ETERNAL SECURITY AND THE CHRISTIANS PERSEVERANCE The foundation of God standeth sure,having this seal,The Lord knowest them that are His.And let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity(2Tim.2:19 KJV). There are many who simply name the name of Christ but never depart from sin and still claim to be Gods child.But there is a divine principle that runs throughout scripture that the true child of God is resonsible to act on his proffession.This is known as the perseverance of the saint in holiness.Man is responsible to God. I turn to the law and the testimony to make my case.Let us see what Gods Word says in the above text;the foundation of God standeth sure,having this seal,The Lord knoweth them that are His...That is eternal security.Yet the last part of this verse says;Let EVERY ONE that nameth the name of Christ DEPART FROM INIQUITY.That is Christian perserverance!The proof that we are of God is not only naming the name of Christ,but in our departing from sin,not wallowing in sin and calling ourselves a carnal christian.I know there are some who are Baby Christians,but there comes a time in the natural process that every baby most grow up,and a true believer will not stay a baby.Infact like every human child,a true Christian will desire to grow up into the full stature of Christ. Our Lord told His disciples in John 15:10,If ye keep My commandments,ye shall abide in My love.Notice Jesus said that if they kept his commandments they shall abide in His love.Therefore we only abide in His love IF we obey Him,not even if we dont.In verse 14 of the same chapter Jesus says;Ye are My friends,IF ye do whatsoever I command you.He kept appealing to their responsibility!And in the same way the scriptures appeal to us: We are to keep ourselves in the love of God(Jude 21).We are to make our calling and election sure(2Peter 1:10) by seeing that we are giving all diligence to add to our faith virtue,and to virtue knowledge,and to knowledge temperance,and to temperance patience,and to patience GODLINESS,and to godliness brotherly kindness,and to brotherly kindness charity(vv 5-6).We are to flee fornication(1Cor.6:18),and youthful lusts(2Tim.2:22).We are to keep ourselves unspotted from the world(James 1:27) and put to death the deads of the body(Col.3:5).What responsibility!Yet this is the only way that we can prove that we are truly in Christ,for Jesus said;By their fruits ye shall know them(Matt.7:20). By:Edward J.Navarro
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 23:03:41 +0000

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