EQUITY FOR FILIPINO VETERANS ======================================================================= HEARING before the COMMITTEE ON VETERANS AFFAIRS U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ONE HUNDRED TENTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION. The Committee met, pursuant to notice, at 10:05 a.m., in Room 334, Cannon House Office Building, Hon. Bob Filner [Chairman of the Committee] presiding. Present: Representatives Filner, Michaud, Hare, McNerney, Walz, Berkley, Rodriguez, Stearns, Lamborn, Moran, Boozman, Brown-Waite. OPENING STATEMENT OF CHAIRMAN FILNER The Chairman. This hearing of the Committee on Veterans Affairs will be in order. We have a full morning ahead of us. I thank everybody for being here. Good morning to all of you. I am very happy to be able to hold this hearing. Many of you know that since I was first elected to Congress 14 years ago I have been involved in this issue. And, in fact, this year marks the tenth anniversary of a protest that took place with some of the people in this room in front of the White House demanding equitable treatment in which a bunch of us were arrested. But we were able to give a lot of publicity to the issue and, in fact, made some gains. I am hoping that with the change of leadership in the Congress, we can get past these demonstrations and protest marches and get on to the legislative path to correct an injustice inflicted on Filipino veterans more than 60 years ago. As most of you know, Filipino servicemembers played a critical role in the United States victory in the Pacific during World War II. These brave Filipino soldiers, drafted into our Armed Forces by President Franklin Roosevelt, exhibited great courage in the epic battles of Bataan and Corregidor. In addition, these soldiers, while putting themselves and their families at great risk, participated in many guerrilla actions in the Philippines which prevented enemy forces from leaving and prosecuting the war in other areas. The schedule of the Japanese was held up many, many months because of the heroic action of the Filipino guerrillas. But despite these gallant efforts during the war, Congress in 1946 broke a promise and denied these veterans their benefits with the passage of the so-called ``Rescission Acts. Particularly unfortunate was the language that said that service in the Philippine forces was not to be considered active military service for the purpose of veterans benefits. This language took away not only rightfully-earned benefits, but also the honor and respect due these veterans who served under the direct command of General Douglas MacArthur. The ``Rescission Acts shocked the thousands of Filipinos who fought side by side with Americans and suffered brutality during the Bataan Death March and as prisoners of war. When President Truman signed the ``Rescission Acts, which included various other appropriations matters, he stated that a great injustice was being done. I quote President Truman: ``Filipino Army veterans are nationals of the United States. They fought with gallantry and courage under the most difficult conditions during the recent conflict. Their officers were commissioned by us. Their official organization, the Army of the Philippine Commonwealth, was taken into the Armed Forces of the United States by Executive Order of President Roosevelt. That order has never been revoked or amended. I consider it a moral obligation of the United States to look after the welfare of the Filipino Army veteran. That is what President Truman said in 1946, and that moral obligation remains with us 60 years later. A wrong has existed that must be righted. I urge everyone here to think of the morality, of the dignity, of the honor of these brave men. There is scarcely a Filipino family today in either the United States or the Philippines that does not include a World War II veteran or a son or daughter of veterans. Sixty years of injustice burns in the hearts of these veterans. Now in their eighties and nineties, their last wish is the restoration of the honor and dignity that is due them. It is time that our Nation adequately recognizes their contributions to the successful outcome of World War II, recognize the injustice visited upon them, and act to correct this injustice. To those who ask if we can afford to redeem this debt, I answer we cannot afford not to. The historical record remains blotted until we recognize these veterans. There is a precedent, of course, providing veterans benefits to noncitizen soldiers. Previously in 1976, we provided such benefits to citizens of both Poland and of Czechoslovakia. I look forward to hearing the testimony of those who served during World War II. In addition, I am interested in learning more about the efforts of organizations and individuals across the country to educate the public about the injustice done. I would yield to Mr. Stearns, Ranking Member, for an opening statement. The United States on July 4 1946 after World war II in which Filipinos fought under the U.S Flag was promised by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to pay the equal Veterans Benefit, but afterwards the U.S gypped them by refusing to pay said promised benefits.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 05:51:23 +0000

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