EPILOGUE, Paragraph 4 4 Let us wait here in silence, and kneel - TopicsExpress


EPILOGUE, Paragraph 4 4 Let us wait here in silence, and kneel down an instant in our gratitude to Him Who called to us and helped us hear His Call. And then let us arise and go in faith along the way to Him. Now we are sure we do not walk alone. For God is here, and with Him all our brothers. Now we know that we will never lose the way again. The song begins again which had been stopped only an instant, though it seems to be unsung forever. What is here begun will grow in life and strength and hope, until the world is still an instant and forgets all that the dream of sin had made of it. There are many places in the Course that encourage gratitude, including some Workbook Lessons such as, Love is the way I walk in gratitude. Here again, gratitude is encouraged. We are told to wait here in silence, and kneel down an instant in our gratitude. I am not sure why gratitude is so important, but I don’t have any trouble feeling gratitude. I am very grateful to Jesus for remembering the truth and then being in charge of the Atonement. I can’t imagine how he did that. It has taken me 30 years to get where I am in it and I have all this help. I am also extremely grateful for A Course in Miracles and other books that have been helpful. I am so grateful for the Holy Spirit, for His unfailing presence in my mind, His guidance, His gentle persuasion and endless patience. In gratitude I follow that guidance, and I am very grateful indeed, that I travel this road with His help and with my mighty companions. Jesus tells us that now we will never lose our way again. I wander off the path from time to time, but he is right; I never lose my way anymore. Even when I forget myself and look to the ego for guidance I see what is happening, and I choose again. Yesterday was such a day. I reacted to something said to me and it is like I opened the door to every unhealed thought in the mind. I suppose that is good thing because it gave me that opportunity to forgive. However, it felt dark in that place for awhile as I experienced the effects of giving the ego mind my attention. And yet, even while I was in the middle of that experience, I knew it was just an experience and that it would pass. I asked for help and of course I received it, but I had to wait until I really wanted the help. I laugh now as I think about it because I thought I was asking for healing, but really I was asking for relief. I hated the feeling of being angry and frustrated, but I also hated the idea of being wrong so I held onto it far too long, which simply means I suffered longer. Right before I went to sleep I asked for healing and I guess I meant it. The thought I was given was to listen to the first chapters of ACIM as I slept. I did this and all night I dreamed wonderful stories of being taught about the Holy Spirit, and stories of people being led by the wise counsel of the Holy Spirit. Jesus says that what is begun here will grow. I feel a thrill of gratitude thinking about that, knowing that while it feels like Myron is waking up, really the whole Sonship is waking up through the story of Myron and all our stories. It grows exponentially as each of us who walk this path will be sent students, people who are ready to walk a path also, and each of them will touch many others. We will probably have students we don’t even recognize as such, those who just need to be in the presence of a teacher of God to get the encouragement they need to take the next step. Much teaching is done without words or our conscious awareness, which is probably good, as the ego likes to play teacher, too. I am still learning to step back and let Him lead the way.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 14:43:20 +0000

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