ESOCS LENTEN SEASON DAY 4 TOPIC: MAKING AND WORSHIPING OF IDOLS LESSON: EXODUS 20:3-6 Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, we most humbly welcome you all to the 4th day of the 2014 Lenten Season of the ESOCS Church, worldwide. We praise God for His mercies in our lives. Our topic for today is MAKING AND WORSHIPING OF IDOLS; and our lesson is being taken from EXODUS 20:3-6. Before we begin to digest our topic lesson for today, let us find and understand the meaning of the keyword IDOL. *Definition: An IDOL is an image or other material objects representing a deity, to which religious worship is addressed; Socially, an IDOL also refers to any person or thing regarded with so much blind admiration, adoration and devotion. However, let us also consider the biblical definition of IDOL. *Biblicaly, an idol is an image of a deity other than God himself; or an idol is the deity itself. Hence, from the definitions above, we can also say that; an IDOL is anybody or anything that is revered, feared and worshiped by persons who consider them (the idols) as mighty and sovereign. In other words, we can again say that, an idol is anything or anybody that takes the place and position of God in our lives. Let us now, take our usual verse-by-verse approach to understanding our topic lesson for today and to know Gods position or stance on this issue. SOME NOTES ON MAKING AND WORSHIPING OF IDOLS: * Firstly, we as Christians must know and understand that, we have ONLY ONE CHOICE to make, when it comes to worship and that choice is GOD ALMIGHTY, the Supreme Being and Creator of the whole universe. (Exodus 20:3) It also means that, we must have nothing extra attached to our worship. * Secondly, we are also not supposed to manufacture or make for ourselves any other object of worship whether in heavenly places, on this earth or underneath the earth nor in the oceans and mighty waters of this universe apart from God Almighty. (Exodus 20:4). The places illustrated here, shows how serious God is as regards this particular issue i.e. He does not want us to have any other God apart from Him from anywhere. Again, it also means that, we must not let our love for other things such as family, money, children, work, success, education, wealth etc. be more than or overshadow the love that we have for Him. * Furthermore, we are given strict warnings by our God, not to bow down to them nor serve them. In other words, we are not supposed to succumb to them, make their will and wishes rule over us or make ourselves servants to them. Failure to adhere to this warning will warrant a severe penalty upon the perpetrators of such evil act and not only them, but it will even be extended to the descendants and generation of all those who commit such sins. Because commitment of such a sin means that, one hates God. (Exodus 20:5). This shows how seriously grievous this sin is in the sight of our God. * However, our God still shows his generosity, benevolence and graciousness by promising to show mercy unto all those who will obey and keep his commandments and love Him. (Exodus 20:6). Thus, we are made to understand that, if we should obey and keep the commandments of the Lord our God, and walk in His ways and ordinances, He will surely bless us abundantly. Before we conclude on our topic lesson for the day, let us also consider some reasons why we are not supposed to make and worship idols: * Persons who worship idols will incur the wrath of God and suffer eternal damnation. (Revelation 14:9-10) * Again, such idols are powerless and not capable to save or deliver us in times of trouble. They are the artifacts, in other words, the handwork of men. And the Bible establishes this point by saying that; they have eyes, but they see not, they have ears but they do not hear, they have legs but they can never walk. Why then must we resort to put our trust, love and confidence in such powerless commodities. God have mercy. * Finally, all such gods, deities and powers are subject to the power of the Almighty God. A case in point is the story of the god called Dagon. When the ark of the covenant was captured from the Israelites and kept in the same room with this god, it was found with one hand off on the first day. On the second day it had no hands and more interestingly, on the third day, it was found face down in front of the ark of the covenant. Thus portraying to us how powerless such gods are. The people had no option than to send back the ark of the covenant. WHAT A MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE!!! Beloved in the Lord, let us from this day, abolish all manner of worship to other gods and idols and worship the only true God in spirit and in truth. May God bless and abide with us all, amen. Lord Mensahfio SNTi Correspondent ESOCS Ghana.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 15:56:15 +0000

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