EVE It is my Christmas wish to all of my Facebook friends - TopicsExpress


EVE It is my Christmas wish to all of my Facebook friends (actually to people everywhere) that His love and “mercy” miraculously touch those of you who need a physical healing as well as a spiritual one. Many of us are facing hardships in the coming days, pain, suffering, loss, “treatments,” and hard decisions that tend to complicate our peace and contentment. There is truly only One source that will ease all that pain. His “direct” love and compassion… AND the love and strength He sends through doctors, nurses, orderlies, our friends, our family, even strangers. He saturates us and uses folks for His good… a touch, a smile, a prayer, a word of encouragement, a much-needed casserole, a card, a visit, a paid-bill, countless things done in His name and granted to someone who needs it. May we not overlook someone this Christmas season who needs, who wants, who strives, who is hungry, who is cold, who is lonely. God Bless us Everyone! My brother Dale in Ft. Worth is a wonderful human being, an exceptionally strong Christian man with a faith that soars… He is loving and kind, caring, nurturing, giving and exemplifies, lives all those Christian characteristics that we all should be adhering to… daily. On Wednesdays he posts a little devotional and sends to many of us… family, friends, and church brethren. His post this morning was especially wonderful to me so I’m sharing it with all of you… __________________________________________________________ Today is Christmas eve, the day before we have chosen to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. On Christmas Day, it’s a tradition in our family to read the passage in Luke 2 describing Mary giving birth to Jesus and laying Him in a manger. Luke tells us that there were shepherds in the fields keeping watch over their flocks. On their “Christmas eve”, they would have been in those same fields expecting nothing the next day and night except more duties with the sheep. They would have known nothing about a young virgin girl in Bethlehem ready to deliver her first baby or that there would be anything special about that baby. If told about the birth to happen the next day, they would not have been interested at all. But God had very special plans for those shepherds. The next day, God put on flesh and became a human being. Nothing like that had ever happened since the beginning of time and creation. And God chose to announce that great event to shepherds watching over sheep. An angel of the Lord appeared to them and the glory of the Lord shone around them. The angel told them about the birth of the Savior, Christ the Lord. Then a multitude of angels praised God. What a sight for these shepherds! That birth which they would have cared nothing for on their “Christmas eve” took on great importance. They had to go and see that baby. They left the fields and came to Bethlehem. They found Him and told others about what they had learned about this child. Then they returned, glorifying and praising God. Today, on our Christmas eve, we are not in the dark, as were the shepherds, about the events that took place the next day. Instead, we look with great anticipation upon celebrating that wonderful birth. God is not likely to send angels to us tomorrow since He has told us in His word about the coming of the Savior. And we are not able to go and see Him as the shepherds were able to do. But we can follow the example of the shepherds in their next response. As He did with the shepherds, God has chosen to reveal the identity of that baby to us. We can glorify and praise God for this birth and tell others what we know about this child. Praise God for the birth of the great I AM! Dale
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 15:52:51 +0000

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