EVEN IF U DONT WANT TO READ ALL OF THIS, PUT YOUR HEADPHONES ON TURN THIS WAY UP, THIS SONG DESCRIBES THE EXACT FEELING IN MY HEART. I am a Christian. Not one of those judgmental legalistic ones. Im a relationship building, freedom loving, free spirited kind. In my long journey back I realized that what I was running from was the rules and judgment of other Christians. What I was missing was the relationship with God. I was selling Christmas trees a few years back because I was broke. The easy cash was so appealing. The truck that I was in was a 87 Silverado and had a dial fm radio and that was it. Every station was playing Christmas music, all but one. A Christian radio station. I sat in that truck smoking a lot of weed and listening to Christian music. I was thinking about quitting that job because I was bored, but then I met Jesus. He was on the face of that little 6 year old boy. He was so happy, dragging the most pathetic tree that Ive ever seen. I asked him of he was excited about Christmas. He said, Yeah its Jesus birthday. And then simply turned to his dad and asked of they got to decorate Jesus birthday tree when they got home. It took everything for me not to breakdown until they finished paying and left the shack. I was selling trees for the wrong reason. God showed me that in the simple innocence of that little boy. I was broken, I was convicted, and my heart has been on fire ever since. Thanks for reading that. NOW ENJOY THE VIDEO.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 23:22:36 +0000

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