EUNICE NOMTANDAZO MOYO E nlightened to lighten those burdens of - TopicsExpress


EUNICE NOMTANDAZO MOYO E nlightened to lighten those burdens of many U nderstanding the anguish of the vanquished N ever deterred by the magnitude of the situation I n total control of all the emotions at all times C areful not to mix matters of spirit with the legal E very person that I ever come across is important N ote that not all that I hear is cause for my action O n occasions I let go of that which can halt growth M inding my business without compromise or doubt T here is absolutely no limit to what I can accomplish A ccepting that people are different I harmonise all N ow and then there is need to take stern measures D ealing with dangerous things that can destroy lives A nd yet there is never cause for writing off anyone Z imbabwe is mine and so I pro-act for its sovereignty O nly in fulfilling my purpose of birth will I be excited M ark well each word that I say as I mean to see it pass O rganising without agonising I lead sure of my destiny Y ou and I owe it to the future generations to be united O ne moment is all it takes to see dreams come to pass © Gilbert M. Mabasa: The Teacher Date: 09 November 2013 Time: 14:16 – 14:27 WhatsApp: +263 772 227 141 Email: [email protected] Blogg: w
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 21:56:21 +0000

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