ETHICS, EVIDENCE AND JURISPRUDENCE : PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, INDIVIDUAL OWN / PERSONSAL CHOICE / OPTION, SELECTION EITHER OF GOOD OR EVIL (BAD), RIGHT OR WRONG AND RESPOSIBLE OF ITS CONSEQUENCES – REWARD OR PUNISHMENT ~ 31 : 22, 33, 32 : 18 TO 22 > “ Whosoever submit his face (himself) to ALLAH, and He is Muhsin’ – Good –doer, Then he has grasped the Al’wataki’ - Most Trustworthy Balaghuth’ - Handhold, and To ALLAH returns all Matters for Decision; - O, Mankind ! Athquo’ – Do Your Duty towards Your LORD, and Fear a Day (of Accountability / Judgment) – When No Father can avail aught for his Son, Nor a Son avail aught for his Father ….; -Is then He who is Believer like him who is a Fasiq’ – Criminal (sinner, etc) ? Not Equal are they !; -As for those who Believe and do Righteous Good Deeds ! For them are Gardens as an Entertainment (reward) for what they used to do; -As to those who are Fasiqun’ – Criminals (sinners, rebel, wicked etc), Their abode will be the Fire, every time they wish to get away there from; they will be put back thereto, and will be said, ‘Taste You the Punishment of the Fire (hell) which you used to deny’, -And Verily, WE will make them taste of the Penalty (in worldly life, tests, trails, problems), in order they repent / return (to teachings of Holy Qur’an); - And who does more Wrong than who is reminded of Ayat’ – Evidences (verses, signs, lessons, proofs etc) of his LORD, But he turns away there from ? Verily, WE shall exact retribution from the Mujrimun’ – Criminals (sinners, atheists, polytheists, hypocrites)”.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 00:44:10 +0000

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