EU AMBASSADOR HOSTS LUNCH FOR MEDIA EDITORS On 14 January 2015, EU Ambassador, Nicola Bellomo, hosted a lunch for media editors in Swaziland to mark the start of the New Year. The lunch, held at Edladleni Restaurant just outside Mbabane, was attended by editors from all the media houses in the country. Also in attendance were officers from the Media Institute of South Africa (MISA) Swaziland Chapter. Welcoming the editors to the occasion, Ambassador Bellomo said the EU valued the role played by the media in society. He said in Swaziland the media was a key partner for the EU in the development cooperation between the EU and the Kingdom of Swaziland. The Ambassador appreciated the medias support to the EUs activities in the past year and hoped this would continue even this year as the EU continues to implement in Swaziland development programmes currently worth over E2 billion. These programmes are implemented in collaboration with the Government of Swaziland, Non-State Actors and other civil society organisations. Discussions also extended to the recent terrible events in Paris where 12 people were killed during an attack at the Charlie Hebdo magazine. The Swazi editors joined the rest of the world in condemning these terrorist acts and offered their condolences to the EU as a bloc and the families of those killed during the attack. Ambassador Bellomo appreciated the words of comfort from the editors and reiterated that the events in Paris were an attack on free speech and as such should be rightly condemned by the civilised world.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 07:43:39 +0000

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