) KOLA : I got everything on C. This public holiday is doing us some good... STAN : yes. I got a lead on B too. That guys got some dirty rags mehn. KURT : really? STAN : yeah...I got Jack to do the job for me. KURT : I thought Jack is in indiana? STAN : yeah. I paid him for it. Lodged him in the best hotel. KURT : good job! Can he get us a bug? STAN : he suggested it but I declined....evasion of privacy...moreover who will monitor it? KURT : he will...but on a second thought, may be we should forget it. KOLA : you guys didnt ask me why I said the public holiday is doing us some good.... (They both look at him) KURT : why? STAN : what happened? KOLA : my surveillance on C found something interesting. KURT : Ken... STAN : whats that? KOLA : he met up with your wife yesterday. KURT : what? What do you mean my wife....Lara? STAN : you mean they met? KURT : why? KOLA : I dont know. But Id suspected something before now. KURT : what? KOLA : during the reunion, when you asked me to take her to the car, she met him on our way out. They chatted for sometime before she left. KURT : hmm.....(Nodding)..its possible...theyve met before. STAN : yeah possibly....since he was friends with Andrew.... KURT : I dont think its anything to worry about. KOLA : sure? KURT : sure. Just keep an eye on him. I need a serious lead on him. I want everything. I need a very clean and clear capture. KOLA : alright....and on A, we have just a month before the election, what next? STAN : (He noticed that Kurt is busy fondling with his phone)...Kurt? KURT : em....yeah...please one minute, I just want to send this message...(Smiling at the phone) STAN : (looks at him and shakes his head)...may God help you... KOLA : (wondering whats going on)....is there something going on....(Looks at Kurt)...you look like youre sending a love message Kurt....who are you.... KURT : (now giving them his attention)yeah....so what were we saying? KOLA : that the election is coming .....who were you sending love message to? KURT : (starts laughing)...whats your problem man, cant I have some privacy again? STAN : its definitely her isnt it? KURT : hmm mm.....the election...(Trying to change the topic) KOLA : Stan who is it? STAN : Bukola of course, who else? KOLA : which Bukola? STAN : the same Bukola you know. KOLA : hell no, Kurt you cant go there... STAN : hey, hey, hey Kola...hold on. KOLA : no I wont! I saw that girl first and Im going for her. Kurt cant possibly outsmart me, remember the brothers code. STAN : thats not what hes doing... KOLA : then whats he doing? Cant he just hold on to Lara, Ive left her for him. STAN : (laughs)...Kola, there are so many things you dont understand... KOLA : like what? STAN : Bukola and Kurt have this history you know nothing about. KOLA : history? STAN : yes history....she has being in love with him for over 12years at least. KOLA : how would you know that? Is that what Kurt told you? Its a.... STAN : (cuts in)...Kola, Ive known Bukola since way back. Shes my wifes friend and she was the one that helped Kurt out of jail. She risked her life for it. KOLA : (surprised)....I dont understand...how do you mean she risked her life for it? STAN : when Kurt was in jail, we all knew he was framed but there was no proof. Bukola was the one that set Ken and Andrew up in order to get the truth from them. That was how we were able to convince my Dad that Kurt was innocent. He was given a state pardon afterwards. KOLA : so...youre saying... STAN : (cuts in)...Im saying youre the one that seem to be lost here. Bukola is still crazy about Kurt just like she was years ago, so if you want my advice, dont bank on that thought. KOLA : (looks at Kurt)....and you want to go after her now? KURT : want to? More like I have started.... KOLA : (takes a deep breath)...but...(On a second thought he changes his mind)...never mind...(Becoming moody)... STAN : (looks at Kola)...dont tell me youve fallen in love with her? KOLA : the very first time I saw her, she captured my heart. Shes the sweetest thing Ive ever seen...she got this aura... KURT : (cuts in)...hey, na my Babe you dey describe like that o...with your face looking more like youre fantasizing... STAN : I can see your pigdin english skills never die finish mehn... KURT : (laughing)...you bet. KOLA : I wish the story was different.... KURT : (turns to Kola)...but hey..if you dont want Lara, what of Bibi? That girl sure has a thing for you. I noticed it during the reunion. KOLA : hmm....I dont like the way she dresses..showing off everything...it puts me off. If I wanted such a girl, theyre scattered all over the US. KURT : then get close to her and let her know. She can change that if shes really into you... STAN : wait a minute Kurt, you seems to be a pro now in women and relationship affairs, whats going on? You used to be the cold, never-giving-a-damn-about-girls guy... KURT : come on Stan, I had to learn. I needed to come after the woman I love, so its necessary for me to win her over. STAN : so you got into a love/relationship school for it, right? (Laughing) KURT : watching movies and reading novels, I got all their strategies...everything a woman wants... STAN : (laughs out loud)....says who? You can never know all they want man...never... KURT : well for now, what I know and have applied as worked for me so far...back to our previous discussion, you said Andys election is in a month. KOLA : yes. KURT : so what do you have on him? I have our mans report. So whats next? To be continued... Please I cant view your messages, kindly post them on our wall or send to bussie007@gmail. Thanks.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 19:19:37 +0000

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