EPHESIANS 5:25 HUSBANDS, LOVE YOUR WIVES, JUST AS CHRIST LOVED THE CHURCH AND GAVE HIMSELF UP FOR HER. Dear chosen Brothers; Women are not servants for men’s needs and pleasure; they are partners in the marriage, and equal inheritors of Heavenly Fathers Kingdom: if they are both believers in Lord Jesus Christ. In spite of the strength that men possess, they are urged to treat their wives with gentleness and respect. However much a man may be involved with his work, when he comes home, he is to think about his wifes needs, and to consider what makes her happy. Lord God Almighty intends that a husband should provide the necessary spiritual nurture for his wife; it should be his priority to ensure that she stays firmly on track for Heaven. It seems that few married couples understand that to be out of relationship with each other, means that they have an impaired relationship with Sovereign God too. In the familial context, husband is her primary pastor. Of course, many couples do not intend to get into an uncaring relationship - they usually just drift into it. The careless selfishness or arrogant bullying of a husband reduces his prayers to meaningless words, which Lord Jesus Christ may not answer. So my beloved. Holy Bible’s instruction is helpful to many who need to re-examine their marriages. While submission is the responsibility of the wife, consideration and respect is the obligation of the husband. So too is the leadership of the prayer life in the marriage. Where Christian couples have departed from this pattern they need to repent and return. Those who are being obedient now need to watch lest they drift. And those whose spouses are unbelievers should play their part well and trust the rest to Lord God Almighty. Sharing this piece of information to your friend and colleague will help them to reconstruct their married life according to Sovereign Lord’s plan. Have a blessed day in Lord Jesus Christ. Lord Almighty blesses you all. Stay blessed.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 07:46:12 +0000

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