EVENT: SPIRITUAL SUNDAYS @ URBAN SOLACE DATE: 13-7-2014 EVENT: FREE TALK by a Practitioner of Aashwasan ScienceTM TOPIC: The Phoenix that “You” are! TIME: 4 pm to 5.30 pm VENUE: URBAN SOALCE – CAFÉ FOR THE SOUL ADDRESS: 32 ANNASWAMY MUDALIAR ROAD, BANGALORE 560 042 Urban Solace - Your Café for the Soul continues to bring you innovative and exciting new ways to experience yourself. “Spiritual Sundays @ Urban Solace” is our new initiative in creating opportunities for people to connect with the meta physical world of mystery and wonderment, a world filled with limitless possibilities. Every Sunday Urban Solace opens itself to the limitless world of possibility that envelope Urban Solace. “Spiritual Sundays @ Urban Solace” features a range of mystic masters, leaders in their own special area of mastery for unique experiences at Urban Solace. This Sunday Spiritual Sundays @ Urban Solace partners with “Aashwasan - A Spiritual Science Organization” to bring you a Free Talk titled The Phoenix that “You” are!”. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction to Aashwasan Series @ Urban Solace Beyond Time and Space into the world Undiscovered A science that was discovered with mysteries hidden in ancient times, secrets about timelessness and theories about life after death - one science that encompasses mechanism of all life forms into a single dynamic format demystifying root cause of all unknown, may it be - suffering from a disease, struggling in situations of life, stuck in a relationship or not knowing your self at all. A space that has an answer beyond religion, belief, faith, logic and philosophy- it is an experience. A science that the world was waiting for is now a reality. Aashwasan Science™ is a global revolution in bringing Love and Happiness in people’s lives. It brings forth the knowledge of Lifeforce Mechanism™ and Timeless Phenomenon™ to demystify the unknown by unravelling the cause and effect of life and its experiences. Aashwasan Science™ has transformed lives of thousands of people across the globe, brought about unprecedented in the areas of developmental disorders, genetic disorders, lifestyle conditions, non-communicable diseases, physiological, psychological and psychiatric conditions. Root cause analysis using Aashwasan Science™ has broken barriers that threatened organization’s survival, development and growth. Movements such as - Humane Science has witnessed transformative impact in education. The Founder of this movement and the source behind this science is Ms. Rashmi Aiyappa, a globally renowned Spiritual Scientist & Social Innovator. ABOUT THE TOPIC: The Phoenix that “You” are! The miracle of life unfolds every day. The magic of moments unveil myriad experiences every day. With it stands a new challenge in front of us every day. Can we really impact the course of life? Can we influence our reality? Do we really stand a chance in the face of degenerating life and withering possibilities? Such spiritual angst and desperation one goes through, especially when one is in face to face with a degenerative condition or a degenerative pattern of life. Are there answers? To explore this thought and share a possible way to answers, Aashwasan takes you through a journey of the knowledge of the spirit that stands as a hope to Life.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 06:09:57 +0000

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