ESAN SOUTH EAST CONSTITUENCY – WHY IT MUST BE HON. VICTOR O. EMUAKHAGBON By Constituent with Voters Card Registration No. 90F5AE8CC295187964, Irianan Collins Mr. M.A. Ologbo, one of the prominent leaders of my community and father of popular gospel musician based in the UK, Eliot Irosayike Aluge, once said that the photograph of everybody is in the garage. This was so puzzling for me that even though I had previously passed and even boarded vehicular transport from the said garage, I decided to walk the about 2km distance from my house at Izumen Quarters to the Ewohimi General Motor Park to personally see for myself the section where the pictures of everybody in the Community were carefully displayed. But behold, I never saw any of such besides worn/torn pictures of public announcement to events. I went back home disappointed! On my way home, from intensive thinking, I arrive at two firm conclusions: Either Mr. Ologbo lied or some person(s) who weren’t photogenic have sabotaged the pictures in protest. That was years ago. Many years ago when I still believed in ‘willi willi’ and similar ghost fairy tales. But times have changed and I have since realised that Mr. Ologbo wasn’t referring to a literal garage but a figurative one. By the word garage, he was merely referring to the human memory. Many people walk through the garage on daily basis unnoticed but it is only the consistent travellers that are noticed by the transporters. As it is with the garage, so it is in our everyday life! So many people walk through our lives without leaving prints behind for us to notice them. Others barely walk through it and they will make our world seems like...Waooooo! They touch our lives, influence our thoughts, make our burdens theirs, and explore better ways towards improving our living standards viz-a-vis a sustainable livelihood. Such people like diamond are hard to come by but not impossible. The people of Esan South East LGA, Edo State are blessed with one. He is Hon. Victor O. Emuakhagbon, A public advocate of good governance, a philanthropist per excellence, a loving husband and a dutiful father, a fearless, courageous and visionary leader, a man of peace, and above all, a friend of God. Emuakhagbon brings healing and uplifting spiritual quality to our politics at the very time when our worst enemy is fear. Hon. Emuakhagbon will bring a moral clarity and sanctity to leadership and will restore the lost dignity and pride of voters. No gain saying that from 1999 till date, the people of Esan South East have endured all manner of ill-treatments from all elected legislators to the State Assembly, the present one being the very worst of the lots. As good delegates of the PDP go to the polls to elect a candidate this Saturday, 29th Nov., it is imperative that they overwhelmingly vote for the candidate with the interest of the people at heart, Hon. Emuakhagbon. To further buttress my point let’s take a walk round the aspirants and the credentials they bring to the table. Hon. Festus Ebea If you ask anyone, even a little child anywhere from the entire length and breadth of the local govt, from Onogholo to Ifeku, from Agadaga to Otoikhimi and from Udakpa to Ozigolo, how Hon. Ebea won the last election, only one word will come forth: Oshiomole! It was a case of swapping of identities and manipulation of voters. The process that led to his emergence was so shady that even members of his then party that brought him to power, the defunct ACN didn’t even get to meet him, let alone he soliciting for their votes. It was a campaign for Oshiomole and based on some of the good deeds of the latter ‘ichabud’ gov., it was not hard for the people to be fooled with the identity swap fraud. We, from the other side of the political divide warned them on the dangers of their action but they were under com’raid manipulative imposition spell. Today, If Hon. Ebea can turn-around to bite off the fingers that fed him on gratis because of internal party wranglings that are normal democratic routines, then delegates and voters should have a genuine cause for worry. Sunday ojiezele From the little i know and have heard of him, the possesses a likable personality. He is down to earth but still undergoing political incubation and maturation. He is certainly a candidate for the future. Mr. Ojiezele should continue to support party machineries and programmes, i bet in no time his efforts will be rewarded. Israel aguele As in really??? Of all the aspirants the man with the least marginal ratio of electoral success is Hon. Israel Aguele. Only those who have been on exile from the country since the inception of our current democratic dispensation (1999 till date) will doubt this. The man is only as good as the Zimbabwean dollar. That is if not worse. When Oshiomhole went to Ewohimi General Hospital sometime in the past and berated a certain family for the monumental fraud that surrounded the total abandonment of the Health Facility, i guess you all know who the family was. But do you also know that Israel Aguele was the Health Commissioner at the time and latter, House Committee Chairman on Health? Hon. Victor Emuakhagbon He contested for the position about 4 years ago overwhelmingly defeating the incumbent in the person of Israel Aguele in the party’s Primary before going on to lose by a narrow margin to Hon. Festus Ebea. It is worth stating here that of all the contenders Hon. Emuakhagbon is the only one with a well defined vision and a mission for his people. He is smart, intelligent, simple, accessible, handsome and has a good heart. The man is not only on ground but equally and always in touch with members of the constituency. He is a very remarkable and marketable product and now that the Party’s National helmsman has strongly warned that only sellable products be fielded in subsequent elections, Hon. Emuakhagbon is way ahead of others. Mr. M.A. Ologbo was right! The octogenarian has seen it all. He has seen democracy rise and fall. He has seen men rose and clung to power only to fall back and lose the respect of the people by sheer cases of high handedness, corruption and underrepresentation. Mr. M.A. Ologbo has equally witnessed the ’littles’ steadily rise to power without falling because they never lost touch with the spring that propelled them – the people. Indeed, the photo of everybody is in the garage!!!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 04:03:45 +0000

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