ESTUDIANTES DE PUMAROSA Tarea!!!! MY DAY 1. Hello, my name is - TopicsExpress


ESTUDIANTES DE PUMAROSA Tarea!!!! MY DAY 1. Hello, my name is Paul Rogers. I am a man. I am six feet one inch tall. I weigh 240 pounds. My hair is gray and black. My eyes are hazel (gris y azul y verde). I live in a small house. My house is white. I live in Imperial Beach, California. My address is: 15 Tappan St. My zip code is 91932-2231 My telephone number is 619-555-3333 619 is the area code. I was born in the state of Massachusetts in the city of Melrose. The date of my birth is January 11, 1944. Preguntando – Contestando 1. How tall is Profe. Pablo? 2. How much does Profe Pablo weigh? 3. What color are Profe Pablo´s eyes? 4. Is Profe Pablo´s house big or small? 5. What is Profe Pablo´s address? Vocabulary: Weigh – pesar Live – vivir Address - direcciòn Was born – fue nacido date – fecha Birth - nacimiento Otras: 2. I usually wake up at 6 O’clock. I get up out of bed and I go to the bathroom. I brush my teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste and shave with a razor. I take a shower. I wash my hair. I dry myself with a towel. I comb my hair. Then I get dressed. I put on underwear. I put on my socks. I put on my shirt. I button my shirt. I put on my pants. I put on my shoes and I tie my shoelaces. PREGUNTANDO Y CONTESTANDO 1. What time does Profe. Pablo usually wake up? 2. With what does Profe. Pablo brush his teeth? 3. With what does Profe. Pablo shave his face? 4. How does Profe. Pablo wash his hair? 5. What time do you wake up in the morning? 6. Do you shave in the morning? VOCABULARY Wake up – despertarse Get up – levantarse Go to – ir Brush – cepillar Shave – rasurarse Take – tomar Wash – lavar Dry – secar Myself – mi msmo Comb – peinar Get dressed – vestirse Put on – ponerse Button – abotonarse Tie – enlazar Shoelaces – cordones de zapatos 3. I make breakfast. Some days I eat cereal, with milk and fruit. I also like to eat yogurt with fruit. Some days I cook eggs. Sometimes I fry my eggs in a frying pan. Sometimes I boil my eggs in a pot. I like to eat beans with my eggs. I also like toast with my eggs and beans. And I put salsa on my eggs. I like to drink coffee. PREGUNTANDO Y CONTESTANDO What does Profe. Pablo eat for breakfast? Does Profe. Pablo fry his eggs? Does Profe. Pablo like to eat toast? Does Profe. Pablo like to drink coffee or tea? What do you eat for breakfast? Do you drink coffee or tea? VOCABULARY Make – hacer Breakfast – desayuno Some – alguno Eat – comer Also – tambièn Like – gustar Fry – freir Frying pan – sartonò (pan – cazuela) Put – poner Drink – tomar, beber 4. Shopping Today is Friday, and I need to go grocery shopping. My refrigerator is almost empty. I need milk, eggs, bread, chicken, ketchup, mayonnaise, aand butter. I also need carrots, corn, onions, celery, potatoes and garlic to make a chicken soup. I make a list of things I need. I check to see if I have enough money. Then I get in my car. PREGUNTANDO Y CONTESTANDO What does Profe. Pablo need to buy? Does profe. Pablo have enough money? Does Profe. Pablo walk or drive to the supermarket? VOCABULARY Shopping – ir de compras Need – necesitar Almost – casi Empty – vacio Things – cosas Check – inspeccionar Get in – subir Get out - ? 5. I drive my car to the supermarket. I get out of my car, and lock it. I get a shopping cart and enter the supermarket, which is called - Downtown Supermarket. First I go to the dairy section to get milk, butter and eggs. I am going to buy some cheese, too. Then I go to the meat department to get the chicken. Then I go to the vegetable section to buy my vegetables. Ketchup and mayonnaise are in the canned goods section. PREGUNTANDO – CONTESTANDO Where does Profe. Pablo get milk, butter and cheese? Where are ketchup and mayonnaise located? What do you buy at the supermarket when you go shopping? VOCABULARY Drive – manejar Lock – cerrar Downtown – el centro Going to – voy a 6. I go to the cashier and wait in line. The line is not too long. The cashier is friendly. The total comes to $22.75. I give the cashier $25 and receive change of $2.25. Then I go to my car and I put the groceries in the trunk. I get in my car and drive back to my house. I get out of my car and I bring the groceries into my kitchen. I put away my groceries. I put the canned goods in the pantry and the other groceries in the refrigerator. PREGUNTANDO Y CONTESTANDO 1. How much do Profe. Pablo´s groceries cost? 2. How much does Profe. Pablo give to the cashier? 3. How much does he receive in change? 4. Where does Profe. Pablo put the canned goods? 5. Do you go shopping on Friday or Saturday? 6. How much do you pay for groceries every week? VOCABULARY Too – demaciado Friendly – amable Comes to - ser igual Receive – recibir Trunk – tronco Bring – traer Put away –guardar Groceries - abarrotes 7. Then I take out a big pot and fill it with water. I put the pot on the stove and turn the stove on to high heat. After the water starts to boil, I take the chicken out of its bag. I put the chicken in the pot to boil. I add salt and pepper and also oregano and basil. Then I cover the pot with a lid and I let the chicken boil for thirty minutes. I cut up one onion and one clove of garlic and put them into the pot. Then I cut up two potatoes and five carrots and put those into the pot. After another twenty minutes I cut up five pieces of celery and put them into the pot. Then I turn down the heat and let the chicken soup simmer for another thirty minutes or until the chicken is cooked well. Preguntando y Contestando Do you know how to cook? What is your favorite meal? How do you cook your favorite meal? What do you do after you cook your meal and eat it? Who does the dishes in your house? Do you like chicken soup? What is your recipe for chicken soup? VOCABULARY Pot – olla High – alto Heat – calor Take out – sacar Boil- hervir Add – añadir Cover – cubrir Lid – tapa Let – dejar, permitir Turn down – bajar Simmer- hervir bajo Until – hasta Well - bièn Recipe - receta 8. It’s Saturday and I need to clean my apartment. What a mess! OK, first I will do my laundry. Then I will clean the stove and the refrigerator. I have to scrub the stove. Then I will vacuum my living room rug. I also need to put all my things back where they belong, such as the books and newspapers. And I need to empty all the trash into the bins outside, because the trash collector comes at 9 AM. OK, I’m done … for now! PREGUNTANDO – CONTESTANDO When does Profe. Pablo clean his apartment? What does Profe. Pablo do first? What time does the trash collector come to pick up the trash? How do you clean your apartment or house? Complete the following sentences- _______ the laundry. ________ the floor. _________the rug. VOCABULARY Mess – desordenado Scrub – fregar Belong – pertenecer Such as – tal como Trash – basura Bins – arcones I’m done – He terminado 9. It’s Sunday and I have to go out and look for a new apartment. My present apartment is too small. So, I look in the Sunday newspaper under “apartments, unfurnished.” I do not want to pay more then $1000 per month. Rent is too high!! After all, I also need to eat and put gas in my car!! I think I will go to look at an apartment. The landlord is a man who owns several buildings. The contract says that I have to pay the first and last month’s rent of $875, and a deposit of $500. The landlord will pay the electricity and the gas. OK, I’ll take it. $1800 bucks! Well, I can afford it right now. Preguntando y Contestando Why does Profe. Pablo need to find a new apartment? How much does Profe. Pablo want to pay for an apartment? How much is the rent for the new apartment? How much is the total, including the deposit? Does Profe. Pablo have to pay for the electricity and gas? VOCABULARY Have to – tener que Look for – buscar Unfurnished – sin muebles More than – màs què After all – despuès de todo Think – pensar Landlord – dueño Owns – poseer Several – varios Contract – contrato Pay – pagar Bucks – dolares Well – pues Afford – proveer Right now - ahorita 10. While I was driving back from my new apartment, I received a speeding ticket. I was driving 10 miles over the speed limit. I can pay the ticket of $75 or pay $95 and go to traffic court so that the ticket is not on my record. If my ticket gets on my record, my insurance rates will go up. So I have to pass the test. There’s another $75 bucks! Preguntando y Contestando When did Profe. Pablo get a speeding ticket? How many miles over the speed limit was Profe. Pablo driving? Does Profe. Pablo have a good driving record or is he a bad driver? How many choices did Profe. Pablo have, according to the judge? Did Profe. Pablo pass the test? Do you drive a car? Have you had a speeding ticket? Have you had an accident? VOCABULARY While – mientras Speeding – ir con exceso de velocidad Ticket – boleto Over – sobre Can – poder So that – de modo que Rates - porcentajes My City I live in a big city called Hometown, USA. There are over 100,000 people who live in this city. There are 25 schools, 15 churches, 2 synagogues, 1 mosque, one police station, two fire stations, a city hall, two libraries, two hospitals, one bus station, and one movie theater. There are many businesses. PREGUNTANDO – CONTESTANDO What is the name of your city? How many people live in your city? How many schools, churches, police stations, etc. are there in your city? Vocabulary Home – hogar Town – pueblo, villa, ciudad City – ciudad Street – calle Boulevard – bulevar Road –camino real Drive - camino Avenue - avenida School – escuela Church – iglesia Synagogue – Sinagoga Mosque – mezquita Police station – estaciòn de la policià Fire station – estaciòn de bomberos City hall – parage donde reunen los diputados del pueblo Library – biblioteca Bus station – estaciòn de camiones Hospital – hospital Business – negocio BUS I used to ride the bus a lot when I was a kid. I would take a bus to go to play on my Little League Baseball Team. My friend, Randy, and I would take the bus to go to a movie in the next city. I remember going on a bus with my mother to Boston. Frases How much is the bus fare? How much does the bus cost? Which bus do I take to go to Main Street? What bus goes downtown? Can I get a transfer? Transfer please. Used to – solìa Team – equipo Bus – camiòn Bus station – estaciòn de camiones Bus stop – parada Fare – tarifa Senior citizens – majores ded tercera edad Transfer – billete de transbordo Passenger – pasajero Schedule – horario Bus driver – chòfer Route – ruta POST OFFICE When I was small, I used to mail letters for my mother. There was a mailbox on the corner of our street. I remember that she would mail letters to her family in California. It cost 3 cents to send a letter 3000 miles in 3 days. Once when I was 16 I worked with my father delivering packages before Christmas. My Dad bought an old van and we would go to the post office to get the boxes and then deliver them in the snow. Post office – oficina de correo Mail – correo Letter - carta Envelope - sobre Package - paquete Box -caja Stamp - estampilla Registered mail – correo registrado Certified mail – correo certificado Express delivery –correo expreso Overnight – el pròximo dìa Priority - prioritario Fragile - debil Letter carrier – el cartero Mail a letter – enviar una carta Address - direccìon Zip code – codigo postal Mailing address – la direcciòn a Return address - desde Frases I want to buy stamps. How long will it take for delivery? When does the mail arrive? AT THE BANK I had my first bank account when I was 5. I put 5 cents in my account every week. The clerk would stamp my bank book. I do not remember how much I saved. And I do not remember what I spent my money on. Maybe candy!! Do you have a bank account? Now there are many different banks. They all have ATM machines. You can travel to any country in the world and use your ATM card. When I was in Mexico I often used the ATM at Banamex. The instructions were bilingual. But they moved too fast on the screen. Once an American tourist was getting her money At the ATM machine next to me. She was very frustrated. So I helped her get her money. She did not give me a tip. Nor did she say “Thank You.” Cash - cambiar Checks - cheques Deposit - depositar Withdraw - retirar Check balance – balancea de cheques Teller - cajera Savings account – cuenta de ahorros Checking account – cuenta de cheques Account number – numero de cuenta Routing number – el numero debajo del cheque ATM: -Automatic Teller Machine – cajera automàtica -insert card – añadir, poner - PIN (personal identification number) - clave - receipt – recibo - remove your card – retire su tarjeta HOLIDAYS When I was a kid, the biggest holiday was, of course, Christmas. My brother, David, woke me up every year at 4 AM. “Paul, come on, it’s Christmas. Let’s go look at our toys.” We went downtairs and unwrapped all our toys in 10 minutes. Nobody else was awake. So would eat breakfast – cereal and toast. Then we would play! Thanksgiving was another big holiday. All of my father’s family would come over the house. My mother’s family lived in California. My uncle, Warren, would crack walnuts in his hand. He was very strong. Then we would eat! New Year’s Eve New Year’s Day Valentine’s Day Presidents’ Day Saint Patrick’s Day Easter July Fourth (4th) Halloween Thanksgiving Christmas Hanukha Kwanzaa Birthday ICE CREAM 1. One day when I lived in Mexico, I bought my 4 year old son, Nico, and my 6 year old daughter, Rosa, each an ice cream. The total was 14 pesos. Rosa said, “Dad, if two ice creams cost 14 pesos then one ice cream costs 7 pesos.” Very good math for a six year old child! 2. When I was a kid, one summer there was a hurricane. All the electricity in my city was out. So my friend, Randy, and I went to the store on the corner. The owner was giving away ice creams!! We each ate about 5 ice creams that day. 3. When I was about 3 years old, an ice cream truck came down our street in the summer. It was really the ice truck because in those days we used ice instead of an electric refrigerator. Anyway, I bought my first ice cream with a nickel that my dad gave me. 4. We used to shout: I scream You scream We all scream For ice cream!!!!!!!! Bought – pasado de ‘buy’ If…then… Shout - gritar PALETERO Dialogos ¿Quiere un nieve? - Would you like an ice cream? ¿Quiere paleta o cono? - Do you want a popsicle or a cone? Quiero un cono. - I want an ice cream cone. Qiero una paleta - I want a popsicle. ¿Quiere paleta de agua o leche? - Do you want a fruit juice or ice cream popsicle? Quiero una paleta de agua. -I want a fruit juice popsicle. ¿Que sanores tiene? -What flavors do you have? Hay platano, chocolate, etc. -There is: banana, chocolate, etc. ¿Tiene fresa? -Do you have strawberry? ¿Tiene rellenos? -Do you have drumsticks? ¿Cuanto cuesta? -How much does it cost? Cuesta ______ o 50 centavos. - It costs ___ pesos or fifty cents. Queremos cinco paletas de agua. - We want five juice popsicles. ¿Cuanto es por todo? -How much for all of them. Por todo es _____pesos o $1.70. -All together it is _____ pesos or one dollar and seventy cents. Paletero – Ice Cream Vendor Paleta - Popsicle Paleta de agua – Juice popsicle Paleta de leche - Ice cream popsicle Bolis - Juice popsicle in a bag Nieve, helado - Ice cream Cono - Cone Raspado - Snow cone Rellenos - Drumsticks De una bola - Single scoop De dos bolas - Double scoop Sabores - Flavors Fruta - Fruit Tamarindo - Tamarind Piña - Pineapple Fresa - Strawberry Guayaba - Guava Uva - Grape Coco - Coconut Plàtano - Banana Chocolate - Chocolate Vainilla - Vanilla Vainilla con cajeta - Vanilla with candied fruit RESTAURANT NO SUBSITUTES Kitchen Chef/cook Waiter Waitress Dishwasher Cashier Busperson Dishwasher Fork Spoon -table spoon -tea spoon Knife -butter knife -steak knife plate -dinner plate platter saucer cup glass napkin bowl breakfast lunch dinner supper special menu Clear the table – recoger la mesa Set the table - poner la mesa Seat the customer – sentar al cliente Pour the water – hechar el agua Take the order – tomar la orden Order the meal – ordenar la cena Pay Leave a tip – dejar una propina What would you like? May I help you? News of Hometown USA Newscaster: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, I’m Pablo Rogers and here’s the news. The police reported that someone stole flowers from the park last night. So if you see any suspicious people with flowers, call the Hometown Police station. The High School Football team is having a big game today with Uptown High, so see if you can get to this big game. Well, let’s hear from our weather person, Miss Susan Good. Susan Good: Thanks Pablo, well we have a lot of weather today. First it rained last night, then we had fog in the morning, then the sun came out and it was real hot, and now it’s cold! PR: Thank you, Susan. Here’s an announcement – Mrs. Smith of the Hometown Flower Society has announced that the flower show has been cancelled due to the fact that all the flowers were stolen! Here she is, folks. Mrs. Smith: Thank you, Pablo. Yes our show is going to be cancelled because some mean, nasty person stole all our flowers. Please return them if you are the person who stole our flowers. PR: OK, Mrs. Smith, thank you for that report. Now ladies and gentlemen here is a report of the new English class with Pumarosa. The reporter is Jack Jones. JJ: Everybody can come on down to the computer lab and learn about computers and some English tonight at 6 PM. PR: OK, Jack. Thank you very much.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 20:54:24 +0000

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