EUTHANASIA. You have no right to be born, but find - TopicsExpress


EUTHANASIA. You have no right to be born, but find yourself jostling along with the CROWD due to no fault of your own. Knowledgeable folks blame it on KARMA, but none have an inkling as to its real import. Inscrutable are HIS ways and ones Avatar in this world may be inspite of an individuals whims and fancies, and flouting our disinclination, HIS OWN WILL AND PLEASURE, may be responsible for ones birth. The legitimacy of terminating something for which one is just an accidental victim and not fully responsible or not in any way privy to it, does not rob you away from the limited options available for any individual. Advocating EUTHANASIA as a means to end an UNNATURAL existence, is as much controversial, as the artificial creation of life, resorting to the TEST TUBE. If one is admissible to perpetuate oneself, the other, by the same force of logic, is equally right, not, for his heirs or dependants & supporters, but to oneself, affected by it. In such cases, legal disputes, as to the genuineness of consent, is bound to surface, if the victim leaves behind FORTUNES and LEGACIES, the legal heirs inherit. Just imagine the condition of an individual living in the first quarter of the 20th century, when life supporting gadgets were non-existent and the patient is undergoing an agonizing period of traumatic existence. The family only resorted to administering palliatives to relieve the agony, and sought the intervention of DIVINE GRACE either for survival or for a PEACEFUL termination of his/her life. Even requests for ending his life were never heeded, and people awaited NATURE to run its course. One has to take in to consideration , that in these days of day light robbery practised by the HOSPITALS, which are out to replicate the very same principles of EUTHANASIA ON THE BANK BALANCE of the family members at just one stroke, if one is kept in an ICU on ventilator for a month or two. This is particularly a cruel joke purposely played on the hapless middle & upper middle class families, by those who swear by the HIPPOCRATIC OATH. They are the best hypocrites, not even paying lip service to the sanctimonious sacred oaths and sentiments of the most sacred profession. Perhaps, they too are not to blame, as they have to recoup the heavy capitation fee paid, before entering the portals of such institutions. Unless and until this nefarious corrupt practises are put an end to, and admittance to such professional colleges are PURELY based on merit alone, we are only playing the part of Devils Advocate, arguing either ways. Merit, without the means of pursuing further studies, without reference to caste and communities, should be the only criterion for 100% grant /scholarship in such institutions. Till this is implemented , we will only be beating around the bush, before addressing the basic and fundamental question of higher quality of life for the poor and middle class families. We are only wasting our breath, whipping a dead horse, and hope for a miracle of a solution. As a temporary compromise, till the anomalies pointed above are resolved, it will be a prudent to leave the judgement to the individual , if he is conscious , or to his closest relatives like ones life partner or the offsprings, if one is brain dead, as one cannot fathom the feelings and sentiments at his sub-conscious level.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 05:59:24 +0000

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