EVEN THO TODAYS THE LAST DAY FOR CITIZEN COMMENTS, PLEASE ADD YOUR VOICE TO THIS. MY ADDITIONS TO THE FWW LETTER TO THE USDA ARE IN BOLD. PLEASE WRITE TO THE USDA OPPOSING YET ANOTHER POISON TO OUR ENVIRONMENT AS WELL -- TODAY! THANKS! I WROTE to urge the USDA to deny Dow AgroSciences petition for nonregulated status for its 2,4-D-tolerant corn and soybean varieties. Even after several stages of analysis including its most recent Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), the USDA has failed to give proper attention to the many risks of 2,4-D tolerant crops and the elevated levels of 2,4-D and other herbicide use that will be triggered with an approval. Not only does the 2,4-D tolerant crop have its own risks due to a byproduct (2,4-DCP) that has been known to cause negative health impacts in animals and humans, the additional problems associated with planting this crop are numerous: The approval of 2,4-D corn is likely to trigger up to a 25-fold increase in the amount of 2,4-D being sprayed in fields across the country. This increase in 2,4-D use will endanger agricultural workers and the general public with health risks such as non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Additional 2,4-D in the environment would lead to elevated surface water pollution, which will not only affect water quality but also plants and animals, including endangered species. RETHINKING OUR POSITION ON VIET NAM SOME 40 YEARS AFTER THAT UNFORTUNATE INCIDENT OF US FOREIGN POLICY DOES NOT MEAN WE SHOULD DO THE SAME TO THIS CONTINENT AS WE DID TO THEM. DIDNT WE LEARN THAT AGENT ORANGE LEADS TO DEFOLIATION AND BIRTH DEFECTS -- AND WHO KNOWS WHAT OTHER DAMAGE? CORN AND SOY ARE BOTH HIGH ON THE LIST OF FOODS WHICH CAUSE ALLERGIC REACTIONS -- AND WHO KNOWS WHAT ELSE? -- ESPECIALLY WHEN THEYRE GM, AND USED FOR SO MUCH BEYOND FOOD. EVEN IF THEYRE NO LONGER FOOD CROPS, ADDING ANOTHER LOAD OF POISONS TO OUR SOIL AND SURROUNDING ENVIRONMENT IS ANOTHER NAIL IN THE COFFIN TOWARD A DEAD PLANET AND STUPIDER, SICKER PEOPLE. PLANT HEALTH ISNT JUST THE ABSENCE OF THE APPEARANCE OF PESTS; IT HAS TO DO WITH THE NUTRIENT CONTENT OF THE PLANT. PLANT HEALTH COMES FROM HEALTHY, NUTRIENT ABUNDANT SOIL -- BASED ON MICROBIAL & TRACE MINERAL CONTENT, NOT MORE POISONS. IT IS POSSIBLE TO GROW PLANTS WHICH ARE DISEASE RESISTANT -- RESTORE HUMUS AND NUTRIENT CONTENT TO THE SOIL. TREAT IT LIKE A LIVING ORGANISM (WHICH IT IS), AND STOP MINING IT WITH POISONS AND EXTRACTION. AS A CITIZEN RESIDING IN FARM COUNTRY WE DO NOT WANT MORE POISONS IN OUR BACK YARDS, NOR CARRIED INTO US CITIES ON TOXIC CROPS AND POISONED WATER, NO NO NO ON 2,4 D AND 2,4 D GMO CROPS!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 11:06:43 +0000

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