ESEP ESEP SUNDAY (INSPIRED BY A PHIL STAR ARTICLE): IM ALWAYS ANNOYED WHEN ANY GENERATION CALLS ATTENTION TO THEMSELVES AS BEING THE BEST AND WHETHER SELF PROCLAIMED OR BY PROXY, THE MILLENIALS SEEM TO DO THIS IN SPADES. First of all, I think this is unfair to the millenials. To paraphrase Forest Gump, THE BEST IS AS THE BEST DOES. The Millenial generation hasnt had enough time in this universe to lay claim to the top of the heap so for millenials to feel self affirmed so early is silly and for non millenials to promote them as such may be a reputation they will find harder to live up to. Second as much as there are bright Millenials there are bright everybody elses. Genius, compassion, empathy, and other worthy attributes are NEVER confined to one generation. To hold one generation over another just causes the expected conflict as one generation may feel slighted and the other generation may ask for absolute proof. In the same way cream floats to the top, shit floats to the top too. Let the cream and shit float in their own time. Because until youre dead, no matter what generation you belong to, you will always have the opportunity to be the best or the worst of your generation. Third, Millenials or their fan boy proxies use the computer and technological abilities to lay claim to being the best. Only thing is., one has to realize that todays Millenial owes its compter savvy to those who developed the computer in the first place, and that spans MULITPLE generations. PS Using a smartphone does not make a person compter savvy and there are as many Millenials as any generation that couldnt find the power switch on an electronic device as any other generation before them. But to get a full(er) scope on how some millenials shoot themselves in the foot (with this unnecessary self proclamation), listen to the Intelligence squared debates dealing with just that. Entitled Millenials Dont Stand a Chance, this oxford style debate actually turns OFF an audience making them vote FOR the proposition that the new generation is a doomed one. PS. Listen to the edited version if you dont have time for the full version. Now Im not Millenial bashing, I just get tired of people saying how good one generation is over another, whether its the oldies talking about being hot shit in their time, or the youngies talking about being hot shit today.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 03:07:07 +0000

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