ESSAY ON THE QUESTION OF TAKING SIDES IN THE CURRENT SOUTH SUDAN MAN-MADE TURMOILS: (People commonly says that if ‘you are not with us you are with them’ and as such they might even try to eliminate others for nothing-that is a complete political immaturity in action) and I disagree with such preposition uttered by narrow minded people who think they can use their educational background to mislead the masses. My words to those kind of misleading elements, get back to self-learning, self-educate yourself again in order to serves humanity well and STOP Misleading please. Fellow South Sudanese, while some people think it is naturally the case that one has to side with one of the faction in war at this particular juncture, I think majority of rational people are fully aware that this current war is illogical war and it is violence that will always continue to us in the past instead of development that will take us into the future. Below are some of my respond to brother Makuei who wanted to get into my mind and who wanted to know what sides I am supporting. Without fear I declared my sides as a civilian I do not support this war, because, it is meaningless and every time there is a fight among South Sudanese they are just proving Arabs right when some of them stated in the past that South Sudanese cannot govern themselves. South Sudanese can govern themselves but the ill-informed elements from the top SPLM/A leaders have dragged the country into a full swing useless war. Below are my perspectives in reply enjoy it and swallow it with pride. I wrote with the passion and love of political dialogue, reconciliation, forgiveness and a high need/desire for a truth political reformations that will cater for everyone who was liberated by SPLM/A in South Sudan.Makuei Madeng Dut: I agree with you that collective force is needed to re-create the future of South Sudan. That is a good point.I would like to see the two factions coming together in peace like what they did after 1991 and accept their mistakes, talk about the real causes of the problems and then move on peacefully. The fact is here: Both SPLM/A were involved in killing innocent people. You dispute that and let me know what points you have. Why should I support group that kill innocent people without any reason. What is the purpose of this violence? If you are willing to educate me and the rest out there go ahead and be honest let the public opinion be our judges. The reality is, there was mismanagement and bad governance right at the outset. Do you know that you are part of the killing when you are chanting SPLM/A oye wherever you are while killing is taking place in the country? Do you really know that you it is a paradox/ironic to say you support group that is involved in war while you are enjoying lives in a peacefully country. Do you think you would be enjoying peace in diaspora wherever you are if those ancestral political leaders were to blindly support violence all this time? My friend think again before you utter your SPLM/A oye again and before, you question those who appeared to sit on the fence. Not anyone is idiot to support organise madness to kill innocent civilians and send armies to war for irrational disputes that is taking the nation backward instead of moving forward. Those who are supporting the war with passion are those who could not see beyond their noses. I am asking people to see at least a meter or two away. See into the future, how could the violence resolve the issues for the people of South Sudan to live in peace? WHAT EXACTLY IS MY SIDES? My side: I am taking the middle ground or it might appear like sitting on the fence because, I am wise enough to realise that there is no meaning in this recent violence. We the people have suffered enough! Majority of people knows that this violence is baseless. Simply, illogical military struggles for power went bad and then a bad and illogical retaliation ensued leading to the death of innocent civilians and armies who were enjoying lives with their families. Why could you chant SPLM/A oye! About such atrocities as even you are rejoicing as a result of the atrocities. That is not my cup of tea. I dont support those nonsense. I support peaceful, means of resolving dispute. You know what it is like to live in peace dont you? If two comrades started to fight would you say go ahead to one and encourage one to wipe out the other? Or the best thing to do is to suggest a civilized ways/approach to resolves the issues. They have to dig out the rationales for the war and then, be helped to design a way forward to co-exist after all we are going to die one day. Why kill others now in the name of power struggles. What a greed and lack of knowledge? Tips for you Makuei: Power in real sense is not taken by force in a civilised world. Power is given by the people. Dinka or Nuer have not stolen my grandfather’s cattle: I have never heard one day that a Nuer or a Dinka have come to my village and raid my ancestor’s cattle even lately nothing happened. Therefore, why do you expect someone like me to support the war. Maybe it is a war of retaliation based on historical raiding who knows? Up to now they have not talk of the details causes of the war. I might appear and sound mad to you but I am sound enough to tell with 100% accuracy that this war is stupidity in the making. It is terribly ignorant of the top SPLM/A leaders to allow such mess to occur. They need to clear it out. What I know is, I was brought up appreciating lives. A Dinka is a human being like me and a Nuer is a human being like me. I believes in co-existence. I was raised by a family and community that thought me to questions believes and questions ideas. I cannot just take a weapon against someone without asking the rationales for it. I analyse situations before I could act upon it. Ask yourself after all this killing under your passionate support of one side that you are proud about what have your group gained so far? What positive changes have you and your group brought to South Sudan? Absolutely NOTHING! Zero (0) but loss of lives. The best you have done is reduced the population of South Sudanese by killing innocent people. You and the group that you support have turned the guns to support the nation against the very people that SPLM/A that I knew liberated from the marginalisation of Arabs, What are you doing with your group? How can you be proud of that? Do not pretend that there is a formal political party in South Sudan. I do not understand why you call SPLM/A a political party? When did it become a political party. You see how you are misled to believe that there is a conventional political party in South Sudan. SPLM/A is a military rebellion movement which is supposed to act as care taker until civilians government is formed, but due to political ignorant of members or power greed self-interested individuals supported by individuals like you who are influence easily either due to lack of independent thinking, lack of political knowledge, or driven by cultural upbringing that is specific to you. SO WHAT? Please do not confuse yourself with irrationalities around you. I know you love peace but you are confused. I do not know what you want. There is a lot of conflicting loyalties in your mind. You are going through a crisis of identity. You are not fully enculturate into South Sudanese yet. Anyone who is with the spirit of South Sudanese will be hurt by this recent meaningless power struggles and retaliatory violence.No one should pretend to love peace and support war at the same time. So, long as people like you are still in identity crisis, having political, security instability and economic development in South Sudan will be an unachievable dream. Perhaps get it as your assignment, get to know yourself better. HERE IS MY FREE WILL TO YOU AND FELLOW SOUTH SUDANESE TO THINK ABOUT GENERALLY. If South Sudanese are to co-exist, you and your group should accept your error of killing innocent people and dragging the country into full civil war that put the development of the nation on hold and destroy the little development that started. How can you chant SPLM/A oye for that? STOP encouraging killing of innocent civilians and stop sending those poor military men who are underpaid to stay in the bushes and fight a fight that is disastrous, meaningless and detrimental to your family and friends back home. Encourage honest political dialogue. Meaning uprooting the root causes of the violence? What led to the killing of the Nuer community members in Juba and why were they killed. What led to the killing of Dinka community in Jongole State etc. What led to the killing of Shilluk chollo people during the war? Encourage both parties to use the peace talk to settle the dispute. If you are a supporter of Salva Kiir Mayardit tell him and his associates to accept the peace agreement over violence-that is what wise people do. If you are supporter of Dr. Riek Machar Teny tell him the same. That is what will bring peace in South Sudan.What do you benefits from supporting such atrocities? Ask yourself this simple question. IS IT STILL SUDAN PEOPLE LIBERATION MOVEMENT/ARMY OR IT IS NOW SOUTH SUDAN PEOPLES EXTERMINATION MOVEMENT/ARMY (SSPTM/A). I am a supporter of SPLM/A as a liberators, not as terminators. Are you blind to see that even if the leaders still mesmerised you that it is SPLM/A it is no longer the SPLM/A that we voted for. The right name should be South Sudan Peoples Terminators Movement/Army (SSPTM/A) that is what it is that you are passionate about. That is what you are supporting. Can you still brag with your SPLM/A oye that does not shame you because you are swinging around like a typical undecided human being who is lost in a desert? Let us choose, advocate and promote peace within us and in our community my friend. NOW even in diaspora and everywhere some best family friends (Dinka and Nuer) are going through hard time trying to reconcile what happened in South Sudan. Then, you as an elder is doing nothing but support one group than asking both to bring the peace peacefully. If you do not know what is right to do, just stay quiet and let people who can stair the country back to peace talk of peace freely. Or continue to support your group but do not get on the way of people who are reasonable to see more bloodshed by supporting the group who are fighting without telling the fact those guns with guns will never take us anywhere. Let me give you my wisdom of the analysis of the situation because I love you so much. I do not want to see a good person like you being misled. WHAT IS THE IMPLICATION OF SPLM/A-GOVERNMENT AND SPLM/A IN OPPOSITION. This is what SPLM/A-Gov. mean: South Sudan Nuer Extermination Movement/Army This is what SPLM/A-OP mean: South Sudan Dinka Extermination Movement/Army.That is what you are supporting when you chant SPLM/A oye! During this war can’t you feel ashamed about yourself supporting such movement? I am not saying you should abandon your group, I am saying be an honest talker and encourage your group leaders to stop killing. Dinka and Nuer you are all fellow country people why do you want to illogically eliminate each other. What a nonsense! And backward. WHAT ABOUT THE EQUATORIANS WHO ARE IN BOTHSIDES...YOU MIGHT WANT TO ASK? There are some Equatorians who are lost and undecided like you. A bunch of people without compassion thinking of their self-interest and welfare of their families alone forgetting that the aggregate welfare of the nation means a lot. The best way forward is for you to support and encourage political dialogue, non-violence reconciliation, forgiveness and a proper political reforms. If you find this article educating and bitter, it is by designed. If you pick even one point to spread I would have achieved my purpose of writing to you this epilogue. Truth is bitter but someone has to sacrifice and mention it. Best regards, I love you and I promised I will never join or side with any organise madness of the high order that want to exterminate fellow human beings.I hope the wisdom you will obtain soon will move you to support the right thing and stop being manipulated by your cultural upbringing. Stop supporting violence indirectly and support peace and peace only. You are at liberty to reply me words for words or points to points. I am willing to take you on a political enlightenment journey and tell you the truth which is bitter in most cases. I am not the ordinary South Sudanese who support an idea without questionings.I am a South Sudanese of today who is concern about tomorrow’s generation! I am an independent thinker who do not follow others without questionings, I do meta-analysis before supporting anybody or organisation. Lets stop robbing the next generations of the lives they deserved. WHO WILL I SUPPORT? I am a civilians and from where I am standing me will not support SPLM/A that kill people.I will support the SPLM/A that uses political dialogue and listen to people.I will not support the SPLM/A that marginalises people.I will support the SPLM/A that is equitable. I will not support the SPLM/A that terrorises innocent people and displaced innocent people.I will support SPLMA that accept an overhaul political reforms, constitutional reforms, SPLM/A that invest in infrastructures, like roads, Hospitals, education, and other necessary socio-economics development activities than creating hatreds and division among people.Once, there is proper political party, I might decide to join entirely based on political ideology/philosophy not because it is led by my tribesman, uncle or relatives. Makuei Madeng Dut, Thank you for giving this opportunity to express and declare to you my position. I hope that will satisfy your curiosity. You are a good person who want peace but it seems you are not that sure how real peace can be attain in a post-conflict nation like South Sudan. We need to accept to live together. No tribe is better than any. It is normal to have tribes with majority in terms of population but a good society is judge by how the majority treat the minority. South Sudan has its own history; therefore, people should refrain from encouraging marginalisation of other tribes just because other nations are doing so. What if we all answer the question raise by the picture of the child that Mangol Agok shared last year? That says: What if we all love each other? To me the answer is; we will argue but will not kill each other. Please feel free to share this with your political party/group and think about it. I do not want kill any one, what I want is peace and to co-exist in peace. What I am saying will be reasonable to those who are rational. But if you decide go ahead with fighting, off course what I say will not make any different. To me at least I know no innocent children, women, men etc. are dying due to my indirect contributions or moral support. I support those who are against the war. I support the civil society that stands objectively against this violence that is my position and I will stand by that period.Once again, I wish you all the best. Any concern, please do not hesitate to bring it forward. Until then, promote peace wherever you are. We the people have suffered enough! Without fear or favour in the names of the innocent dead South Sudanese who passed away during this meaningless violence and who could not speak up now, I am Ocholamero Otir Bure Oroto.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 17:25:04 +0000

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