ESOCS Heroes In War torn and Volatile Maiduguri, North East - TopicsExpress


ESOCS Heroes In War torn and Volatile Maiduguri, North East Nigeria. Pastor Kelechi Nwachukwu and Leader John Okoro are the financial secretary and choirmaster,respectively, of Esocs Church Maiduguri District under North Northern Province. These men alongside other 18 members in Maiduguri, decided not to abandon the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in the war ravaged Maiduguri. Leader John Okoro is currently a student of Agricultural Engineering at the University of Maiduguri in Borno State and takes charge of songs ministration in Maiduguri,while Pastor Kelechi Nwachukwu is a business man in same city. Speaking to Apostle Transparency Michael at the provincial headquarters of Esocs Abuja,these two christian heroes made it clear to me that they are christian soldiers on the onward march and called on members of Esocs church to assist the Maiduguri branch in any way they can. Leader John also informed this reporter that 80% of the branchs membership comes from students schooling in Maiduguri. This is a challenge to all. Please encourage these True Esocs Heroes as you comment God bless Esocs Maaiduguri Heroes. More news on this coming your way. This is TM009 reporting live from Abuja,Nigeria Capital city.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 17:17:30 +0000

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