ERASMUS + SEMINAR U IGLESIASU NA SARDINIJI; ITALIJA, 11. - 16. decembar POTREBNO 6 UČESNIKA/CA IZ CRNE GORE PRIJAVE NA: nvoprima@yahoo do 25. oktobra 2014. Smještaj, hrana i materijali za rad pokriveni 100 %; putni troškovi pokriveni do makismalno 170 eura po osobi. INFO: Youth Exchange: Learn from Experience, break into the Future”, will be held in Iglesias, an ancient Sardinian town, situated in the Province of Iglesias: the Italian province with the highest youth unemployment rate. The Youth Exchange will gather together 42 young people accompanied by 6 youth leaders coming from Italy, Portugal, Latvia, Kosovo, Serbia and Montenegro. They will spend one week together to compare the different situations about youth unemployment in their local realities and around Europe. The meeting will allow them to understand the different causes that brought to have the current situation, with quite big disparities on employment rate around Europe and neighbors. They will have the chance to reflect on some best practice and policies that have been implemented or adopted from the countries whose performance is good and to analyze the known failings of those that have chosen wrong policies. They will also have the chance to observe some examples of young entrepreneurship and to reflect upon them. The link between employability, competences and active citizenship will be stressed and reported in video testimonial that will be realized during the project. The activities will mainly follow the methodology of non formal education, through which the youngsters will be involved in all the activities. The participants will be also introduced to some EU programmes that could facilitate the involvement of young unemployed in active participation, like ERASMUS +, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs and other mobility and training programmes in order to provide them with a comprehensive frame of the opportunities offered by the European. The activity will last 6 days during which they will be invited to share and discuss about the topic of the YE through in small and large group activities stimulating in this way their creativity and entrepreneurship. Also, traditional working models and jobs that not exist anymore nowadays will be compared to encourage the young participants to share and compare the economic realities and be able to build a path through which the different situations have been developing reaching the actual stage. Finally we will reflect on the possible future developments that could affect the economic and social context of the participating countries and the whole Europe.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 09:40:29 +0000

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