EPISODE 16 Mike: “Slmz Aunty Raeesa how are you?” Aunty R: - TopicsExpress


EPISODE 16 Mike: “Slmz Aunty Raeesa how are you?” Aunty R: “Fine my beta and you?” Mike: “shukr” Mom: “How’s your family now? After that incident?” Mike: “They’ve recovered, Alhamdulillah” I go back in time, the day I introduced Mike to my mother because of what his family was going through. He spent the weekend here, sleeping on Joe’s floor. My parents came through every time I need help. Convincing mom that Mike was my boyfriend was terrifying. But I left it for after the weekend because the flirting here and there was something that made my heart skip a beat all of the time. I swear if there was no periodic break aways, I would’ve had a heart attack. Mikes family was just like mine. No connection, no family time. So for him to overcome an accident in the family was fine. That very Thursday just before staying over at my house, I remember the call. He was breathing heavy, telling me about his cousin Aslam that met up into an accident in Lenz. Apparently 2 cars were racing each other and 1 collided into Aslam’s car, Aslam passed away on the spot. The other 3 escaped with minor injuries, everyone was shocked because Aslam had just gotten engaged and he was 21 years old. The case was closed after insufficient evidence. The mayyit was huge; everyone from Aslam’s campus was there. Family from all over stayed over that weekend, and because Mike has issues with half of the family. He stayed here. I loved every moment of that weekend, not that I was happy that Mike’s family was experiencing such a major traumatic experience but because my Mike and I spent the weekend together. From breakfast, lunch, afternoon movies, supper, munching, flirting and whispering to each other, stealing a kiss here and there when no one was around. And blowing kisses to each other when everyone was around. I smile to myself at the beautiful memories. “ANEESA!!!” screamed mom. Back to reality, aaah problematic reality. I wonder if everyone preferred to live in their imagination and past memories. I wonder if with new technology they build a remote that allows you to Fastforward, Rewind, Play, Slow Motion, Pause. What bliss! “ANEESA!!!!!!!” Screamed mom again. Me: “Jee”.. I’ve never spoken so decently and softly to mom before, but hey this could be my last, and everyone becomes humble in their final moments of living. *swallows hard* Mom: “Aneesa can you explain yourself please” Me: “Mom I’m so sorry it happened the weekend we went to emerald, I didn’t know this would be the outcome we used Pro…..” Mom: “What on earth are you talking about Aneesa? What does that have to do with bunking school? Your principal called me and said you bunked school 3 times last week, can you explain yourself?” Phew she lecturing me just for bunking class? Ah piece a cake I will get out of this in no time I think to myself. What a relief. My blood starts flowing again I can literally feel the warmth come back into my cheeks. Mom: “Dr. Ashraf also called saying you consulted him on Friday, why did you go without telling me you sick? Even today you took sick from school without my permission, what has gotten into you Aneesa? You were so interested in school and now you rebelling, I gave you everything you ever wanted.” Mom starts to tear up as she speaks. Me: “Everything I wanted? Mom, giving me stuff and showing me love and care is TWO different!!” Mom: “LOVE AND CARE?” she croaked, “Have you given me the chance to show you any emotion now recently? All you care about is your damn cellphone and friends!” Me: “FRIENDS? WHAT FRIENDS?? It’s more like you and your friends that only want you to be part of their group because they want juicy stories” Mom: “Aneesa, just shut your mouth! I’ve had just about enough of you and your attitude” Mike: “UHHHHH LADIES, I THINK I’M GOING TO LEAVE YOU 2 ALONE FOR A WHILE” STAND RIGHT THERE MIKA’EEL, we both screamed. At that moment we both looked at each other, and burst out laughing. Mike all shocked and scared, laughs too. Mike: *laughing*, for a moment there I thought I was going to die” Mom: “Back to where we were, Aneesa what do you have to say for yourself?” Me: “I’m sorry I thought you were busy and wouldn’t care if I’m sick or not” I whisper with a lump in my throat She hugs me. I’m relieved that mom doesn’t know about the pregnancy just yet. But I’m scared knowing that I have to keep on lying but that’s not really the issue, what’s the issue is that soon enough they will be able to tell that I am pregnant. Mom: “Oh no baby I’m so sorry to do this to you I’m running late, I’m meeting your brother for lunch”. Says mum quickly as she sprints up and rushes off. Mike comes over with a sigh of relief and hugs me tightly. Me: “Come let’s go relax in my room for a bit?” I say calmly Mike: “I’m sorry for doing this to you my love, I got soccer practice in less than half an hour I gotta rush, will definitely be back for that cuddle, so you better not forget.” He tilts my head back and puts me in a kiss trance; oh does this man know how to kiss or what. As I walk to my room I decide to give Mona a call. Hopefully she doesn’t reveal yet who’s this pregnant chick. The weirdest thoughts starts taking over my mind. I didn’t know I have such an imagination until this whole pregnancy. I giggle to myself and phone Mona. “Hey Babe” says Mona Why do I fear talking to her suddenly? It’s as if she is holding my future in her hand and laughing those evil witch laughs. “Neesy… what’s wrong why aren’t you speaking are you okay?” Says Mona worriedly Me: “Yes yes sorry just got caught up in my thoughts” “You? Think? Since when?” she laughs I can almost hear her smirk over the phone. I quickly fake a laugh. Me: “So spill it, who’s the pregnant skank” I say nervously Xx FS
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 22:35:56 +0000

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