ERIC HOLDER’S ANNOUNCED RESIGNATION YESTERDAY IS ALL THE EVIDENCE ONE NEEDS TO PROVE THAT THERE IS A GOD I can speak with the same certainty about the existence of God, as Oxford University Professor Lightfoot did about Creation when Lightfoot stated that he had studied Biblical chronology, and could say with absolute certainty that not only did Creation take place in 4004 B.C., but that the specific date Creation began was October 29. I can just envision students, back then, taking Dr. Lightfoot’s class, raising their hand to ask him if that was going to be on the test. The fact that Oxford University’s school year began on October 29 had absolutely nothing to do with Professor Lightfoot’s calculations. God, you see, when he was saying such things as “Be,” had already figured Oxford University into his plans of “Beingness,” and fully intended Oxford University to remember the date of Creation, and keep it Holy, since the Christians have been ordained to do likewise for the Sabbath, so the Sabbath was also covered. That Oxford University, after being duly ordained to carry the academic banner, in memorial, would pay faculty members such as Professors Hugh Trevor-Roper, and Arnold Toynbee, I am sure nobody would put that on God. That was clearly an administrator’s decision. As for the scientists, at Oxford, and others, who are still debating whether or not there is a God, I think the book was closed on that debate, yesterday, when it was confirmed that Attorney General, Eric Holder, will stop stepping on the Constitution, as soon as there is a replacement for the position, having announced that he will be stepping down from his post. If that doesn’t prove to scientists, everywhere, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that there is a God, I don’t know what else to say. Admittedly, I don’t need as much proof of God’s existence as Associate Supreme Court Justice, Felix Frankfurter, did, in 1953. When hearing that Supreme Court Chief Justice, Fred Vinson, had died, Frankfurter stated, before that moment, he had doubted God’s existence. Frankfurter’s Paul-like moment was due to the rancor on the Court, at the time, and also due to the fact that Frankfurter knew he would never get Vinson to go along with striking down the 1896 Plessy vs. Ferguson, “separate but equal,” Supreme Court ruling. Vinson’s death, timely for Frankfurter’s conversion, opened the door for Frankfurter to work his magic in the Brown vs. Board of Education case. The case was ruled upon by the Supreme Court, May 17, 1954, in which the Court found, after 58 years of “separate but unequal,” that “separate” was the problem. The new Chief Justice, Earl Warren, had tears in his eyes as he declared (without citing a single shred of evidence) that separate schools are, by their very nature, inherently unequal. This sociological nonsense has been taken as dogma ever since, with Thurgood Marshall, who was later appointed to the Supreme Court, given credit for the Court’s ruling, which is more nonsense. Felix Frankfurter engineered what was another federal coup on States’ rights, in this country, which began in 1861, and was accelerated at break-neck speed, in 1913, when the 17th Amendment was added to the Constitution, in which States no longer elected Senators as their representatives in Congress, climaxing with the much celebrated, but misunderstood, Brown decision, in 1954. [Before you scholars start hollering about this interpretation of the Brown case, let me say this to you, as nice as I can, “SHUT UP! You make me sick, with your nonsense!”] As for Holder’s nonsense, this man should have stepped down, in 2009, when it became known that black thugs, who belong to what is called The New Black Panther Party, engaged in voter intimidation, in Philadelphia, in 2008. There was film footage of this outrage, which spat upon the memory of those who fought, bled, and died, during the civil rights movement. Despite the clear evidence, Eric Holder took no action against this mockery of Dr. King’s vision. It was more than galling when Eric Holder had the nerve to say, with a straight face, that the United States is a nation of cowards. What a hypocrite! If the Attorney General wants to look at a coward, let me suggest a mirror, or a personal glimpse at some ID, which I am inclined to believe is in his wallet, along with that card, advertised on television, by Samuel Lee Jackson. Eric Holder, whom syndicated columnist, Larry Elder, labeled as a more dangerous race baiter, than Al Sharpton, made up the case of discriminatory voting restrictions around the country before the 2012 elections. Holder claimed that requiring voter ID discriminated against blacks who, apparently, were too helpless to get a driver license, or put some other form of State identification, in their wallet, or purse, as the case might be. Yet, when Holder spoke at an NAACP convention, later, picture identification was required to enter the ballroom where Eric Holder spoke. Identification, then, was not an issue. What a hypocrite! When the Supreme Court correctly struck down the core of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, in 2013, ruling, correctly, that voting rights being denied in this country was no longer a civil rights impediment, the ridiculous Eric Holder was quick to find new ways to challenge “discriminatory laws,” i.e., laws which required ID to vote. What a farce! All, but immediately, after the ruling by the Supreme Court, Eric Holder’s Justice Department brought lawsuits challenging strict voter-ID requirements and cutbacks to voting hours in North Carolina and Texas. That, we were supposed to believe, targeted black voters. Whites were not targeted, presumably because they got out of bed in the morning. What an insult! People don’t even know when they are being “buked” and scorned. I have even been in seminars, with scholars, who mouth this madness. Holder contended that, In both states, Republicans controlled the legislatures, which was used as “proof” that these Republican controlled legislatures imposed rules that burdened poorer, and minority, voters, who tend to vote Democratic, but, apparently, had no negative effects on poorer, and minority, voters, who voted Republican. The insult could not have been more explicit than what Eric Holder stated, in defense, of the Justice Department’s lawsuits: “The history of this nation has always been to try to expand the franchise. We’ve always found ways in which we’ve made the voting process more inclusive. What these folks are intending to do, or certainly the impact of what they’re going to do, is to turn their backs on that history.” [What was Holder doing, when he refused to prosecute in the Philadelphia case?] If it is civil rights Holder was concerned about, let’s go back to 1863, when a poem, “Sambo’s Right To Be Kilt,” was written by a northerner when the so-called civil war, initially a tax revolt, turned into a war that could not be won by the Union, without emancipating slaves (in the Southern, not the Union, States). Under Holder, Blacks have the right to be killed, but only by another black. If killed by a white person, no matter the circumstances, Holder’s Justice Department was ready to take a stand. No facts were needed. Widening the lens, just a bit, Eric Holder’s Justice Department sanctioned the targeted killing of civilians, including Americans, without judicial review. Holder remained silent when the Obama administration subverted the nation’s laws in an attempt to keep the administration’s efforts secret. The fact should not be overlooked that, in Holder’s zealous efforts to stop leaks of government information, in the media, Eric Holder’s Justice Department brought more prosecutions under the Espionage Act than all previous United States Attorney Generals combined. And, in pursuit of the sources of leaks, Eric Holder’s Justice Department (called, by some, “Injustice Department”) seized e-mail, phone, and other records of journalists who, by reporting on these leaks, were doing their jobs, protected by the 1st Amendment of the United States Constitution. Holder will be more widely known for his refusal to enforce DOMA (which has nothing to do with Holder’s personal feelings about the law, but about the law, itself, which Holder swore to uphold. Unpopular laws can be repealed, but until that is done, officers of the law are legally bound to their enforcement. There is no higher law officer in the country than the Attorney General. Put Eric Holder’s name down, too, for “Fast and Furious,” a gun-running operation, which has caused the deaths of people on both sides of the Mexican border. The sun is shining today. “Let there be light.” The above words are said to those God spoke at the beginning of Creation. As to the question of the existence of a Creator, I don’t see how there can be any doubt of the Creator’s existence, not after yesterday’s announcement by Eric Holder, that he will be resigning from a position he has disgraced for the past six years. Mr. Grinch, there is not only Santa Claus, but a God. For proof of the former, look under the Christmas tree on December 25. Eric Holder’s resignation is all the evidence one needs to prove the latter.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 16:06:19 +0000

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