ESOCS LENTEN SEASON DAY 11 TOPIC: BUSYBODY AND PERJURY LESSON: PROVERBS 6:16-19. Beloved partners in the Lord, we most humbly welcome you all to the 11th day of the 2014 Lenten Season of the ESOCS Church, worldwide. We give all glory to God for His abundant blessings on us. Our topic for today is BUSYBODY AND PERJURY and our lesson is being taken from PROVERBS 6:16-19. Let us go into our topic lesson for today by first defining our key words. KEYWORDS: *BUSYBODY: This refers to a person who derives pleasure in meddling in the affairs of people without any invitation. Or it is the act of poking our noses into the affairs of people without their consent usually for personal gains and favour from other people. *PERJURY: This can also be referred to as the act of bearing false witness or telling lies against someone after swearing an oath to say the truth. From our definitions above, let us now begin to digest our topic lesson for today as we take our customary verse-by-verse approach to understanding our topic lesson. SOME NOTES ON OUR LESSON: * Our lesson for today begins with instructions in which God tells us things that He hates. And He tells us that the seventh one is an abomination. (Proverbs 6:16). Hmmm... What exactly is that seventh sin that is an abomination unto our God? We shall soon find out. * The Bible lists these things as it starts with, A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, (Proverbs 6:17). Among the things that God hates, we see from our lesson that, the sin of pride takes the lead. After which comes the sin of deceit and lies. And then comes the sin of murder - shedding the blood of innocent ones. * Furthermore, the Bible also makes mention of An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief (Proverbs 6:18). Here again, our God continues to tell us the things that He hates. He then makes mention of evil thoughts i.e. the act of devising and habouring or housing evil thoughts towards the things of God, our fellows and progress of the church at large. And then also, God makes mention of the sin of running into sin. That is to say, in situations whereby we find ourselves at the forefront of carrying out evil actions, God frowns on that. We must, as Christians always be found rejoicing in righteousness at all times. * More so, God also makes known to us the sixth as well as seventh sins. Let us not forget, He said the seventh one is an abomination unto Him. Here, God says that, He hates A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. Now, a false witness that speaketh lies (which is the sixth sin), draws to us the sin of PERJURY. And the seventh one which God says is an abomination unto Him, is the sin of sowing discord among brethren which can also be referred to as the sin of BUSYBODY. * Now, let us ask ourselves why God says the seventh is an abomination unto Him. For an answer to this question, let us take a walk through the town of David, across the streets of Psalms and enter the house with house number 133. Over there, we will find God telling us How good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. (Psalm 133:1). This text means that, unity and togetherness is something that God has so much regard for. This was why He said, where two or three are gathered in His name, He is there in their midst. Let us not also forget the people of Babel. In togetherness, they made a decision which they nearly achieved but because their motive was evil and God did not approve of it, their aims objectives were brought to a halt. All these instances are to stimulate and create a vivid imagery in our minds eyes on the essence of unity and togetherness. * A careful study of all these sins will make us know and understand that, under the sins of busybody and perjury, lies the other five sins mentioned earlier namely; pride, deceit, murder, evil thoughts and hastiness into committing evil. *In several million ways have we indulged ourselves in these sins. We have borne false witness against our brethren, we have exposed the secrets of our fellows, we have meddled in affairs considered to be private to people. And we have also disregarded the essence of unity and created divisions in the church of God. God have mercy! We have been too proud to stay away from peoples affairs. We have borne false witness because the people involved are our family members, relatives, friends and loved ones and we love them too much. Are we supposed to love people more than we love God??? Let us not also forget that, we learned on the 4th day of our lent that, anything or anyone that we love more than God, becomes an idol and God hates the sin of idolatry, because He is a jealous God. Dearly beloved partners in Christ Jesus, let us from today flee from the sin of busybody and perjury because, these sins has more to them than we really think. May God have mercy upon us all and deliver us from such evil in Jesus name, amen. Lord Mensahfio SNTi Correspondent ESOCS Ghana.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 17:12:52 +0000

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