EULOGY FOR MR FRAHKAN COOPER 34 YEARS D.O.B. 20.12.1979 CHURCH SERVICE 22.11.14 Prepared by Dr Glen S. Beneby Chief Medical Officer An Outstanding Professional Gentleman Greetings: I rise on this very sad occasion to bring words of condolences on behalf of the Minister of Health, Honorable Dr. Perry Gomez, the Public Hospitals Authority, Institutions, agencies and the entire Healthcare Family in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. As well as, My wife and I, and particularly those of us who had the privilege to have worked with Frahkan. He could be aptly described simply as a positive professional gentleman. It was in 1998 when his mother Mrs. Flossie Cooper approached me and said:- Dr. Beneby, My eldest son who was now out of school was working part-time at a Supermarket, and he was seeking long term employment, would I consider him for a position in the Anesthetic Department (Working along with the physician Anesthesiologists in the operating theatre). I said very little and she looked me in the eyes, and then she uttered words to this effect with sincerity, he is a good boy, he never gave me any trouble, he is obedient, he is hard working, even from a young boy, he would take radios and instruments apart and without any supervision put them together; and they worked! At that moment I was convinced that he was deserving of an opportunity and I said to her let him apply and that was the beginning of a wonderful career experience that has been outstanding in every aspect of the professional journey within the Healthcare Family. The Career Journey Soon after his arrival in the Anesthesia Assistant Staff he established his characteristics as a young man of few words, a shy smile, always willing to help, he could be found at nights, on weekends and off duty hours in the hospital checking equipment or engaging a fellow healthcare provider in conversation:- Doctors, Nurses, Anesthesia Assistants, Laboratory Technicians, Radiographers, Emergency Transport Workers, Porters, Patient Family members in the corridors and patients receiving care; making an offer to help. I was amazed at how such a quiet person could be so inquisitive and seemingly just being present at the right time to offer assistance. Perhaps one may think of him as an angel in the work place just showing up at the right time in the right place and willing to HELP. Personally I can speak for the physician staff when you have challenging cases and you have Frahkan as your assistant there was a comfort level that a dependable knowledgeable assistant was on board for the journey; he knew where everything was, whether seen or unseen, once it was in the operating theatre or the Intensive Care Unit; he would produce it at a moments notice; just like an angel. Achievements Notwithstanding his youth, because of his skills, dedication and work ethics he progressed rapidly up the career ladder gaining the support and recognition of Chiefs of Anesthesia, Myself, Dr. Geoffery Pennerman, Dr Mark Weech and the present Chief Dr. Reginald Neymour. As well as The Nurses in Charge of the Operating Theatres. One day while I was at work, in his characteristic soft spoken secretive manner Frahkan pulled me aside and revealed to me in confidence his real desire was to become an airplane pilot but there were challenges he faced. We talked seriously but how could you not support such a positive young man who was deserving. Before long into the conversation I found that I made the commitment to join him in the aviation aspiration which he held dear in his heart. I facilitated him wherever and whenever I could. It was a joy when he went to aeronautical school and passed all the licensing examinations; it would seem to me in record time. I spoke to Captain Ingraham and Captain Jason to allow Frahkan to fly with them to acquire the necessary flying hours to satisfy the requirements for licensure. I now take this opportunity to thank them publicly because we need more successful Bahamian professionals to invest in other deserving young Bahamians, especially the males, to give them an opportunity of hope and a better life in our Bahamas. When Frahkan told me he was pursuing his Lear Jet License because he was being engaged by Pastor Myles Munroe BFM ministries as a part of the flying team it was a happy moment, indeed and we celebrated together. He had reached a pivotal milestone in this life long desire and he was very very satisfied indeed, and it was evident in his demeanor to us who came to know him well. The Impact of His Life I can only recall on one other occasion seeing him approaching me with such a wide smile when he pulled me aside, yet again and asked me the question: Do you know Dr. Etenesh Tina Adderley? I hesitated but before I could speak there he was telling me about a young physician female with whom he had fallen in love; but in typical Frahkan fashion he told you what he thought you should know, the rest was left to your deduction and imagination. He was focused and committed to achieving his goals. The marriage followed shortly thereafter and he was now even happier than before ; a full participant in Family Life. He would whisper a few things to me from time to time and we shared appropriately based on the occasion and circumstances. What young professional Bahamian male in the 21 Century would give his sons Biblical names like Elijah and Zion, when all sorts of modern complex names are being introduced that the children so named need to complete junior high school to be able to pronounce the name and secondary school before they can spell the name correctly. But not Frahkan he was different with deep seated religious heritage, he gave his two sons historical Biblical names. A young Christian Bahamian gentleman who made his Parents Proud, who made ALL of us in the Healthcare Family Proud, and in this otherwise tragic occasion, has given the National and International communities of those who were privileged to have work with him, or just met him, a memorable moment to Celebrate his Life, and strange or even paradoxical as it may sound. To ALL of us Believers in Christ, a memorable occasion to give GOD Thanks. In ALL THINGS WE ARE MINDED TO GIVE GOD THANKS! Because the GLORY IS HIS ALONE AND THEREFORE SHOULD NOT BE GIVEN TO ANY OTHER. Gone Too Soon Yes we cry and mourn, as many repeat Gone Too soon at the beginning of a climb and ascent that startle aeronautical minds and mystify the human thinking in the mortal context but we have a Blessed Hope to which we should now cling steadfast for:-, Peace and Comfort- Philippians 4: 7 & 8 And the peace of God which passeth All understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus 8) Finally, brethren, whatsoever thing are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise think on these things. :MAY THE SOUL OF OUR FALLEN COLLEAGUE, SON, HUSBAND, FATHER, FRIEND AND OUTSTANDING TALENTED AND GIFTED BAHAMAIN PROFESSIONAL REST IN PEACE
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 17:09:16 +0000

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