EPISODE TWO A guest house? I asked aloud “as in a good - TopicsExpress


EPISODE TWO A guest house? I asked aloud “as in a good place to write the exam without any disturbance” she added without fear, while i drew back with shock. It was very obvious she had no respect for my personality, probably because i was a young guy or because she has dealt with men much more older than me. “no i dont have a guest house anywhere in town” i answered with a strong tone, forcing her to draw back with surprise. Slowly the meaning of her question dawned on me. I instantly realised the direction she was heading. I just felt embarrassed before her. I simply felt like a guy who mistakenly saw the pant of a careless lady in public. I looked down, avoiding her eyes. “The only way i can help you is to allow you write the exam here in my office. And you will have only thirty minutes to write and submit the paper. That is the only way i can help” I suddenly offered with a free mind, expecting her to at least say thank you for such a generous offer. But instead she keep quiet, forcing me to look up and stare at her with astonishment. “sir the second problem is that im not the only person affected. My girlfriend also missed the exam” she murmured cautiously. “get out” i sparked angrily. “leave my office right now” i barked, but instead of leaving, she went to the door and ushered in another hot looking girl into my office. I stood up, shaking with anger. They drew close to my table and knelt before me, shading crocodile tears. “we are ready to do anything, just name it sir. Please we beg you, don’t let us repeat another year in this school” they begged, leaving me speechless and confused. Of course I now knew the direction they were heading. They all wanted a straight pass without writing the exam. Even if i was to give them the opportunity to write the exam in my office. They obviously was going to write nothing. They simply wanted a back door pass even though they werent exactly saying it out. As a young man, silly ideas slowly built in my mind. It was as if the devil just jumped inside me that very moment, turning my head to an another direction…. “you girls should stand up” i breathed calmly. They all obeyed and stared at me hopefully. “write down your phone numbers on this paper, i will call when i make up my mind” i added, pushing a booklet towards them. They smiled happily, wrote down their phone numbers and left while i sat down and thought over what i was about doing. I weighed the risks and consequences of sleeping with them. It definitely would turn me into a cheat and something like that never easily stops once it starts. And if things go wrong, i could lose my job. I could lose my wife, my dignity and respect. I could lose everything i had struggled to build. But surprisingly, the more i thought about it, the more i had the urge to sleep with the girls. I really never had the opportunity to enjoy girls as i wanted during my university days because i was very much preoccupied in making a 1st class which i finally earned to the detriment of my social life. I never had real fun in school and it just looked that moment as if i was being offered all i missed as a student. I never concentrated in the exams i supervised that day, and on getting home later in the afternoon, i freshened up and thought about everything for the last time. I finally made up my mind to do it. “this will be the first and last” i assured myself, picked up my phone and called a friend who managed a very popular hotel at the outskirt of the town. “get a room ready for me, im bringing some students over. I’ll explain when i get there” i said and hung up, giving him no time to say anything. I equally dialled Comforts number, gave her the hotel address and asked her to meet me there with her friend by 4pm. I freshened up one more time, grabbed my keys and hurried out of my apartment, but as i got to the car park, i saw my wife Lateefer driving in with a happy smile on her face. I really wasn’t expecting her to be back from work by that hour because she always arrived home very late in the evening, and so i wasn’t prepared to face her nor had any solid lie at hand. Right from the moment i started my teaching job in the university, she hardly gave me any breathing chance. Of course she was a professor’s daughter and must have learnt some things from her parents. I smiled nervously as i watched her alight from the car. She drew close and hugged me. “where are you going?” she asked with concern but my guilty conscience interpreted her concern as suspicion. Hmmm one other thing about guilt is that it always tells on you. WATCH OUT FOR EPISODE THREE Time: 6pm
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 12:28:04 +0000

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