EVENTFUL SUMMER FOR BADMINTON MALTA Badminton Maltas Junior - TopicsExpress


EVENTFUL SUMMER FOR BADMINTON MALTA Badminton Maltas Junior National Academy was finally launched into the International scene this summer, by recently attended a training camp in Kilmarnock, Scotland, together with Hurlford Badminton Club. It was an intense week, where 16 Maltese players between the ages of 12-19 and 5 coaches were heavily involved in on and off court training with the Scottish players and coaches. During the 1 week long camp, they had the opportunity of having training sessions with some of the best coaches in the region, including a weight training/conditioning session with Scotland & UKs National Coach Mr Charles Hamilton. The coaches also had a session with one of the best physiotherapists in the area, Ms Michelle Pollock, who gave them a good insight of what kind of first aid should be given to injured athletes. The players also had the opportunity of playing games with and against Scottish players. This was also a good opportunity to renew the good relationship Badminton Malta always had with Hurlford BC through their head coach Mr Billy Fulton and his wife Ms May Fulton, who are regular visitors to the Maltese Islands. However this time, Mr Fulton went one step further, by introducing Badminton Malta to Badminton Scotland, by means of a very fruitful meeting which was held at The Cockburn Centre, Badminton Scotlands headquarters in Glasgow, where representatives from the Executive council, namely General Secretary Ms JoAnne Cassar and Council Member, Mr Stephen Ferrante met with Chief Executive, Ms Anne Smillie and Coaching and Development Manager, Ms Dawn Middleton. Another meeting was also held with members of the East Ayrshire Council, namely the Sports Development Officers, Mr Greg Gallagher and Mr Adam Strain, who also offered help with regards to para-sports and para-badminton, an offer which was also extended on a National level. The week spent in Scotland was a very positive team building event for Badminton Malta’s Junior Academy; it also opened new doors to new friendships and ventures. However, this was not the only International activity for Badminton Malta this summer. 4 players and 1 coach attended the 33rd consecutive Badminton Europe Summer School held in Vejen, Denmark. This annual event, organised by Badminton Europe, brings together some of the best young players from all over Europe. Matthew Abela, Nigel Degaetano, Kyle Sciberras together with National Junior Academy Coach, Edmond Abela, were the latest Maltese to benefit from this intensive week of badminton training on court and in class rooms under the guidance of 7 of Europe’s top coaches. In all 54 junior players and 24 junior coaches made their way to Vejen, for this amazing experience. Another aspect of this camp is of forming new friendships with badminton players from all over Europe. Furthermore, Kyle Sciberras and Nigel Degaetano, had the unique opportunity to extend their stay by another two weeks to train at the Badminton Academy, run by Odense Badminton Club, under the guidance of one of the club’s top coach Jakob Toft. Spain was the country targeted by Triple Crown Winner Fiorella M Sadowski this summer. She attended a week long training camp, organised by the Spanish Badminton Federation. Sessions, conducted by current Italian National Coach Arturo Ruiz Lopez, were held twice daily and lasted 3 hours each. These included physical, technical and tactical aspects of the game. Moreover, the participants had a session dedicated to Nutrition in Sport, with particular reference to nutrition and dietary requirements in badminton. Lopez was also very happy with Sadowski’s progress and hard work during the week, and invited her to attend the Italian National Recent for Badminton in Milan. Badminton Malta is exploiting new paths for those willing to exceed in this sport. Through new and excellent networking channels, the Association is working on fresh and different opportunities to offer to our players, coaches as well as officials. This promises well for the future of this sport and for the development of the game.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 13:47:37 +0000

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