EVANGELICAL SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON 3 FOR MARCH 16, 2014: OUR AWESOME HOPE IN GOD (Isaiah 25:1 through 26:4) UNIT THEME: Hope the Book of Isaiah CENTRAL TRUTH: The Christians hope is based on who God is and what He has done. FOCUS: Explore our hope in God and join the prophets anthem of praise. CONTEXT: Probably between 740 and 738 BC in Judah, Isaiah prophesies of Gods unfailing salvation. GOLDEN TEXT: Trust in the Lord for ever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength (Isaiah 26:4) STUDY OUTLINE: I. REHEARSE GODS AWESOME DEEDS (25:1-5) A. Exalt God for His Faiths (v. 1) B. Glorify God for Defeating the Enemy (v. 2) C. Honor d for strengthening the Weak (vv. 3-5) II. PRAISE GOD FOR SALVATION (25:6-12) A. Praise God for His Banquet Table (v. 6) B. Praise God for Removing the Veil (v. 7) C. Praise God for Defeating Death (v. 8) D. Praise God for Bringing Salvation (vv. 9-12) III. TRUST IN GODS STRENGTH (26:1-4) A. Gods Strength Is an Open Door (vv. 1-2) B. Gods Strength Gives Perfect Peace (v. 3-4) CONCLUSION: As Pentecostal believers, we live differently from worldly people. Furthermore, we live differently from many other Christians. Not only have we been redeemed by the blood of Christ and forgiven of our sins, but we also have encountered the fire of Pentecost. In the Pentecostal experience, we gain a new perspective on life--a deeper hope. Through the Holy Spirit, we are made to realize that the beginning and the end of all things is God himself, and nothing else really matters. We are like the psalmist who says to God, Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is none upon earth that I desire besides You (73:25 NKJV). Our goal is to know God, love God, walk with God, and someday see God face-to-face. GOLDEN TEXT COMMENTS: Isaiah was placed by the Lord in a strategic position to observe the rise and fall of both leaders and nations. As a trusted companion of kings ands statesmen, his prophetic messages of both judgment and promised blessings carried considerable weight with his contemporaries. The pristine quality of his prophecies and promises not only stood the test of authenticity then, but continue to stand the test of time imposed upon them by the intervening centuries between Isaiahs time and our own crucial moment in human history. As history has confirmed the accuracy of his predictions of judgment, so has it validated his promises of encouragement and hope held out to the faithful. In a transient world where families face one impending crisis after another, the words forever and everlasting have a uniquely comforting ring. For the single-parent family, the family facing relocation, the family facing the cold uncertainty of illness and death, or the family confronting a myriad of other problems, the timeless message of the prophet of God reminds them that they are not alone in their struggle. The God who rolled back the Red Sea, showered manna upon His hungry people, scattered their enemies before them, and miraculously clothed His wandering nation in the wilderness is offering His everlasting strength as the solution to our present-day problems and needs. THE TITLE OF THE LESSON SAYS IT ALL! SEE YOU IN SS AND WORSHIP TOMORROW! GOD BLESS!
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 13:44:31 +0000

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